What is the biggest red pill in Your opinion?

>That mass violence, death, and civilian execution is Needed to save the western world

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>That mass violence, death, and civilian execution is Needed to save the western world

Are you muslim ?

Sterilizing poor people is the best way to remove poverty and overpopulation

That's good.

But modernization IS the future of mankind. And that's not a bad thing.

We need to realize the new challenges it makes us face. We need to understand we are animals and that we are not capable of instant adaption.

We must find the best compromises and the best routs to diminish the negative effects modern life has on us.

But we must push forward

America is a communist country.

What makes poverty genetic exactly?
The fact that those tactics work so well for them doesn't make anyone else who uses said tactics a Muslim

That or some some crazy christian probably. Death to all theocratic systems.


That the elites will always win in the end so society as a whole must drop it's pretense of freedom and wholly submit to them.


I'm someone who is able to see there is only one solution to the Muslim problem that is permanent.

The total removal of Islam in every corner of the world. No matter the race, intelligence or any other detail you can think of. If they are Muslim they must be removed.

If you argue against this you argue for the destruction of the western world as we know it.

OP knows what hes talking about.

>What makes poverty genetic exactly?

Intelligence is largely genetic. Intelligent people are more likely to be successful.

Doing this would stop bad genes and bad habits being passed on.

Jews created Christianity and then lost control over it.

That ancient disgusting human-animal hybrid beings who are the spawn of angels and were posing as gods in antiquity, are governing the modern world from inside the hollowed earth.

No remembers that part of history and it is too ridiculous and ludicrous to actually take seriously.

I agree completely that modernization is our future, but we need to view technological advancements as the barrel of dynamite that they are, or we won't have a future at all.
And I'm afraid that at this point we might have to tear down a lot of what we have built, because we built it on a faulty foundation and on hubris, instead of building it on careful calculation of what the technology will mean to society and to the individuals in it.
And it is the biggest redpill imo, because race realism, anti globalism, etc. would have not be needed if we were not prioritizing the maximisation of efficiency over the health of the society(and to the individuals in it), which is what the technological system is.

Poor people have higher birth rates than wealthy people and bring more poor people into the world.

[.01 shekels have been deposited into your account]

The universe is in an infinite loop that never ends. We are the subjects of creation and destruction, of vengeance and forgiveness, of death and life

Developing more efficient and accurate ways of measuring intelligence is very important when you consider destroying a class of society.

We need to understand exactly what makes someone inteligent, what makes someone more likely to have drive, and we need to be able to distinguish different kinds of intelligence and what causes them (artistic, mathematic, leadership et cetera)

But would it not be more efficient to first deal with minorities, who also fit your description of low IQ, and then with governmental issues such as the welfare state, and only then see if poverty exists to the degree of a real need to sterilize people of your own tribe?


That despite Nazis and Trump lovers claiming how they are against socialism, they are in fact the most socialist motherfuckers around.

The only difference is that they want to help lazy uneducated losers that are losers because of their own choice rather than what people like Bernie support where even if those guys are losers, too, at least it's because of the situations forced on them.

So wouldn't this hurt the white race's future badly, thus destroying white nations?
Is it not better to have poor people than no people at all?


fuck i hate leftists

Everything is ultimately futile

Well, certainly, Moshe. But the poor white underclass who have adopted minority (read: nigger) culture are right next to the minorities on the chopping block.

who will work for the rich then?

>And I'm afraid that at this point we might have to tear down a lot of what we have built, because we built it on a faulty foundation and on hubris, instead of building it on careful calculation of what the technology will mean to society and to the individuals in

This is very likely. Not only for our modern civilization but for all eventual ones to come.

Understanding and ACCEPTING the differences in the genders and the intelligence of peoples is extremely important. Also understanding the stress and difficulties this modern world puts on us.

Anxiety, depression, suicide, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and many other things are made more likely due to the modernization of the world. If we do not combat these things then they will destroy us

Since leftists are behind overpopulation, maybe we should sterilize them.

That I can't fault anyone using whatever means necessary to improve their own position or the position of their own race or group

I applaud the SJWs/Elite for their shrewd tactics. Were I more savvy before I may have tried to get a piece of that pie. As it stands I'll look after my own.

Only niggers are the ones who developed nigger culture, and they cannot be fixed, while whites have merely adopted it(not so well too, poor white neighborhoods still have less crimes than ghettos), and their second generation has no reason to fail(especially if the minorities will not be there as competition).
So ethnic cleansing and govt reform seem to still make much more sense.

Earth system science, philosophy, and evolutionary science.

It's true though.

Russian revolution? Killed the Zars, came the Party.
French revolution? Death to the King but don't you dare speak against the Republic.
American secession? Straight into the hands of a bunch of Freemasons, then the South got curbstomped into obedience.

Jesus Christ.

Overpopulation of the "third" world is a very real thing. Look at the estimates for Africa's population in the future. They will poor into the Middle East and Europe

Overpopulation in the "western" world is a myth and if anything we should be having more births. It should be high inteligent people with many resources spreading across the world. Not low inteligent people with few resources

>mass violence, death, and civilian execution is Needed to save the western world
"Babby's first redpill", as they say, son.

European brotherhood does not, and never will, exist.

Constant war is a necessity.

Yes. And as Ted stated, reform has no hope of succeeding, we will need a revolution.
I am hoping that the current ghost generation that was born into ultra materialism will realise what we have done to them, and when they will rebel as any generation does, it's be an anti materialist movement. I don't see another hope, except maybe a nuclear war(which is far from optimal).

it happened already with mongol that selected the true save-worthy people to resist the invasion, and kill 90% of the lazy ones. Only ingeneer still in life, that's why we, in west, are the technology (but not the livy good) of the earth. Now, don't be proud of your technology.

Love Mongolian.

Seconding those.
Christianity has objectively built the best civilization to ever exist, or at least a foundation of Christianity, and at least the civilization that best suits whites.
And peace is what allowed the timidness that has brought cultural relativism upon us, and peace is what made vigilance and strength unnecessary. Peace has made Europe weak because whites are a warrior race.

Oh yeah and the real holocaust and the persecution of Christians. Biggest redpill of all, boys.


People that aren't utter fucking lazy losers like Trump supporters down south.

The real problem I think is not making the elites have less power (I just don't think that's doable). Their power will always rise whether it takes a year or one hundred.

What I think is more doable is having a system in which the elites are powerful yet "good". Although I think that is also nearly impossible as good/just rulers are so rare.

The average person needs to be more willing to purge the corrupt elite or you need a system that more efficiently weeds out corruption. I think both of these things are probably impossible to accomplish though.

>The universe is in an infinite loop that never ends
Damn, you're living in a terrible universe.
I once had a glimpse on "eternity" and it was horrible, I was so glad it was over.

I think our consciousness is a tool of the Universe, we're all spikes of that consciousness and we're just as eternal as the Universe is.
Since life is not showing the propensity of entropy, we're headed towards the full Universal consciousness where we are all One.

We are past the point of peaceful reform that is for sure.

But will we be able to save ourselves before everything is lost? Or will everything have to be destroyed before we can rebuild?

I still think there is time. It would be violent but not as violent as it will otherwise be if we let it fall apart completely. But it's unlikely people will feel motivated until it has fallen apart completely so there might be no saving it.

>At all events we may firstly observe in living creatures both a despotical and a constitutional rule; for the soul rules the body with a despotical rule, whereas the intellect rules the appetites with a constitutional and royal rule. And it is clear that the rule of the soul over the body, and of the mind and the rational element over the passionate, is natural and expedient; whereas the equality of the two or the rule of the inferior is always hurtful. The same holds good of animals in relation to men; for tame animals have a better nature than wild, and all tame animals are better off when they are ruled by man; for then they are preserved. Again, the male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules, and the other is ruled; this principle, of necessity, extends to all mankind.



As I said, young generation always have an anti establishment movement, out hope is that the next generation will realise that the establishment is the technological system.
It'll be violent of course but within the limits of riot and civil war, but not armageddon

Organic Life is inherently degenerate

Hakuna matata

Modern Christianity is too weak. In my opinion it needs to be slightly "changed"

It and it's followers needs to be more "pro science". And Christianity needs to become more willing to do violence.

I agree, we need a militant denomination, badly.
But the foundation of our societies is still christian and a part of what hurt them now is abolishment, and even rejection of Christianity.

>young generation

When would you guess this generation to be? Are they around 18, a few years old, about to be born? A collection of those or much further out?

Nah. Jews never accepted christianity.
Christianity was spread by a greek speaking jewish diaspora, thats why the nt is written in greek and why it was adopted by the romans eventually


The children of "millenials."

I think that those who are born around now, seeing how they all have the burden of having a computer on them at all times in the form of a smartphone. And of course, as generations pass by the chances rise, as the technological system expands and becomes more heavy on them.

The oldest millennials are in their thirties right? So if you are right then some of these people are already born and grown

Seriously just make it mandatory to be physically fit and that everyone must play a sport.

Healthy body healthy mind

We will breed out degenerates in 20 years.

Another thing, I think that Ted's manifesto needs to be rewritten for the ADHD generation, and published with no association to him, as he was demonized(and is an actual terrorist).
This needs to be done for the sake of those you mentioned, who are now grown up, because some of them are likely to be ripe for the realization that the technological system hurts them, and I'm sure many of them instinctively know it.

Seconding this one too. A sound mind in a sound body.


Divide and Conquer (family, society, and people from God)
Most peer reviewed studies are bullshit.

Not an American myself, but one of the hardest red pills to swallow for Americans must be that they entered World War I & II only because the international Jewish finance elite needed them.

Great to be patriotic, but sucks when your patrioticism means being used as cannon fodder for other's interests.

>Divide and Conquer (family, society, and people from God)

The truest """"""redpill"""""" is that the basic laws of nature still apply to us today.

That and many other ideas need to be rewritten or recreated in some type of format.

There are many old ideas and ideas from "controversial" sources that are very important, especially for the future.

Not necessarily.

I used quotation marks around millenials to indicate I was referring to those in their teens - twenties rather than what the real definition of millenial.

Granted, you are touching upon something with that observation. As much as I detest the term "alt-right," I imagine that current sentiment expressed by weebs & autists on Sup Forums will become commonplace in this future generation we're speaking of.

>all far right parties are businbess who just use the mass to get paid by the governments. Once the shit happens, they all leave the ship, since all they wanted was fame and money

Evidence to the appeal of "alt right" ideals is the fact that Sup Forums is currently the fastest growing and most popular board on here, if the statistics I read are right. Anyhow it's very popular.

it's not an infinite loop, but with some poetic license you could think of moments as timeless, since their effects persist.

Calling it the Universe depersonalises and degrades it. The conceivable universe is an infinitesimally infinitestimal part of reality. The inconceivable/transcendental is God and is a being of intelligence and of perfect everlasting love.

Your self is literally your relationship to God.

was a response to


Everything is pointless and you're probably going to be dead before the end of the century so you'll never be ever to see any serious, lasting change.

Nihilism is the polar opposite of redpill.

My fear is that this alt right (especially if trump loses, or once trump is gone regardless) will turn right back into the "conservatism" we've seen from Reagan and bush

Gods are made by man's collective mind, KEK is a good example of this.

That Sup Forums users should all be killed for the sake of society because we're the biggest degenerates of all just by being here. The real right wing people would never have fucked up enough to end up here. We are the dregs of society no better than niggers

It would be better if the bottom half of people by wealth all died. Better for them.

That there is no red pill.

>ctrl + f
Eugenics and the scientific method.

Our society is being heavily distorted because we chose to ignore genetics and continue down the path of dysgenics. Sooner or later it will blow up in our faces as we face ever more pressing matters of survival on this planet.

This ''alt right'' is still attached to technology and the media (especially porn) and by and large still weak and worthless

It is our duty, and the duty of all the people who agree with us, to make sure biology and history will not be tabooed or censored, and that nationalism and racial separatism will continue to rise.
And there's no reason for them to stop, we had progressivism for a long while, it is the nature of the pendulum to swing the other way, all the way, when it reaches it's limit.
I see in the future only further rise in nationalism and racial and cultural tensions, this is just the beginning. The way I see it if the current trend continues the future is bright in this regard and there's nothing that the establishment can really do about it.

There is no hidden jewish conspiracy. Jewish diaspora forces globalization OPENLY, because they think it is good.

Israeli jews are bro-tier.

The highest rulers of the world are NORMIES, they have no secret intentions (except arabic world). Sup Forumsacks think that their actions are so stupid because there is hidden meaning, but in fact they are that STUPID, USA go to middle east because they really want to help that people, they just don't realize that their actions will only make everyting worse. Sup Forumsacks don't want to acknowledge that they are group of the most inteligent persons that are currently alive, but Sup Forumsacks are not people who will even try to gain authority.
>The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
~Bertrand Russell

But Jesus was the epitome of being a masochistic cuck

>turn the other cheek
>love your enemy


Let us be as the horsemen who herald the end of days, my Brother.
The void awaits us all, but glorious will our names be, in the long annals of history!

>There is no hidden jewish conspiracy
>USA go to middle east because they really want to help that people
Just kill yourself you brainwashed retard

>whipping bankers
>jewish bankers

Nothing wrong with an attachment to technology.

It's just that "we" no longer have control over it, instead in many ways it controls us. Being anti technology is in many ways to be anti human. All forms of technology are ideas that came from the human mind. They have allowed us to accomplish so much and reach a greater understanding of so many things.

We just need to regain control over it and learn to live healthily with it.

>develop agriculture
>birth rate increases rapidly
>farm land eventually reaches capacity
>lower class birth rate drops
>population stabilises
>lower upper classes replace absent lower classes
>quality of life drops
>technology improves
>birth rate increases
>technological limit met
>lower class birth rate drops
>population stabilises
>lower upper classes replace absent lower classes
>quality of life drops

It is in our best interests to keep the population low, else you are dooming your ancestors to a very difficult, shitty life where they can't sustain enough children to even replace themselves. The non-white outbreeders need to have their birth rates reduced, or their people out of white societies; the solution is not to try and outbreed them.

Yep a cuck and someone who doesn't believe in capitalism. A commie cuck.

>Power is freedom, and freedom is power

If you have one, you have the other.

So what this means is that to struggle for the freedom of everyone is essentially a waste of your time and effort; and worse, is a waste of time and effort you could be using to obtain more freedom/power for yourself.

The other thing to always keep in mind is that freedom/power is usually a zero-sum game, in which one must suffer or be harmed for another to thrive.

In the old days, in order for whites to enjoy a high level of peace and security, blacks were denied total freedom of movement; now blacks to have the freedom to roam white cities and neighborhoods, whites are forced to accept a higher level of violence and murder.

In the old days, men had the freedom to hire prostitutes without being charged of any crime; now after feminism, women are free to prostitute themselves and it is the men that risk prison and public shaming.

In the old days, it was blacks and other non-whites who had to watch what they said in public for fear of retribution from whites; today it is whites who have to watch what they say for fear of retribution from non-whites. A black man who simply spoke to a white man in a disrespectful tone could expect a hiding; today a white man who dares to so much as sing the word nigger in a rap song "expects" to be attacked by any nearby black people. This is socially understood. He is denied his freedom so that a black man may feel more accepted.

Right now, whites have a certain amount of freedom, but as their power goes, so goes their freedom. In a few decades, the constitution will doubtlessly be reinterpreted to allow all kinds of gun control and hate speech laws to be implemented. This loss of freedom will be the result of a loss of power - demographic power. Whites will bitterly bemoan their loss of freedom, but this will be an inaccurate description of what is happening. It will be rather the case that POWER is being MOVED.

Power and freedom.

Freedom and power.

its not even that its necessarily genetic. poor people will not raise their kids as well. if they were smart and well rounded enough to be good parents, they probably wouldnt be poor.

Actually, the biggest red pill is that you need to work out what the red pill is by thinking for yourself.


USA goes to the Middle East for a number of reasons

Money, oil, somtimes stupidly, to help Israel.

We help Israel for a number of reasons. Some good and some bad. But I'd much rather have Jews in the Middle East than Muslims

I hope you're right