ITT: Characters who died virgins

ITT: Characters who died virgins

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Palpatine had prostitutes brought to him.

Just to talk.

he was obviously giving them the Deep Sheev Spin

did he tell them tales of Darth Plagueis?


About where the ducks go during the winter

if he could manipulate a galaxy wide republic and an opposing confederacy into a war, as well as bring an end to the only threat the Sith had to create a new order of tyrannical rule, then i'm sure he could find himself a hole to fuck

>pic not related


the guy from Into the Wild

He fucked plenty of women in his crib

Joan of Arc never even got a dinner.

> implying sheev hadn't transcended carnal pleasures

He probabably got laid in his junior statesmen days but by the time he was emperor he probably was satiated with like bending the force to his will and collapsing civilizations and shit

Post the exerpt when Sheev gets some roasties number and when she leaves just gives it to some guy who was who was with him at the party.

>All those turns just to get to the bed
Why does his crib have to a maze?

Where is kitchen?

Top right corner

He proobably gets his food cooked and served to him. He's the Chancellor after all

That's literally kilometer away from his bed. Who designed this?

See Sheev probably doesn't even need to leave the bed.

Took me a second, that's good.

it's strange imagining what sheev did in his spare time.

sitting down watching tv or taking a bath. same goes for vader.


Why didn't he just have a kid?

1) No questions when you teach him Sith stuff. It's conspicuous to take a Jedi under your wing as a creepy senator and teach him Sith stuff. It's not conspicuous for a kid to be home schooled.

2) The kid will have a duty to his father and can be easily manipulated emotionally. No need to kill someone with the force or let someone be raped by sand people. Just pull the parent card.

3) Your own blood line can continue. If you're a sith lord with lots of midichlorians, you will pass them on to your kid. Guarantee'd force sensitive. You could also find a sith lady for even more of an genetic advantage. A lot more reliable than waiting 60 years for some random padawan to show up in your life.

Is Sheev an idiot, actually?

Anakin was his kid. Why do you think he gave a fuck about him?

Not yet

oh god are mirrored posters gonna be the grand spanking new big meme


But that's stupid. So he made a kid with the force and didn't have any interaction with him until Sheev was an old man. That's a lot of wasted time. He could have had a kid once he became an evil sith lord and been training him to fuck jedi up this whole time.

How long was she in prison? 5 bucks says she raped/got raped once your twice well in the pen.

EU Palpatine had a son, Triclops.


Because eventually the apprentice attempts to overthrow the master. maybe sheev didn't want to have to kill his own son.

And I thought sheev was a bad name.

I guess shitty names run in the family.


>The self-proclaimed son of Palpatine, Trioculus was in actuality an impostor, usurping the role of Palpatine's true son, three-eyed mutant Triclops.
Well done, well done, HOWEVER

what is that on the left? where the food comes out or where the pee goes in?

also his bed looks comfy af

you just know

It's a urinal. You just mash yourself up against it and let it flow

I'm sure he could guide his piss into there with the force without having to get out of bed.

>hard to imagine taking a bath

Sheev had both testicles removed at a young age to prevent a benign tumour from developing further.
It's all in the EU book Star Wars: Shadow of the CAT Scan.

i meant like a bubble bath but i guess in space they gotta do everything futuristic style

The guy has no skin, he'd probably dissolve in a bubblebath

underrated mr!