>Reddit talking about cinematography.
Reddit talking about cinematography
literally how retards view """""""""cinematography"""""""""
By composition he means perfectly symmetrical shots
why are you going to reddit?
What a bunch of pretentious faggots
He's right though. A lot of directors are just as cinematically illiterate as most audiences.
its something about the reddit rhetoric
everyone over there writes the same way, like they want to be as middle-brow as fuck, i dunno. its awful
>Sup Forums talking about cinematography
pic related
fuck off
>a shot of nature
>scene with symmetrical shots
Define good cinematography then.
You know Sup Forums does the same thing with bvs, capeshit faggots just pick high def pics from google images think it equals good cinematography
cinematography thread?
people who refer to it as "cinematography" are tryhard plebs trying to sound smart
>reddit talking about Sup Forums
I think that's just you being anti-intellectual, stupid garbage. You're always hiding behind irony so you get triggered when people are forthright with their opinions and tastes because it reminds you of what a shameless, pathetic coward you are.
I like good cinematography too but there are a lot of directors who do it well. They probably "ironically" watch shitflicks and cape garbage and then whine about how there are no good movies anymore.
That makes no sense.
>so few directiors/ camera [sic] with seemingly no artistic or compositional ability
so is he saying that most everyone in the industry is a good director?
As opposed to people here constantly saying
>wow this is totally kino
>no it's a meme and its garbage
Such great intellectual discourse about film here
>shameless, pathetic coward
we're talking about films not storming normandy you autist
Each sentence is crafted in a way that makes it an ironic faux pas,
>this absolutely mundane thing gives me intense sexual gratification that I cannot control
while still being as inoffensive and as middle ground as possible. Because the statement is presented as lighthearted, they can come back against any reply by saying they aren't being serious, or that it's just a joke. Every Reddit comment is designed to be as inoffensive as possible while providing efficient quips.
At least we're not pretending.
What's the joke here? That this poster unironically enjoys cinema? lol what a kek! Im just here for le memes!
It's saddening that most people here only hate on Reddit to deflect from the fact they actually browse that place.
We need a fucking purge. At least with calling out Gaia, ebaumsworld, etc. there was a semi-ironic tinge with those posts. But Redditors, no. They're actually here.
Yea totally edgy and authentic bro. Normies just cant handle our style.
cinematographer is a job title
essentially he is a photographer who sets up the shots and thinks of ways to get a specific shot down on film
he is a photographer but when it comes to crediting him they wont call him a photographer because plebs will think all he did was take snap shots for the characters in the film to look at during a scene or something
what you are talking about when people say good "cinematography" is actually good photography
its a misnomer
idk why i told you all this, i shouldve just let you guys keep making yourselves look like pretentious tryhards but hey now you know
This board does the exact same thing, you just call it kino like a bunch of memeing retards.
Redditors make up the majority of all the big boards, a purge would only mean good things but it's realistically impossible
>mfw I'm surrounded by bernouts
Literally everyone here browses reddit, it's not the end of the world. Me, I use it for porn
>that projection
another thread full of redditors that deny being redditors even though they have plenty of screencaps of reddit and know an awful lot about reddÃt. reddit reddit reddit.
I love nu/tv/
>Sup Forums
>mostly Bernie sanders supporters
I never got that impression at all, the fuck is he talking about. I always saw Sup Forums in the middle
>Redditors make up the majority...
God please fucking no.
Block users with Reddit in their browser cookies from posting.
Of course some of them will figure it out, but it would filter out a lot of idiots.
>How come this Laotian image board whose main influx is from people sharing gore, CP and hentai doesn't live up to my standards?
There is nothing wrong with reddit when you stay out of the default subreddits. Why do people here think that browsing any other message board than Sup Forums is a sin?
I openly admit to browsing reddit. /r/militaryporn is great
>people here are really dumb
>they get angry when reminded of how dumb they are
>they break out the buzzwords like "pseudo-intellectual" to ease the extreme cognitive dissonance
summarized the thread for you
Wow I had no idea
I feel like a dumbass pleb
It's exactly the same on Sup Forums. 99% of people here have no idea what they're talking about, and proud of that fact.
>Sup Forumss main influx is people sharing gore, CP and hentai
Not every board is Sup Forums, you fucking retard.
When people say they hate Reddit they're talking about the subculture that exists there. Not the fucking porn boards obviously.
You should go back there cucko
>people here are really dumb
>they get angry when reminded of how dumb they are
>they break out the buzzwords like "cognitive dissonance" to amplify the extreme pseudo-intellectualism
end your life
>Sup Forums talking about reddit
I just hate how people aren't being the slightest bit ironic when they say "I'm le posting this to r/Sup Forums!!!"
I browse a few subreddits such as r/criterion , r/filmmakers and r/chelseafc
I'm a redditor and damn proud to be one. The truth is that there are a lot of us on Sup Forums and there's no way to know, and no way to stop us. Cry harder.
Well then it seems pretty hypocritical to scream, "Reddit doesn't know shit about filmmaking and they have terrible taste in movies", when all this Board does is talk capeshit, spout memes, and use retarded buzzwords like "kino" 24/7
Good post.
>Don't say stratosphere when talking about the atmosphere, dipshit. It's called the sky. God, you're so pretentious.
But reddit actually has a separate community for real discussion which there is no place for in in this unusable shit hole.
Sup Forums is also not that pro trump. It's mostly Sup Forums and people on Sup Forums are just bored trolls. Though a significant number of trump supporters are in the trap threads for some reason.
That second post is Patrick Bateman incarnate.
it just makes you look ignorant while trying to sound smartelligent
youre just mad you are fucking dumb and not as patrician as you think yo are
its ok dumdum, someone has to rip the ticket stubbs
>actually and unironically going to, and knowing whats going on at, reddit
get out
Stay in school.
I have never visited Reddit and I never will and don't care if you're crossposting pleb but bringing different site culture is the cringiest most awful shit you can possibly do and it makes me hate you, you undying faggot.
>greentexting on Reddit, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter whatever
>saying "tfw" or "mfw"
>making threads about Reddit drama or subreddit shit (I see this shit especially on /fa/, Sup Forums, and sometimes /lit/)
Please fucking stop, this is "le 9gag army" levels of embarrassing and you don't seem cool or smart, you just like like a fucking asshat.
Sup Forums doesn't have a political affliation, it's a website where retarded, stupid manchildren come to shitpost seeing shit like just makes my blood boil because it's obviously a brain dead reddit user that uses Sup Forums and he wants to justify himself doing so by saying "oh no le Sup Forums is just like us, total spineless faggots that don't have any opinions Bernie amirite?"
The whole
"Le Sup Forums is a place where intelligent people come to act dumb and Reddit is a place where dumb people act smart xD" is gay as fuck, if you're on Sup Forums you're a social abortion and if you're on Reddit you're a pretentious tryhard
I'm not even a trump supporter and this shit pisses me off.
You seem upset
All the Blacked posting.
oh you sure did tell me off
>being this mad
kek dumbass nigger, dont change
Saying "photography" would make you sound even more pretentious though because that's not a common thing to say, even if it is correct.
The visual narrative is the most important aspect.
Quality cinematography isn't just empty pretty pictures but actually telling the story using visual narrative through framing and composition and the performances.
So the context is important, you can't judge it by a screenshot alone.
There is technically bad cinematography, like too strong obvious night scene lighting or breaking the 180 rule for no reason.
And there is bad cinematography because of the lack of actual substance, empty pretty pictures which only fill the form without actually using framing and composition to propell the visual narrative.
And I think the second one is a bigger problem in today's industry because everyone can learn basic photography and produce balanced pictures, but it takes talent/vision to be able to actually tell the story through the visuals.
End of blog post
I hate redditors so much. Malevolent scum.
The only thing worse than them are the cuck/little girl/watson spammers
They all come here for the sole reason of shitting up a a television and film board.
Fuck off m8, I hope you guys choke hard these next few weeks
nobody wants you on either site, eh?
>its something about the reddit rhetoric
>everyone over there writes the same way
that's the result of an upvoting system. it marginalizes free thought and encourages a hive mind style of presentation. people see what comments get upvoted the most and will copy that style. over time, they won't even realize they're doing it and soon everyone is writing the same way.
>site culture
Greentexting originated in emails not Sup Forums.
u mad
He's pretty on point though.
Caring about "site culture" is gay as fuck, though.
Not going to happen buddy. FA cup and PL are "ours" for the taking.
pour toi
There will be blood was the greatest film of the last decade.
Sup Forums is literally the dumbest board
take all failed meme from any other board, spam it enough and people pick it up so they can be cool with their "new toy"
no, if you say photography (which is correct mind you) some ignorant and even more pretentious faggot will correct you and say
>hur dur its called cinematography
just to try to sound like he knows what hes talking about
stop trying to defend or excuse ignorance
all those fucking buzzwords
that's not nearly a long enough post for those faggots
can you go one fucking thread without bring up capeshit. Why must it be straight to the bottom of the barrel for you people
Is that any different than people here using 'meme', 'kino', and 'reddit' to describe films. Both r/movies and Sup Forums are shitty places for actually discussion
bet this is one of those retards who insists that old Sup Forums was left wing before storm front took over or some shit
Bogandoffs are a good example of this. Taxes are an example that didn't stick.
Sup Forums is shitposting when they use those buzzwords
reddit is serious when they use theirs
Looks like you're new to Sup Forums. Enjoy your stay.
>something is called x by everyone
>no call it y because of my pedantic reasoning, you guys are so pretentious and unintelligent heh kids nothin personell
how can you lack this much self-awareness
good point, mostly because Sup Forums is literally r/eddit.
>Sup Forums has 70+ boards
Am I really missing that much for not having a pass?
>its correct because commoners all agree
>a bunch of people cant be wrong when they all think the same thing
>i actually have no education in this but im an authority
>i didnt go to film school, i went to films
holy shit man end yourself ffs
To be fair thats why you have a DP as a separate roll.
>he doesnt know about the secret boards
hi redit
I would say /x/ and Sup Forums are dumber, but Sup Forums is pretty goddamn stupid
Photography doesn't involve camera operating movements dollies cranes etc
Every cinematographer is a photographer, but most photographers aren't cinematographers
Except film has the element of time and movement where photography is a still image.
You need a simmilar eye but it as an additional layer of complexity to it.