This comes out in 10 days, without the nostalgia goggles how bad do you think it's going to be?
This comes out in 10 days, without the nostalgia goggles how bad do you think it's going to be?
>Nostalgia goggles
That's like having nostalgia goggles for the Conan the Barbarian
This is going to suck ass because it's another "Take cheesy old thing and remove all the fucking cheese that made it charming"
Conan the barbarian remake that is
I'm not interested in watching it mainly because the red ranger looks weird. There's something femfaggy about his face maybe because there's some kind of eyemascara thing going on with his eyes. And he looks old like one of those progeria people.
Worse than Max Steel.
I'm pretty sure "nostalgia goggles" are going to be responsible for all the bad reviews it gets.
>generic mech megazord
it's shit
>implying people aren't going to eat this shit up because le 90s kid
Black Ranger ain't Black. Fuck this movie.
>Let's take sentai and remove everything that makes it sentai
Dreadful. Even Saban's power rangers was better than this.
maybe it's just me. or maybe i got the ranger color wrong. one of the rangers has a weird-looking face. he looks very old and he looks femfaggy. i'm not sure why.
>black guy is the blue range
>asian guy is the black ranger
>mexican girl is the yellow ranger
not the first time that happen. i think there was a season where black actor had non-black color. and i think there was a male ranger who was pink ranger. not sure about pink ranger thing. maybe it was yellow who is traditionally girl but in one or more season was boy.
>nostalgia goggles
I don't have them, I always watched picrelated instead.
Yellow Ranger was a guy before
They had the black guy be the red ranger before
do i remember correctly that first yellow ranger was girl and that most yellow rangers are girls? or am i misremembering?
>Zack's a white guy
Is this more Hollywood whitewashing?
>"Take cheesy old thing and remove all the fucking cheese that made it charming"
It can be worse. They can take cheesiness, tone it down, and make it intentional and self-referential/self-conscious. Now that'd be total crap.
What nostalgia? Nothing resembles the original show. It uses character names, but applies them to people who neither look nor act like said characters. They shouldn't have bothered making it MMPR if the names are the only similarity. Just have it be a new team like every other season of the show does.
JDF gonna hate this movie
jihad destruction front?
Jason David Frank a.k.a Tommy Oliver
>Director Dean Israelite wanted a kaiju-like beast that would be a physical manifestation of Rita’s evil instead of a villain with a personality. “Dean and I talked about him being faceless and intimidating and characterless,” production designer Andrew Menzies says. “He’s an extension of Rita that’s unstoppable.”
>Menzies modeled Goldar after a chocolate fountain, with a melting form that never settles into a single shape. “I think as humans we always search for character in a face, and if it’s always shifting and changing, it becomes scary,” he says. “If it moved like chocolate and kept flowing, you could never put your finger on it.”
I hope Ron Wasserman do the soundtrack
i lost interest after the first trailer
>no cheesy power rock soundtrack
>no men dressing up in monster suits beating each other up
>power rangers are cgi
Bear with me, but the ONE(1) good thing about this movie is the fact that they actually kept in colour-coded giant robot dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals, and they're not just greyed-out Bayformer clones.
That actually gives me one single shred of hope because that's actually something endearingly cheesy. Sure, there will be some quip to the equivalent of 'colourful dinosaurs wtf so gay' irony, but they're fucking there.
Besides that, they fucked up the Zord into a literal pile of Bayformer shit, made the suits redundant by just giving the characters powers without them, and washed out most of the colour like a shitty DC film.
Without comparing it to the original property, it will be 'an action movie' with a +1 for 'holy fuck are those robot dinosaurs'.
Overall it will make at least its budget plus half, and get a ~70% on Rotten Tomatoes. It will fade into obscurity two months after release, once every possible penny can be drained from the public with it, then completely forgotten until Buzzfeed articles dig it up to compare it to the next 'reboot' of an old live action series.
It will be shit.
So, Rita Repulsa is the green ranger?
>Bear with me
no, i will not. buh-bye, tl;dr.
>Zero f**** given
>rather than improve Goldar beyond bumbling semi competent henchman just erase his character completely and make him a boring evil statue
He won't.
>From what I heard from a few Saban people who brought up my name when the initial planning for the movie was starting, the higher ups in the company said "don't ever bring up the name Wasserman....bad blood."
>I've tried to figure out what in the world I ever did but apparently Saban doesn't like me. Plus Noam wouldn't want me back either as it would overshadow his image/work/style... you know what I mean.
>That is why (I never say never) I don't believe I'll ever be involved in anything Saban creates.
>Too bad. Would of been a lot of fun.
>Rebel without a cause
>looks like your typical Chad
They just need someone to punch and since Rita needs to be built up more as a threat, it negates Goldar's use as a normal henchman.
>short hair don't care
>smol but fierce af
I hate tumblr slang
>black guy is not the black ranger
>asian girl is not the yellow ranger
fucking dropped, it will be shit
I agree with your sentiment, but Goldar was legit threatening in the first season. He didn't become bumbling until Zedd came in and neutered him. Expanding on season 1 Goldar and making him a badass would have been the sensible way to go with this, but nothing about this movie is sensible so enjoy your characterless chocolate fountain.
The fuck does that even mean?
>cinnamon roll
>Zack should have been cast as Jason
>Jason should have been cast as Billy
>Billy obviously should have been cast as Zack
Might have been kino,
Okay, first up, let’s address the long held rumour that has circled the project for some time. We hear the film does indeed start with a flashback thousands of years earlier. And we see that, yes, Rita Repulsa is indeed a Green Power Ranger, with full armour, helmet and the works. We see her betraying her team and fighting against the Red Ranger as he buries the power coins, until his armour comes off revealing him to be… Zordon. So, yes Bryan Cranston is indeed playing a Power Ranger as well as Zordon. Say his name. There is, however, no mention or appearance of Lord Zedd, another long running rumour that has followed this project. Sorry.
For those wondering if this project may do a Star Trek and reveal this movies’ Billy (RJ Cyler) to be gay in honour of the original Blue Power Ranger/Billy played by David Yost, they do not. Billy’s sexuality may not be mentioned or covered, but Trini (Becky G.), the Yellow Ranger, is queer in this new continuity.
For those who like Easter Eggs and classic callbacks, Amy Jo Johnson and Jason David Frank, original Power Rangers, make a brief cameo. Rita Replusa does utter the phrase “Make my monster grow!”, Alpha 5 says “Ai ai ai”, and Jason declares “It’s Morphin’ Time!” We also have a brief reprise of the original theme music, updated, as the Zords run into battle. There is also a mid-credit scene in this film, which sets up both a sequel and a new character who doesn’t appear in the film: Tommy Oliver.
Finally, there are two big shockers in this film. First, Zordon has an ulterior motive. We are not spoiling it here, but he is not as entirely the benevolent sage that he was in the original show. And secondly…a Power Ranger dies.
>For those wondering if this project may do a Star Trek and reveal this movies’ Billy (RJ Cyler) to be gay in honour of the original Blue Power Ranger/Billy played by David Yost, they do not.
This actually would've been a nice little nod to Yost, but there's no way they can do it without his explicit blessing after the Star Trek fiasco.
>filmmakers ask Takei whether he'd like Sulu to be gay as a little homage to him
>Takei vehemently argues against it, saying it's insulting to insinuate that because he's gay, his most famous character must also be gay, and that to imply he can't play a straight man is incredibly insulting
>filmmakers go ahead and do it anyway
>And secondly…a Power Ranger dies
I mean, after you've just told us that the previous generation appears in this film, I'm gonna go ahead and assume the "power ranger" who dies isn't one of the main five characters.
>Takei vehemently argues against it, saying it's insulting to insinuate that because he's gay, his most famous character must also be gay, and that to imply he can't play a straight man is incredibly insulting
That's really not what happened at all. Takei opposed it because Sulu being gay fucked up the lore.
Eh, I thought it was both. Maybe you're right.
dat femdom scene with Trini and Rita
fuck, I'm going to have to watch the movie now. This is my fetish. I blame Karone/Astronema for this.
all my childhood boners!!
Where's the rainbow ranger?
It's going to be a shitty teen movie until the zord shit at which point it will become a shitty pacific rim ripoff.
I did not even watch that show and in my country it was nowhere as big as TMNT or MOTU or even Transformers. So I think it's gonna bomb here.
I'm one of the few people who up with power rangers but never watched it
And to this day no one has explained to me what is so good about it
The flamboyant and completely unnecessary poses
Shut up autist, you're wrong on every level.
Do any of these look or sound like the original characters? .
>be 12 yo
>see karate n shiet
>see sexy grills
>see transforming robots
>see transforming robots transforming into even bigger robot
>see boss at the end of every episode
>see even bosser boss comanding that boss at the end of every episode
>see magical friendship of the coolest kids ever alive
I don't know
I heard there's a gay ranger. Which one?
>ninjas riding robots
>ninjas riding dinosaur robots
>ninjas riding combining dinosaur robots
it was cool as fuck when you were a kid
>Dean and I talked about him being faceless and intimidating and characterless
oh yes, faceless and characterless villains are so entertaining
>when you were a kid
Except your post sounds like the top comment on r/movies which is why this movie will be a MASSIVE success.
We are in the age of Manchildshit
>green is new black
So Rita is nigger? Deepest lore.
Outside all this shit you could see from the first trailer the thing that makes me the fucking maddest about this movie is that its using Power for all its ads instead of the fucking Theme.
The only way this movie makes money is by banking on Nostalgia and they already fucked that by making it tonally so much different atleast put the fucking theme in the tv ads so maybe some normies go oh cool Power Rangers i might go see that.
>posted on the
fuck of retard
Trini. But it's not in your face.
The idea of him being a shapeless form changing thing actually sounds cool for a horror movie not for fucking Goldar
black dude was pretty good in that cancer girl movie.
God those suits look like shit. The red rangers suit looks like samus' suit but gay and made from junkyard parts.
Excuse my stupid but is that space in their chests?
not in your face as in: just a mention and nothing else aka Sule or as in actually well written gay character that doesn't just cry out about the whoes of being gay in this world?
The suits scream of "we want the Fast and Furious audience, could you make them look like human cars" executive decision