When will he STOP! Stop his pathetic 'hashtags'
I think its hilarious how much this man triggers tv
why do you cucks watch shit that you supposedly hate just to get triggered
Seriously I don't know who the fuck these threads are trying to bait
You are legit upset by that? Calm down, bud.
Why is current year man around when it is no longer the current year?
It doesn't trigger Sup Forums it triggers the pathetic trumplet crossposters from Sup Forums that have been coming here to raid the past few months.
>Stop insulting daddy british man. It make my dick soft.
What did you mean by this ?
seriously why are they obsessed by Sup Forums ?
Really this place has been insufferable lately. I remember being able to actually talk about moonlight until it got popular recognition, then every single thread devoted to it was muh niggers muh faggot.
MUH Sup Forums!
>mfw you guys keep hatewatching him
Just stop. Stick to Milo, Gavin and Molyneux if it triggers you so much.
you mean (((Sup Forums)))
Noone's really triggered, you fucking idiot. They just said his hashtag was gay.
Welcome newfriend, it seems like you arent initiated into the current year man meme, we at pol/tv are supposed to hate this man
Enjoy your stay
Thinking he's a retard with a shitty hashtag isn't the same as triggered. Triggered would be "OMG HOW DID HE DO THIS? THAT IS SO UNFAIR! >:^(((" There's nothing like that ITT.
>being this triggered
Ryan is a BETA-Male Snowflake who needs a Safe Space for his Cuckservative Bill
lmao hes been on a roll
Typical liberal "satirist" that goes after low hanging fruit in front of a rabid fanbase clapping his every word. No wonder he utilises Twitter which is such a left wing enclave they are far more efficient at banning anyone with vague right wing views than they are at banning people who openly call for violence and murders against white people with some of those being actual terrorists.
The Left and everything they stand for has become such a perverse joke it's no wonder they have become pretty much unelectable in places like the US and UK.
seeThis faggot is triggered and thinks his retardation should be posted on Sup Forums
lmao you took the time to write this, and took it very seriously
Do we need to start posting "trigger warnings" for the Sup Forums snowflakes?
John Oliver is Sup Forums related and any post criticising/praising his show is totally appropriate. No need to get buttblasted just because someone posted something you disagree with.
This ain't your safe space so if you're going to get so easily triggered by a difference of opinion I suggest you travel over to Reddit where you can downvote posts you don't like.