How did we go from this

How did we go from this

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to this?

Veganism (i.e. enlightened patricianhood)

he was wearing a muscle bodysuit

>when your roids run out

Removed the costume and got older

He was wearing a muscle suit.
There are loads of pictures of him having it put on.




i like my vitamin b12 thank you very much

He is lean in all the ways a man can be

He was wearing a muscle suit over his body. Fake abs, biceps, pecs, triceps, etc.

His face just doesn't match his body. It's extremely masculine and then under the neck is a twig. If you just saw his face you would think he has a big frame.

anybody remember when he was the dad on weeds



That shit takes some training

>There are loads of pictures of him having it put on.
I only ever see 1

This is hilarious.
It's funny how aware of his leaning he is.

Does that kid have a boner?

>i like my vitamin b12 thank you very much

Ironic you should say that as I just had mine tested

Watch 4:16

Get ready to laugh

How do I obtain this level of flexibility?

a lot of actors are that way actually, big headedness is pretty common

Is this the sleeve of the muscle suit?

i want him and MJ to have a lean off.

not from a jedi

congrats on taking your subbliments user, but I still maintain vegans need modren science to get all their nutiriates specially b12 and iron which they need pills for

inb4 muh hindus, we are talking about a race of 700 million people that got conquered by 200,000 British soldiers

He's dead

stop pls :(

Wow are you saying Snyder is a hack? Jeez...

>but I still maintain vegans need modren science to get all their nutiriates specially b12 and iron which they need pills for
Use google to absolute idiot.

>i need a search engine to prove my point rather than typing out 2 to 3 sentences to defend my point

Why couldn't they have done that with Wonder Woman.

>congrats on taking your subbliments user, but I still maintain vegans need modren science to get all their nutiriates specially b12 and iron which they need pills for

So do carnivores. So do most people. You may eat very well, and that's great, but many don't. Simply eating grilled cheese and tendies and stuff, as many do probably would need the aid of vitamins and supplements to maintain healthy levels.

You're the retard "maintaining" people have to buy jew supplements. You can't even do a quick google search to find out that you're obviously full of shit. It's really weird and pathetic of you.

that's not me this is

Just saying most modern diets, vegan or omnivorous lack in essential nutrients anyway. Its not a bad idea to take supplements regardless.

they did

His leaning habits are starting to become normal for Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

He was great in No Country for Old Men

That guy has a nigger nose.

Lol, I no longer like this guy.

His name is Javier so he's probably got some native in him.

There wasn't 700 million Hindu's in the 18th/19th century, user. That's larger than the entire population of the British Empire at it's height.

I don't understand
With that face,look and frame i'd just get buff as hell to look badass,like the comedian.
But no i guess being a DYEL that doesn't fill Negan's shoes is better

How many dicks do you have to suck to become a vegan?

>DYELs think this is big

>being obsessed with another man's physique

hope y'all are fully open and not in the closet still

I'm obsessed with JDM in general. His physique I don't care about one way or the other as long as he doesn't get fat. Is that gay?

Epic bro, eating meat your mom bought from Costco is masculine as FUCK

nah, he's a cool mother fucker playing the best character on TV right now.
guy is on top of the world but stays humble

what if I'm leaning backwards at such an angle that exactly 50% of me is still in the closet?