I hope this one is remembered as one of those "what the fuck were they thinking" movies in a decade from now.
I hope this one is remembered as one of those "what the fuck were they thinking" movies in a decade from now
The see you later guy
>tfw this was actually a pretty good movie but everyone shits on it because "le funny meme name"
Trust me, if you've actually seen the movie, you won't be fucking laughing at the name.
no, you're just autistic. the movie was fuckin dogshit
The catch you on the flip side dude
How low can you standards be? the movie was awful
You have to be 18 to post here
I've seen this pasta before in the same thread.
Should have it made a monster movie instead. See You Later Alligator
the farewell fella
The poo poo pee pee man
I would watch this.
Best one yet
I think it's remembered as that now.
lold audibly, thanks faggot
The Catch You Later Cunt
I didn't realise this came out I read a proof of the script over a year ago. It was pretty good to be honest, most of the stuff I read was absolute garbage but this one actually had some decent stuff. Wonder how they managed to fuck up the script so much.
I read that proof too, and it was shit. Your opinion is garbage.
The G'day Guy
The Peace Out Poofter
That's interesting. what else did you read?
>See You Later Alligator
Fucking fund it
Its already remembered like that
if its even remembered at all
the sayonara shithead
The Cheerio Lad