Is it possible to truly be in love with someone you've only seen in movies?

Is it possible to truly be in love with someone you've only seen in movies?

Not truly.

Does porn count?

My dick is in love with Kate beckinsale

I believe so.



She apparently has one of those hollywood-michael-jackson-noses.

Yeah. Im in love with 5 women. Rate my taste.

Hayley Attwell.
Liz Olsen
Kate Beckinsale
Amy Adams

She's an angel.


>that look




Only if you're twelve.

Or if you have the social maturity and sexual experience of a twelve year-old.

She has the cutest nose I just want to suck on it

How else do you fall in love?

Step aside, guys... she's mine

Keep her.

Is it possible to truly be in love with a CGI robot you've only seen in a movie?


A bit more

And more.

She gives everybody that look. She is a loose woman.

Snek. Snek snek.

>being in love with someone you'll never meet and will never give you any attention

I thought only delusional teens did this.

step aside, she's already mine


>Wtf is that thing on his neck?

>delusional teens

I don't understand why people get mad about her. She's not particularly sexy or beautiful, and she has shit tier feet

>Ben is OD'ed on redpills

It's okay, I've got a whole folder full of waifus. Here's the new addition.


Is it not love if she is the first thing that I think about when I wake up, and the last thing on my mind before I go to bed?

her tits are disgusting

I know everybody says that redhead is her pornoganger, but the body's all wrong. I think Sierra Sanders, hair color aside, is her real pornoganger.

I hope you die soon.

poor mans Natalie Dormer


Never seen this one before. Where is it from?

Fuck if I know. Some photoshoot, I guess. There really aren't that many photos of her out there.



French Natalie Dormer. And French is always superior.

Why? Small and perky, with a bit of muscle under them. Nice nips too.


No because you don't have to endure their morning breath or the stench of their asshole

Until you've dealt with their eye crusts and them at their laziest presentation, don't think for a second that you know shit about love

You'd be surprised how quickly that shit falls apart by the way once you realize how bad/reluctant they are with sucking dick

>don't think for a second that you know shit about love
and you do?

>you will never endure the stench of amy adam's asshole

The hours of preparation these actresses go through just to become those objects of desire undermines the truth of whatever you think you're feeling

Might as well be in love with an imaginary friend


>imaginary friend
And that's bad how? This is literally what we mean when we say waifu.


not to mention everything they say or do is fabricated

Ever watch an interview after seeing their performance? 9/10 they're 10x less charismatic/interesting outside of performance, it's a fuckin bummer tbqh

Jerk off and sober up

It's possible to be in love with the projection that they show.

For all you know they might be a bunch of cunts, that'll make you want to strangle yourself.

they are 110% cunts


Pick one

honestly kill your retarded dumbfuck self you disgustting nigger faggot

>French is always superior.

I bet you have never been to france

Do you, friendo
Just in the interest of getting actual tangible pussy that shit isn't doing you any favors

I'll give you that, but have ypu seen this shit, it's fucking depresing

If I wanted to get "pussy" I wouldn't be on a mongolian gardening forum posting women pics.

This is a borderline meaningless question. Loving someone in the movies triggers many of the same emotions and chemicals loving a person up close would. Perhaps not all the same ones. I do however think that the person you are creating in your head is probably different than the one that exists in real life. Of course I do this with girls I'm crushing on who I actually know.

Don't need to.

>French is always superior.


Apparently its from The Experiment by Jo Stromgren.

There's more on the official site, many of which are extremely unflattering therefore I am not posting.

Much of her work is difficult to find online. Especially the stuff made for Norwegian TV.

Love doesn't really exist, cunt. You just want to fuck her and spread your seed...

>tfw you're in love with a dead woman

He didn't mention waifu, so he's clear on that point. He didn't even mentioning imagining finding one from the depths of your mom's basement.

A role in Going Postal by BBC earned her a spot in my folder. Perfect sergeant Angua.
Flukt is also worth checking out.

at first I was laughing at Affleck and then I saw Eisenberg in the middle and lost it completely

why does eisenberg look photoshopped in to that

gross, one of her legs is way longer than the other. or knees at different heights if they're the same length grossssssss

Yeah man that's exactly what I'm talking about! That shit highkey killed my Pam-boner + she used to be one of my favs

Kek, and I wouldn't be here responding to em.



No, because they are fucking actors.

He looks like the type of person that people on Sup Forums wonder will ever learn.

yeah but look how short superman is

wonder woman end credits scene probably

She used to be cute but is clearly getting uglier by the day



Acting really is an art. She's having a conversation with a balding dude dressed as fucking Superman. for a multimillion dollar movie.

Need for speed made me fall in love with her as well.

Specially when she said " my mugshot"
And when she laughs at the mustang asking if it is the horse.

I almost came in those scenes



Found it on gfycat. Its bts of MOS, but not sure where its from exactly

Not truly, no. I never understood how absurdly painful and life destroying actually being in love with someone you see every day was until I felt it. It doesn't matter how in control you think you are, it will blow through all of your defenses like paper.

You are probably confusing admiration or crush with love


I don't think so my man.