What do you think of this flag

what do you think of this flag

looks better than yours, mongrel


it's inspired by the Cuban flag, I prefer the current one in pic related based on centuries of tradition

Pull my finger and I'll tell you what I think about that flag

looks like a puerto rican flag that's gone off

garish color combination, not aesthetic, not pleasant


It's shit.

Reminds me always of the Cuban flag.
Dunno why, are they seriously all closet-Commies?

A nice flag for a nice independent republic.

Puerto Rico + Cuba + Aragón

Literally Latin America-Tier

Why did Catalans shamelessly steal the glorious flag of the kingdom of Aragon?

I always wondered, but never bothered to look up-
What do Catalonia and Aragon have to do with each other? How closely are they linked?

Latin America Tier. I'm sure if you show this flag to someone who've never heard of Catalonia and said it was the flag of Colombia or Venezuela, they'd be none the wiser.

It's shit

Catalonia has always been a County within the Kingdom of Aragón.

So, after the muslim invasion of iberia, France decided to form some counties in the border with the pyrenees to protect their country, this will be called the "Marca Hispanica", after some time Aragon joined with other counties and formed the kingdom of Aragon, then some more shit happened and they joined with the County of Barcelona and formed the Crown of Aragon.

Won't they be using the normal senyera if they get independence and not the estelada?

>Kingdom of Aragon
It's the flag of the Crown of Aragon that includes the Catalan principality that has the same flag, the Kingdom of Aragon is the region that coincides with the region of Aragon at the present and the flag of that kingdom was the one in pic related.

>Kindom of Aragon
Crown* of Aragon = Principality of Catalonia+Kingdom of Aragon+Kingdom of Valencia+Kingdom of Mallorca

This one is objectively better.

Not always, the Catalan Counties were independent from 987 to 1137

You are wrong though, that's the emblem of iñigo arista, first king of Pamplona, which happens to be included in the current coat of arms of the autonomic region of Aragon. The flag of the crown and kinddom of Aragon (not a fucking coat of arms like you posted btw) is the senyera/señera. Don try to trick me again you filthy scatalan, I know how to do my research.


The first documented is from 1344 in the "Ordinaciones de Pedro el Cerimonioso" created by the king Pedro IV of Aragon el Cerimonioso to represent the kings of Aragon previous to the dynastic union of the county of Barcelona and the Kingdom of Aragon.


the triangle and star makes it look like a new world shithole country with no culture

This is wrong the Kingdom of Aragon had no flag, this flag was documented first in 1150 when the Crown of Aragon was created form the union of the County of Barcelona and the Kingdom of Aragon in 1137.

I mean the Kingdom of Aragon had flag but it's created after the creation of the Crown of Aragon when it already had a flag that is the senyera reyial.

>a nice independent republic.
I'm the rightful king of Ireland.

The flag is ugly.

Just like all the other Iberian flags, desu.

it's nice

Fuck off faggot
I bet you don't even have the blood of Heremon coursing through your veins

The star in particular is what makes it similar to the cuban one. That is because during the period between cuban independence from Spain and the communist revolution (1898-1959), La Habana and Cuba was an important center of catalan nationalism. The catalans there were inspired by the cuban "independence"(since it was practically propierty of the US) and adopted the star and blue triangle from the cuban flag, incorporating it to the traditional red and yellow stripe design.

>including Somalia's flag in your own flag
Well at least they're honest with their intentions.

That's the flag of the fags.

Flags with a lot of stripes all look very ugly. They look more like clown's clothes than like a flag.

Good luck, Catalonia.

Be a treat to go fought in the Spanish civil war as one is supposed to

That Franco did nothing wrong apart from dying?

That's the communist flag

I am baffled by comments from some illiterates pretending to compare the situation of Scotland with that of the autonomous community of Catalonia, which is an insult to Britons and a sign of desolation intellectual destitution.
Scotland is a nation with a glorious past
as an independent kingdom of England for many centuries.
Catalonya is simply an autonomous commlunity that has never been an organized nation, kingdom or country, or anything remotely similar. It wasn't its own nation when under Carolingian role, nor under the Crown of Aragón (wich it takes its' flag from, since it NEVER had its own flag), nor after the unification of Spain in the 15th century (wich makes Spain one of the oldest unified nations in the world)
The Generalitat plays and manipulates history in their books as if they were Tolkien. Compare with other sources if what you're reading is done by biased intellectuals and Catalanists.

The only part of Spain I want to see independent is The Basque Country/Euskal Herria.

>Flags with a lot of stripes all look very ugly
superior racing flag reporting in

The Bayern flag makes me thirsty for a Mass of Bier and a Broetschen mit Fleisch.

Saupreiß detected

It is literally the flag of post-modernism in true Gaudi style.

