I hate G*mans

I hate G*mans.

Why do you?

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Shit cars


I like Germans. I hate Merkel.

I hate G*rmans. I love Merkel.

Most autistic country on every level.

mean thread

I don't hate Germans. I hate Austrians.

I don't hate Bulgarians, I hate Macedonians

Same fucking thing


Weak gay empire that got fucked in the ass by hunns, Germanics didn't destroy it
Orthodog subhumans that got BTFO after begging the catholics for help against turks and then killing all Latins in Constantinople
>Martin Luther
Based Theologian that BTFO'd the pope and stopped him from controlling all of europe Catholicucks are butthurt to this day
Not just our fault, blame the serbs and austrians for this
The result of the most retarded peace treaty designed by France and England
The Eu is able to keep up with superpowers like China or the US, and literally a beautiful economic and cultural union of many diverse states. Sure there are some fuck ups but nobody is perfect

I don't.

They mainly ruin Europe.

Rome's entire empire was based on invading neighbors and assimilating their technology/religion/culture or wealth. Their main contribution was probably in civil engineering but a lot of their culture was just recycled Greek. Their legendary legions were made up of Krauts armed with Iberian swords and wearing celtic helmets.

oh look, a German dindu

>Not just our fault, blame the serbs and austrians for this
Don't forget the Russians.

Also for the Versailles treaty some of the British delegation was opposed the whole time and our delegation essentially just gave up. Clemenceau was a bitter old man who was focused more on draconian punishment to a side that hadn't really lost at that point and didn't care about long term implications. He still was butthurt about the Franco-Prussian war.

I don't hate Germans.

They are cool.

to be fair, when the germans don't unify and control their neighbors, they are usually getting invaded and internally divided.

I like german women

You who resolved to help the Hungarians and invade neutral countries

>The result of the most retarded peace treaty designed by France and England
They should've slaughtered the G*rmans when they had the chance

Stole our bikes.

they steal our cars

>"America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization"