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At least he gets killed by Whito.
>ayyo light
>ayyo light com ova heeeee nigga
>ayyo light lemme see dat book
>wuz dat
>wuz dat book
>o sheeeeeit
>das onna dem deff notes dawg
>das onna dem deff notes
>lemme see dat shit
>oh damn
>oh sheeeeit
>das onna deem shee nee gah mee
>imma feed him summa dem apples
>all i gots is dat wassamelon and dat fried cheeeeken
>ayyo light
>i aint know how to make dem letters
>helps me write sumfin in dis here diff note nigga
>ayyo light what dat word say?
>ayyo light
More like N.
Is this actually a movie's scene? I'm not a weeaboo, but it's such a disgrace to the original story.
is this real?
There is an N already, he shows up after L dies with M.
why is he using the isis finger?
Death Note is a glorified piece of shit.
Who fucking cares. L could be portrayed by a overweight honolulu and I wouldn't give a fuck.
>caring about race change in a character
you sound like those niggers who complain about white washing.
Here's a meme for you, jokes are bad.
Good job.
Now go back to Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Laughing at your life right now senpai
Who cares if its shit.
Youre missing the point.
The point is the blatant injection of blacks into all forms of media as a form of propaganda.
Light is played by some dude who looks Arab or hispanic...
What's the point of a live action death note? The anime is already heavily grounded, and live action will limit an already self limited series.
>L is now a thug
Haha, wow anime is shit but this live action movie is going to be awful
He indeed looks like a smart quirky pale man.
The Japanese already made a live action movie.
Surprisingly, it had a better ending than the manga.
a race war is about to start in your country and you're losing your time with media?
It doesn't matter. Death Note does not take place in chicago either.
There's also no Ryuuk and Death Note will be some kind of secret weapon designed as an Ipad by US governement. WE WESTERNS AND SHEID
I bet you all of the people complaining about Scarlet Johansson being cast as Makoto Kusanagi won't give a shit about any of this, besides to praise it.
The media, the government, and the race war are all sides of the same die.
if you're watching a shitty live action adaptation of an anime or manga then you clearly don't care about the source material anyway
who gives a shit if its inaccurate
Because there is only one god and muhammad is his prophet
didn't they teach you this in quran school?
Accuracy isn't the point, fellow burguer.
If you wanna be so affirmative actiony, why not just make him an asian ffs
Although I watched Death Note once to see what the fuss was about and don't really care either way, I am now concerned about how Netflix will handle the character casting on The Series of Unfortunate Events. As long as they keep Olaf, Mr. Poe, Sunny, Klaus, and Violet their rightful race, I don't care if they "diversify" the other characters.
They better not make my waifu ugly.
>Death note will be a secret weapon designed as an Ipad by US governement.
Just stop Hollywood killing magic again.
>implying Olaf and Mr. Poe wont be made into a homosexual interracial couple
God this place is so backwards
'Cause dem gooks ain't no opressed by EVIL MEN
>black L is bad
>white L is ok though
>white suppressionist not even wonts
That ending was the shit.
If they don't use it in this movie, they're doing everything wrong.
Again, I don't care about Death Note as a lot of you weebs do, but even I see why this is such BS.
Netflix is going to ruin The Series of Unfortunate Events confirmed.
Netflix is making death note?????
>Netflix original series
Isn't this pretty much the "direct-to-DVD" of the 2010's?
Sup Forums is an anime board. We are the dominant culture.
What? How do you know?
Is netflix degenerate?
Don't be dumb, I love Netflix series :D
Great and available everywhere if you pay :3
Fucking wogs stealing nipp culture
Not really but HBO is very degenareted with there game of Feminist series
/fa/ as fuck
>be nigger
>get Death Note
>can't read the rules
>use it as little black book
>watch the coalburners drop
América cannot into Death Note
scarjo plays anime character, sjws bitch about racist whitewashing
nignog plays anime character, silence
They are fixing Japan's racist problem.
Better they start fixing their own race problem before worry about us
America is great, small issues to fix if you don't listen to Sup Forumstarts overdramatizing everything.
People don't give a shit about race wars and other idiocies like those, they simply want to enjoy their lives. Only poltards dramatize this shit lel
Japan's unrepentant racism is a major issue, unfitting of this glorious new world.
I want more hot Asian women on the big screen. I'm pissed about Ghost casting too.
It's not as though they were ever going to cast a Japanese actor in the role so why does it even matter?
Not quite, I would say based on watching a few Netflix Original Series. It's really interesting to have an internet service making quality shows with relatively great actors. The future is now!
meanwhile on /fa/
AHAHHA, Japs will love this shit!
>everybody so butthurt about nigger L they forget kira is now a scrawny jewish manlett instead of a 10/10 adonis overachiever
>some dude who looks Arab or hispanic...
Yeah, did you mean "jewish"?
He even has a super stereotypical jewish name
The IRL Lemony Snicket is a liberal pseudo-intellectual faggot.. Expect the worst.
even nigger L is butthurt about nigger L
I'm pissed about that too
I was the natural choice to play Raighto
>not Samuel L Jackson
They blew it bad.
this is as cringy as those american ninja movies