Dormammu, I've come to bargain.
Dormammu, I've come to bargain
How did he rewind time with the amulet after he died?
Because Magic bullshit.
Why didn't Dormammu capture and torture the everloving shit out of him for """millenia""" until he gave in and said "fuck it destroy the world let me die"?
>be human
>magical fly locks you in the current moment
>wait 24 hours for it to die
Don't know why this faggot didn't do the same for strange
>ITT: Movies everyone have already forgotten
Logan movie is forgetable tripe.
He created a loop he didn't rewind time
Wouldn't he die again if it was a loop?
Only someone retarded would make a defense like this.
I made a statement not a defense case. So you already sound retarded...
he did
So how did he rewind time with the amulet after he died?
Explain in detail why you made it then.
how come he's alive then?
Explain in detail why I made a statement that clearly made you mad because of your fanboyism?
[Spoiler]Because I'm in charge here.[/spoiler]
He created a loop he didn't rewind time
Wouldn't he die again if it was a loop?
No dumb fuck, explain why you made that statement, without using memes as a safespace.
Wouldn't he die again if he created a loop?
he did
So how did he rewind time with the amulet after he died?
Literally to make you this angry and it worked so I win.
Also the flick was awful capeshit only saw it because my kid is still into cape faggotry.
He created a loop he didn't rewind time
So how did he rewind time with the amulet after he died?
Wouldn't he die again if he created a loop?
You didn't explain anything. Try again.
More like Dor-MEME-u!!!
I dont remember exactly but I think there was a shot showing him set it up beforehand or something
he did
Explain why I should explain myself, also why do you defend this kid shit? Don't you feel some shame? I only assume you are of age because clearly this is a 18+ site.
So how did he rewind time with the amulet after he died?
So how did he rewind time with the amulet after he died.
Literally religiousfags response to everything
Both Doctor Strange and Dormammu consciously experienced the time loop, so it felt like an eternity to a being who was supposedly beyond time.
So each time Dormammu kills Bonaducci Savagecrotch, time loops back and once again Dormammu is asked to bargain.
Guess you don't have anything worthwhile to say if you can't explain why you said something.
Leaving this thread now. Have a good day.
Enjoy knowing you missed this opportunity and can never get it back, ever.
I've had like three acid flashbacks during the movie.
The psychedelic feel was great though the movie is 7/10 at best.
Is Dr. Strange the only actual good capeshit?
Still a better ending then BvS
>How did he rewind time with the amulet after he died?
FFS you two should just get it out of the way and fuck already
I'd say it an Ant-Man but I've been told I have bad tastes so who knows
What use is torture on someone who doesn't fear death or pain?
I'd tip a fedora for you if I had one. But I don't so take this (You) instead.
Dormammu, i'm Strange.
Maybe a little, but who am I to judge?
shitty movie.
Dormammu, I've come to bargain
It's literally a remake of Ant-Man (which was itself essentially a soft-remake of Iron Man 1) with an asian wizard reskin.
I really liked the villain in this, early on especially.
Back to your Moonlight thread
Ant-Man was about family.
Yeah he was good. Wish they would have given him a more interesting arc. Also the name confusion scene was the best part of the whole movie.
I was only one of those. Literally me ending on 62.
Explain what led you to this conclusion? What possible similarity does this have to ant-man.
>people are actually posting in the throwaway thread I made an hour ago and forgot
Wow, what the fuck. Now where could my pipe be...?
The cat has it
>I liek quips
Pleb I come to bargain
I see you've mistaken "comedy" for "quipping". That's okay, it's understandable given your browsing of Sup Forums.
Don't patronize me you fat fuck.
>I definitely haven't been refreshing this thread for the past hour
I see right through your tricks
Who the FUCK do you think you are?
Off the top of my head:
>Flawed but essentially good hero in need of some sort of redemption stumbles upon [magic/scientific] secret guarded by an old reclusive mentor
>hero has a sort-of-but-not-really love interest who takes herself seriously, but is ultimately little more than a plot convenience
>hero has a collection of 'ethnic' friends
>a considerable portion of the film is the hero being trained by the mentor to use [magic/the suit], and there are intermittent scenes of wacky comedy and the hero slowly succeeding at using [magic/the suit]
>it is established during the training that there is something the hero is forbidden from doing because it would be dangerous
>the villain was formerly the mentor's best student, but turned evil and now misuses what they were taught for megalomaniacal purposes
>the hero must use their power to stop the villain's plan to do something irreparably bad to the world, which is near completion
>the villain goes after the mentor and takes them out of the picture, so the hero is left mostly on their own to fight the villain
>the hero fails to stop the villain, and the villain comes close to killing the ones the hero loves
>the hero does the thing they were told not to do during the training but it works and it defeats the villain
>hero is introduced to the [magic/technology] by way of an extended CGI sequence that is really Marvel wanking their tech in the audience's face for 3-5 minutes
>main selling point of the movie is basically a CGI gimmick [elaborate shrinking sequences / 'dude what if the bending buildings from Inception was a superpower?']
I don't remember anything about this movie
are you a retard? how can you forget every single part of a movie?
forgot that mentor is a hypocrite for abusing magic/tech
Best capeshit "fight"
Maui, I've come to bargain