wtf I love the CIA now
Wtf I love the CIA now
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That actually disgusted me. I wonder if Snowden regrets his interview after that.
Seriously this nigger said the CIA isn't spying in America, and expected us to believe that.
>posts on Sup Forums
>didn't love CIA
What are you even doing?
Loving the big guy
OP was originally from Sup Forums and finally watched TDKR.
I love big guys more
Why do British men look so fucking disgusting
Generations of inbreeding.
Original Bretons got invaded/raped by the Romans, later they were invaded/raped by the Angles/Saxons, later invaded/raped by the Normans with French genes, later invaded and raped by Danish vikings with Polish/West Slavic mercenaries.
Guess why they look that way.
only a leftist traitor would hate the cops, CIA, NSA etc.
It's shameless brainwashing now.
Look at where we are. The only people who oppose this control are old people and the Sup Forums echochamber.
This is a billionaire system that can't be broken and will fuck us until we're dead.
>He WANTS the CIA to watch him jack off
that's my fetish ;)
>leftist spend 40 years hating the CIA/NSA during reagan and bush years
>suddenly love the CIA now that Wikileaks and Trump are against them
really made me think
>Colbert has an ex-CIA employee on his show to tell people that the CIA DEFINITELY doesn't spy on people in the US and that you can trust the govt.
>Oliver also shills for the CIA
Am I supposed to respect these people?
You're a big guy
CIA has to spy on people in the US to stop potential home grown terrorists.
These are the same people who spent last year trying to stop Trump every single night they were on the air.
>CIA has to violate the fourth amendment rights of american citizens to protect them!
Die, treasonous scumbag.
I didn't say I agreed with it, I said that's what they do. Besides, freedom was sacrificed for security a long time ago.
security >>>>>> freedom
freedom is worthless if you are dead
>I didn't say I agreed with it, I said that's what they do.
And they should be executed for treason for doing so.
>security >>>>>> freedom
Literally kill yourselves. Nice false dichotomy fallacy, though.
All Oliver pointed out is that the Wikileaks CIA dump didn't show any proof of illegal surveillance of Americans.
Again, I didn't say I agreed with it. My singular vote means nothing and I couldn't even give that until Obama's second term. All of it is pointless because nothing with happen to anyone in the CIA.
This will come to nothing, because nothing fucking changes.
fuck you cia shill
a firefighter and a cop is very different from being CIA scum
>false flagging
>toppling foreign goverments
>making the world a chaos
>fucking mind control experiments
CIA should be shut down, it's pure evil
I forgot CIA shills here.
>This will come to nothing, because nothing fucking changes.
The precise reason the whole system is going full panic mode is because Trump WILL do something about it.
all done for the good of the country
it's dirty work but someone has to watch after American supremacy, unless you are a traitor of course
Apparently are under the boot of an oppressive nazi regime yet we shouldn't have to worry about the CIA spying on its citizens, even though we know the DC has a massive spying apparatus through the NSA, yet we should be resisting the system because its controlled by a foreign Russian coup, yet we should be afraid of any nationalistic sentiments that rise up in this country, yet we should illegally leak out sensitive information relating to Trump and Russia (that ending up meaning nothing), yet we should not trust Wikleaks when they leak sensitive information on the corruption of establishment parties and intelligence agencies.
You don't actually believe the CIA is doing it for "security", do you? I'm not even a conspiracy theorist, but I'm not THAT naive. They're an organization whose primary actions usually involve overthrowing democratically elected governments in the third world and replacing them with shitty tinpot dictators who then transform their countries into factory states for international corporate interests.
That's not even some alex jones shit, that's just the open modus operandi everyone can get from reading fucking wikipedia. Trusting them at their word reeks of stupidity.
The cia is the only reason america still exists
>all done for the good of the country
hahaha fuck off
what does arming terrorists have to do with the good of my country
fucking kill yourself you fucking dipshit
>American supremacy
>everyone is getting poorer and crushed by debt
>country is becoming mexican
nah, fuck off
You can count on Donald Trump to do what benefits him and his business. And only that. You're deluding yourself if you think he cares about you or about America.
>his business.
his business actually took a huge hit in the last 2 years idiot
>all done for the good of the country
what, like when they got into contact with Osama and gave his organization a ton of high quality american resources and CIA-level operator training to fight the russkies and then fucked off and let him do what he does until. oopsie, he BTFO NYC?
yeah that really worked out well. Training all these psychotic paramilitary groups to have them do our dirty work totally doesn't keep coming back to bite us in the ass like 20 years later
> blaming the cia when it's literally and unironically the fbi's job to legally spy and collect on American citizens
>You can count on Donald Trump to do what benefits America and her interests. And only that. You're deluding yourself if you think he cares about Europe or about foreigners.
Keep your shit on your own board.
He just proved that the bullshit is exactly that: deflection from Trump fucking up.
>They can get into our cars and televisions and just about anything else with a connection
>But they're only using it on non-Americans, guys!
>john oliver
>Sup Forums
You're silly.
No, fuck off.
CIA is foreign intelligence. Domestic spying shouldn't even fall under their jurisdiction. That would be FBI or NSA or something
You first.
This is a TV/Film board. You can discuss politics, but not here kid.
John Oliver is on TV
Key word there. The FBI has a long history of staying within the law because, as a law enforcement entity, they have to remain in the rule of law or else any evidence they collect will be inadmissible in court.
The CIA is not a law enforcement agency. They have a long history of doing illegal shit and not giving a fuck about the 4th amendment because their job isn't to prosecute criminals. They constantly overstepped their bounds and everybody turned a blind eye because they were usually fucking around in foreign countries. Except now they have once again exceeded their mandate and are fucking around with our own people.
I haven't been discussing politics. I've been discussing television, junior.
I didn't know greentext is proof.
if you cared so much about the constitution you would ideally arm yourself and shoot at CIA agents
>See John Oliver on TV on his TV show
>Talk about John Oliver and his TV show
>Somehow this has nothing to do with TV
El. Oh. El.
Stop with this argument. Sports are on TV too, but they're not posted here.
Go shit in your own house.
>Go shit in your own house.
You first.
>you can use a gun to shoot any law abiding citizen
>but ill only use it on criminals, guys!
I'm confused, then. Didn't the FBI allegedly file paperwork to spy on Trump Tower? Was this at the same time as the CIA allegedly spied on American families?
fuck of little baby
This redditor is very triggered.
And I will keep posting it until this thread rightfully 404s.
Cops, FBI, NSA are grand.
CiA is has it's own interests not America's. It has also preformed inhumane experiments en masse such as taking normal people, and making them into Jason Bournes.
worth mentioning that all those invaders/rapists took the good looking ones with them when they left
Tell me, Sup Forums, why does he have the nose?
you know there's a special option that makes threads go away on this website
it's called bleach
d'awwwwww, did the mean scary foreigner trigger to widdle trumpkiddies again? need your blankie pacifier and safe space? well dont you worry widdle trumpkins, Sup Forums is right over there
>baneposting is Sup Forums now
At least try to be consistent with your shitposting if you want anyone to ever take you seriously.
This isn't baneposting and you know it.
Statish shill detected. Somehow people survived for thousands of years without Orwellian government surveillance agencies.
>Gun ownership is a constitutional right
>Unreasonable search and seizure is explicitly forbidden in the constitution
False equivalence
CIA has collection guidance as well. There is honestly no difference between illegally collecting sigint on an American citizen or being tasked to do it legally. Whether or not the collected intel is admissible doesn't matter honestly, as you are now a target and legal intel will most likely start being collected on you.
Do you honestly think it's moral for fbi linguists to be listening to seven American citizens conversations at once
>thread about CIA
>post nothing but CIA and BANE
>get told to fuck off to Sup Forums
Lol Too bad you can't downvote, huh?
Why are you so obsessed with a website that has zero impact on this one?
That's borderline psychotic.
>t. the manchild obsessed with a thread he could just leave or hide
Whatever you say, psycho.
>being this delusional
How is it delusional that whenever someone has a differing opinion on here, the go-to response is "LOL REDDIT"?
You guys are all puppets of Sup Forums. You are a safe space.
Reminder that these posters who constantly link to Sup Forums with disparaging comments are CIA shills.
Even though it's not 2016 any more, is it still CURRENT YEAR?
No, he's just retarded. At least he keeps bumping the threads.
Argument status: not one
Last couple episodes have had some real rage-fuel, and I'm fairly lefty.
>Asks Dalai Lama why he hasn't condemned self-immolation in his name
>Dalai Lama says he can't because the families of people who self-immolated in support of him would feel that their relative died in vain
>Basically saying that they did die in vain but he just can't tell their families that
>Which causes more people to do it, since he tacitly approved of it by not condemning it
>He's clearly revealed that he's either a fucking idiot, or he actually approves of it and is lying to seem more sympathetic to foreigners
>Oliver nods solemnly and continues sucking his holy dick
First excusing a religious leader who encourages self-immolation, now running propaganda for the CIA
Seems like Sup Forums to me, buddy
If the most recent leaks are to be believed, the CIA is indeed comprised of meme spouting bronies, so there is a chance he is both retarded and a CIA shill.
how does starting a coup in Libya, Iran-Contra, training and funding Bin Laden, training and funding "moderate rebels" aka Al Nusra and ISIS, and peddling guns to the cartels help Americans?
You didn't answer the question.
If you're going to make a statement, back it up.
Why is reddit your go-to response?
John Oliver is on tv
stay mad reddo
Here is the video for reference
God I hate this limey cunt
>Move to a new country
>Rather than accept your new hosts ideals and values you try to turn it into the exact same rainy Orwellian nightmare island you left
Why the fuck do people even watch this faggot? Is it because liberals are so self-hating they want a foreigner to talk down to them and confirm their biases?
So you can't answer the question?