It was excellent.
It was excellent
I haven't seen it yet. It's shit.
Pick one.
I have seen it and it was shit
The movie summed up...
Not enough explosions and catchy one-liners for you?
I don't know what Sup Forums thinks about it, so I don't know how to be contrarian about it.
No, just too much mute staring and aloofness with no emotional payoff
I haven't seen it and it was excellent
Haven't seen it but the poster is dope.
>no emotional payoff
What? There totally was? True love were finally reunited in the end?
Not even the best gay movie of the year
>Batman v Superman better than Arrival
Think I'll just ignore your opinions entirely.
The Arrival and Knight of Cups are gay movies?
>mute staring and aloofness
Try very strong and subtle performance with palpable emotional tension and inner conflict.
I'd try that, but it'd be a lie
>with no emotional payoff
opinion discarded.
It was okay but it gave me the impression that it assumed it was greater than it actually was. Like this air of "this is an important movie" was all over it and while it was quite good, technically competent, with some daring stylistic choices like the heavy use out of focus shots, it wasn't exactly a masterpiece.
The Wong Kar Wai references felt film school-esque.
Watched it yesterday. Really nice uplifting movie, very realistic, well acted and well paced. Nothing more than that though. It's a great coming-of-age film but like most Hollywood films doesn't deliver much food for thought. Nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't break any rules and isn't interested in social criticism. Good but forgettable.
>The Wong Kar Wai references felt film school-esque
Well done being pretentious to the max there. What's the reference exactly?
>hurr durr muh elegant undercover shill comment
Movie is literally about gay niggers, they literally fuck their shit-smelling rear behind the blinds. Literally where shit comes from and probably do mouth shit as well in the same place you disgusting fuck
>doesn't deliver much food for thought
No? Didn't make you reflect on the harsh environment of poverty and crime many young minorities are forced to grow up in? How vulnerable and loving souls are forced to be hardened to survive?
>doesn't break any rules
What does this even mean?
>and isn't interested in social criticism
See above.
You do realize that most anal sex occurs between heterosexual partners, right?
And your edgelord racism is just pathetic and sad.
don't reply to Sup Forumsedditors
Not a shill. I said it's a good, dull popcorn movie. The only gay moment in the film is a kiss and handjob on the beach and crying on the dude's shoulder in the end.
>Didn't make you reflect on the harsh environment of poverty and crime many young minorities are forced to grow up in?
No. It doesn't really comment on the setting, it is entirely uninterested in the politics of poverty and instead tells intimately the story of a young boy growing up in a poor setting. It's certainly not as grim as you make it out to be either as it is a story of success - a kid getting bullied from young age onward learning to strike back, becoming the image of his dead father figure and returning to his childhood love in the end. Very uplifting, a well executed coming-of-age and love story but not at all adventurous in terms of film-making. Not in terms of craft and not in terms of substance.
Between partners who have watched too much porn to try disgusting degenerate shit, aka the jewish porn industry
Good look keeping a lasting relationship with someone who knows you like to stick your dick in shit
>No. It doesn't really comment on the setting, it is entirely uninterested in the politics of poverty and instead tells intimately the story of a young boy growing up in a poor setting.
I guess you're one of those who needs social and political commentary to be spelled out for them in large friendly letters.
>It's certainly not as grim as you make it out to be either as it is a story of success - a kid getting bullied from young age onward learning to strike back, becoming the image of his dead father figure and returning to his childhood love in the end.
I also guess you missed the part where he grows up with a meth addict mother, suppressing his confused sexual feelings, being beaten by the person he dared to reveal himself to, and going to prison as a minor because of it. Not to mention the subsequent 15-20 years where he never dared to explore these feelings again, but rather choose to live in denial of who he really is, assuming the role of a hardened gangster as the only way to feel secure.
>not at all adventurous in terms of film-making. Not in terms of craft and not in terms of substance.
Depressing to see this board so saturated with pretentious film snobs.
>Good look
Funny. Good look acting all superior with grammar like that, retarded bigot.
That reddit site you mentioned earlier, go there
I did like it. But I wasn't sure how to feel by the end.
I felt so much sympathy for the kid, but by the "Black" third, I felt like he was a complete stranger and stopped identifying with him. And I didn't feel they gave him enough screen time as an adult for me to feel anything conclusive.
I haven't mentioned Reddit. And no.
Gay nigger, no longer in outer space
I didn't get that vibe at all. AT ALL. The implication at the end could've meant anything, maybe they spent one more evening together.
That's your best response? Having your story take place in a poor environment is not the same as reflecting on such environments. I didn't forget about what you summarised there, it's just not presented as grimly as you make it out to be. If you want to see grim portrayals of poverty, watch Ex Drummer. Moonlight is a film of hardships to be overcome. What you describe as "denial of who he really is" and "the role of a hardened gangster as the only way to feel secure" in already a story of success - it is the story of him leaving behind his former self that was the victim of psychological and physical violence and becoming a man who can stand for himself, meeting all his needs but love, which he decides to conquer at the very end. This is not a depressing story, it is a story of hope and success. If you can't see that I urge you to watch more films outside the Hollywood system, particularly Scandinavian dramas.
>Depressing to see this board so saturated with pretentious film snobs.
It is likewise depressing to see this board filled to the brim with plebs.
>I felt like he was a complete stranger
I think that was the point. He had been forced to become something he wasn't, to live in denial and suppress himself for so many years.
What a load of bullshit, it was a logical continuation of his character arc, overcoming his weaknesses and insecurities and following in his quasi-father's footsteps.
watched Knight of cups recently , what a load of crap. Is Malick full on hack now?
>a story of success
The fact that he was forced to deny and suppress who he really was for so many years - becoming hardened and closed off - is in my opinion a tragedy.
>If you can't see that I urge you to watch more films outside the Hollywood system, particularly Scandinavian dramas.
Ugh, so fucking pretentious. I'm gonna be sick. I'm done arguing with you.
A Scandinavian
>The fact that he was forced to deny and suppress who he really was for so many years - becoming hardened and closed off - is in my opinion a tragedy.
This doesn't get any truer the more often you say it. At no point in the film is it implied that he denies or suppresses anything - and him hardening himself is not a tragedy, it is his victorious emergence from a life of being pushed around. We even have a scene of him as a wise mentor teaching the kid who's dealing for him not to be such a whimp when the other party gets cocky. He is clearly a respected member of his community and much happier than he was as a child.
>muh coherent well-thought out responses
eat shit you faggot nigger-loving cuck, the film is about gay faggot niggers if you like it you are either a single autist or a faggot who can literally say the phrase "my wife's son" because you literally married a single mother
>watching movies released after the year 1960
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
lmao if you think this was a story of success. Literally hood nigger detected
Said the newfag
The autist right here cant find emotional cues.
You are correct. The only people who hate it are the edgelords who hate blacks and gays because they want to fit in with Sup Forums. Real fans of cinema know its a good film.
>eyo we wuz like da furst peepol n shit feel me nigga n like they be black peepol ahl over the wurld aint that sum shit lil nigga
reminder black nationalism is subsidised by hollywood
It was ok
The normie thinks the prejudices he devices based on facial expressions are acceptable as characterization.
>WKW references
I didn't notice these, please elaborate
Also every bit of 'good' cinematography was them ripping off Luzbeki. Pretty sad.
I'm glad you mentioned the out of focus shots though as they made me feel physically sick, they gave me like travel sickness
Pathetic fag.
Knight of Cups was like a parody of a Malick movie. I think he's fucking with us.
I bet if I was gay I could get laid way easier than I do