Name a better '90s film

Name a better '90s film.

You can't.

Check Em



Get dubs.

You can't.

It came out in 2000

It was released in 2000.

I never realized the reflection in the knife

that's hella fucking sick

Terminator 2

Its radical

New dubs - chem 'em out

Jurassic Park.

What's going on here?


Impressive. Let's see Paul Allen's dubs.

Get a reservation at Dorsia.

You can't.


Being set in the 1980s and the style in which it is shot, it feels more like an 80s film than a late 1990s or early 2000s film.

TIL there was a Broadway musical of American Psycho

It feels nothing like an 80's movie.

It wasn't horrible.

Also czech em

Every film released in the 90s, because this wasn't a 90s film. You have been btfo as hard as conceivably possible OP.

Empire of the sun.

I could have sworn the young boy in it is the spitting image of Christian Bale. In fact you may have said it's his double.

Dubs confirm


It takes place in the '90s and has a great '90s atmosphere. '90s movie in my book

is this le dubs thread?

solid kino but not 90s

> Released in 2000

So films are from whatever time they take place in, sweet. Time to go watch some films from before they had film.

Very nice. Checked.

Very Nice as well


It takes place in the 80's you pleb.

it's clearly 1989

This is a movie made in 2000 that takes place in the 80s. How retarded are you?

You should watch it. It's a good musical.

lets see paul allen's dubs



>tfw never realized American Psycho took place in the 80s
>I never realized this despite: Reagan, The gigantic 80s phone Patrick used, the 80s music
Am I retarded?

I really like Demme.
Philadelphia is also pretty good.

a lot of people hate doonie darko, but it's pretty good too

Weak. Not even 10+ (You)s