ITT: scenes which make you think
ITT: scenes which make you think
>it's unironically spoken monologue scene
It's not your fault
Don't fuck with me
>a scene where a genius has to sit and listen to a brainlet talk about muh exp whilst openly admitting that he will never comprehend the depths of him
tickled my perceptrons
You do understand that genuises don't understand all things better than all non-genius IQ people, right?
Would you trust the political opinions of a noble prize winner in physics because he's able to comprehend space in time in ways you cannot?
You're missing the point. Robin Williams saw from their first meeting how much raw potential Will had that wasn't being used because Will was too scared to leave his comfort zone. Will had room to grow into a far greater man than Robin could ever be, but he needed to start taking risks and living life before that ever happened.
>Would you trust the political opinions of a noble prize winner in physics because he's able to comprehend space in time in ways you cannot?
Yeah I would, certainly more than the average person or even political pundits.
Maybe he phrased that wrong: whose opinion would you trust more on politics: a genius-level physicist, or someone who has worked in politics for three decades?
If I quit you, will you die?
That's Hell or High Water you fucking pleb.
There's nothing about physics that would indicate he'd have any more knowledge of politics than those people would, though.
Genius =/= well-rounded. Most are extremely specialized and know jack shit about other areas of study.
>tfw like this
>will never, ever sit in a fucking classroom again or contribute anything to this shitty world
There's something really satisfying and cathartic about throwing away one's potential
The same goes both ways for someone who tries their absolute hardest even when they know they are destined to fail. Those are the rare ones though.
A genius level physicist.
Any cowboy movie made after 2000 is Brokeback Mountain
Okay, let's try another one. Who would you trust more when it comes to physics: a Nobel prize winning economist, or someone who has worked in a physics lab for three decades?
It's a bank robbery movie and it should have won best picture REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Why are you bothering he doesn't grasp what you are getting at.
>I can't even name a dozen congressmen, but I know all about quantum entanglement so I think I can tell you what'll happen in the 2018 election.
Not sure I see where your brain is going with this, user.
Nobel prize winning economist
>Shitposting so you don't have to admit you're wrong
>In 2017
Get the fuck off my board and never come back.
my board and never
Okay, who would you trust more on being a dirty toothless hooker: a Nobel prize winning biologist, or your mother?
r mother
you win
>You're going to miss your flight.
what wasn't his fault? didn't make sense
>The same goes both ways for someone who tries their absolute hardest even when they know they are destined to fail. Those are the rare ones though.
> Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)15:19:38 No.80374
>literally retarded