The theatrical version of Alien3 is the best installment in the franchise
Unpopular opinions thread
Jackie brown is the best tarantula film
Jurassic Park 3 is better than Jurassic Park 2, mostly, but not solely because Alan Grant is superior to Ian Malcolm.
All of these are facts
Temple of Doom is as good as any of the others in the trilogy
Airforce One is a better movie than Top Gun and Point Break combined.
I prefer TDKR over TDK simply based on quotes and baneposting.
Jurassic park 2 and 3 are both way better than 4
Rob Zombie's Halloween is one of the best slasher films, and seeing Michael's backstory gives him more depth as a character.
That fight scene in They Live is fucking annoying.
A New Hope is the only good thing to come out of Star Wars.
Spaghetti Westerns are all bad. Italians can't make good cowboy flicks.
Honestly I just can't rewatch TDK, but if TDKR is on, I'll watch the rest of it.
I can't stand to look at Maggie Gyllenhaal's face as Heath Ledger calls her beautiful.
It's not even the best xeno, let alone movie.
Blade Runner theatrical voiceover edition is the Best edition.
It's an inside job!
Both The Force Awakens and Rogue One are superior to any of the prequels.
Unbreakable has a great concept, but it's not actually a very good movie.
O Brother Where Art Thou is the best Coen Brothers film.
I 100% agree and I feel terrible
This thread has made me terribly sad.
that's everyone's opinion outside of this board.
The Prometheus guys acting like retards makes sense considering they were just semi-pro paid fuckers. People sperg too much about this movie.
People who say things along the lines of
>it's not a horror movie because it's not scary
>it's not a comedy because it's not funny
>it's not an action movie because it's boring
should be perma-banned and possibly murdered where applicable.
See . Practically everyone - even the people who think they're crappy - can agree that TFA and RO are better movies than the absolute abortions that comprise the prequel trilogy. Sup Forums is pretty much the only place where the opposite viewpoint has any traction, and that's solely because >muh mary sues or >muh diversity.
I like the third act of Sunshine just as much if not more than the rest of the movie.
The Two Jakes is a good sequel to Chinatown.
Spiderman 3 is fine
>it's the god damn "i rewatch alien 3 and try my damndest to convince myself i sort of kind of like it for the fifth time" episode
inb4 assembly cut
Jurassic Park 3 is b movie tier, and feels like it too. JP2 feels like a big budget production.
>It's the Winona looked cute in the 90's so I try to pretend Alien 4 isn't an abominable film for the third time episode
>Jurassic Park 3 is better than Jurassic Park 2
I do not agree at all.
>Alan Grant is superior to Ian Malcolm
But I do agree with this.
terrible opinions
Is liking prometheus unpopular? I dont even know anymore
I think you meant the assembly cut, then you would be right
Explain how the is the standard release is better than the cut w/ crucial 27 + minutes
The Hobbit is in the top 5 fantasy films of all time. it gets all aspects of the book exactly right and then adds so much more.
cherry tree lane is the greatest horror ever made.
Go north. Find the Dunedain.
There’s a young ranger amongst them. You should meet him.
His father... A r a t h o r n ;-) was a good friend. His son might grow to be a great one. He is known in the wild as... "Strider" :^)
His true name... you must discover for yourself. Legolas! Your mother loved you *_*
It's a shitty mess so yeah, it's like 5 different stories were jammed together. Characters do things for no reason at all sometimes. Characters who know better than to do certain things do stupid things. Etc. It's fucking bad.
That's OK. I like RotS more than ESB for the same reason.
The fact that they were semi-pro paid fuckers doesn't make sense though. Why were a bunch of semi-pro idiots hired for the most important scientific expedition in human history?
>and seeing Michael's backstory gives him more depth as a character.
But, Michael doesn't need depth.
In fact, what added to his mystique in the original is that he's just evil, plain and simple. There's no justification behind it.
>why does this kids movie have kid like elements in it?! I just dont get it
Ozu is a one trick pony
I once watched a serial killer documentary which talked about how the killers mother used to wash his genitals. Psychiatrists used that as a turning point which led to his eventual sexual deviance. Apparently these talking heads were never washed by their mothers as toddlers.
A backstory is only an excuse to minimalise and rationalise the unrational. Horror is found in the fear of the unknown. If it can be rationalised, it can be confined and nobody is truly scared of a caged beast.
> Yeah, remember that classic kids movie where one of the characters gets an axe lodged in his brain