The Prestige vs. The Illusionist
The Prestige --
Directed By: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson
The Illusionist --
Directed By: Neil Burger
Starring: Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, Paul Giamatti
The Prestige vs. The Illusionist
The Prestige --
Directed By: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson
The Illusionist --
Directed By: Neil Burger
Starring: Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, Paul Giamatti
The Prestige shits all over The Illusionist. Illusionist has that fucking stupid "lol get it? this is what happened!" montage at the end, and Paul Giamatti spinning in a circle and laughing like an idiot was so bad. I felt embarrassed for him.
I liked Edward Snorton in American History X and Death to Smoochie, and the Wes Anderson movies, and that's it. Everything else he's ever been in is shit.
Fight club is great unless you're an edgy fucker.
Guess I'm an edgy fucker because I thought it was pretty bad.
forgetting Birdman
I've tried to watch The Illusionist several times and just get bored and quite ever time.
Why did you think Fight Club was bad?
not to mention The Illusionist had no actual slight of hand or illusions, just CGI crap. And they lifted a major part of the story from Romeo and Juliet.
>This guy is amazing at deception, and this girl happened to die under mysterious circumstances. I wonder if they're connected in any way? Nope. Probably not!
>Oh wait, he fooled us!
Fight Club is babby's first taste of edginess and rebellion you literal pleb.
The prestige.... and solely for Bowie as Tesla. He stole the goddamn show... He really is a stellar actor and it's a shame he didn't do more things.
I really liked The Prestige but there were some pacing issues. Had they of trimmed out about 30-45 minutes of filler I would have given it 10/10. However as it stands, I'd give it 8.5.
>He literally didn't get it
You know you're meant to think Tyler is wrong right?
why do you keep making this thread, no one cares for the Illusionist
Oh yeah he was ok in that.
I liked it when I was 16. It's just so blatantly anti-establishment it's almost sad, like a goth kid who gets mad when his mom gives him cookies or something. It's like Leto's joker, ironically enough - a movie that screams LOOK AT ME and then fails to deliver anything but a bloody smile.
The Prestige is in my top 5 movies
The performances are all top class, particuarly and this user said , Bowie as Tesla.
When both Angier and Borden (Aggressive) read in their notebook directly addressing the other it was pure fucken kino. Unfortunately the only movies people know Nolan directed are TDK trilogy and Inception.
You're just a spineless contrarian
Yes, Fight Club is overpraised by normies like it's the answer to life itself and the message is a bit cheesy, but that alone doesn't make it a bad movie, every single filmmaking element is well executed and you know it.
>a movie that screams LOOK AT ME and then fails to deliver anything but a bloody smile
jesus, dont cut yourself with that edge
Fincher doesn't shove that conclusion in your face. There are many scenes that while you know Durden's philosophy is crazy, that there is some method to the madness (i.e. gun to the shopkeeper's head scene). But I would like to know where Fincher directly addresses the audience explaining that Tyler is wrong. From my point of view he leaves that perspective to the viewer (which turned out to be sort of dangerous in a way, as it encouraged a 15 year old nihilistic edge lord phase in youth).
Many of Fincher's films are common in that they don't have a clearly defined villain. Among these include TSN, TCCOBB and in a sense Zodiac (you don't actually know who the Zodiac is and you jump from candidate to candidate). There are obvious exceptions like GG, 7 and TGWTDT, but I strongly believe Fight Club is a movie where while Durden might fulfil the role of the primary antagonist in the later stages of the film, his philosophy isn't represented as wholeheartedly evil.
That's the point you moron
Why do I have to like a movie for being technically executed well? Also I would argue that it isn't. It doesn't make any sense how Marla talks to the narrator after getting fucked by Tyler in a different room, or why the fight club started in the first place, or how Tyler directly addresses the audience in 4th wall breaking sequences but is killed at the end regardless. But you ignore that because of a Pixies song, some offensive jokes, and Brad Pitt being charming. It's style over substance, edginess for the sake of edginess.
He was asked why HE didn't like the movie, not if the movie itself is good.
Fight Club is great IF you're an edgy fucker.
A cypher...
An enigma....
Liked them both. Prestige was more of a mystery, and tenser pacing. I also enjoyed dueling magicians.
Illusionist works better as a Vienna period piece / heist movie that happens to involve a magician at it's core.
>It doesn't make any sense how Marla talks to the narrator after getting fucked by Tyler
Oh user...
It's not anti-establishment, quite the opposite.
Yea, but it doesn't make it bad.
"The Illusionist is The Prestige's uglier sluttier cousin"
-Edward Norton in Birdman
Reddit has got to go
25th Hour ain't that bad
Primal Fear is also great, and he makes the movie. It put him on the map.