Just found this article which seems to suggest that the man who was filmed by his girlfriend after being shot by police may have been a suspect in an armed robbery...
Just found this article which seems to suggest that the man who was filmed by his girlfriend after being shot by police may have been a suspect in an armed robbery...
He did not do anything, my good sir. Did you not hear the weirdly scripted speech the woman gave on the phone video, as the policeman was shouting at them. Also how was she recording it when the guy was shouting to keep her hands on the dashboard?
He was an upstanding gentleman.
The transgressions attributed to him are untrue.
Attendance of his local congregation or tabernacle was daily.
You're allowed to shoot people without due process if they move their hands
>I can't believe in current year I'm responsible for my own safety
Please tell me you don't drive.
I like that picture but should say Jimmy Rustles
Why do you support public executions without trial
Why do you public executions without trial when niggers do it?
so if this is true then maybe his girlfriend's story is bullshit. can't you see the gun in his wasteband in the video?