How the FUCK did this happen?
How the FUCK did this happen?
It was being lauded as the funniest movie of all time when it came out.
It's magnificent. Does that make you feel uncomfortable?
It's one of the most cleverly written movies even if a lot of it seems unscripted
Metascore. what's that?
At the time, it was a fairly original film.
the first half or so is damn funny
not sure if you are joking or actually not noticing the oscar nomination right in the fucking circle
The metascore stands out more, blame the retardo who couldn't circle just the oscar nom, not me.
Because it's a cleverly written "documentary" about how Americans act around somebody who, to them at least is a dumb foreigner.
They seem to treat him like an idiot child but all the while he's exposing their innate arrogance and prejudice.
The only surprise here is how vastly underrated the sequel is, even though it's just as great
It was a different time.
>blame the retardo who couldn't circle just the oscar nom, not me.
I wanted to circle both you autismo
>The only surprise here is how vastly underrated the sequel is
Do you mean Bruno?
Her vagine hang like sleeve of wizard robe
So you admit to being a retard
It's an amazing movie
Bruno just doesn't have the same relateability that made the borat character so great at disarming people for real reactions.
I still haven't seen Bruno. Loved The Dictator though.
You had to be there. It hasn't aged well but in 2007 or whatever it was a phenomenon.
It's aged pretty well if you were old enough to remember the context of the time. Not to mention just the language used is great.
"Be sure to get my back pussy."
>It hasn't aged well
Bruno is trash.
Borat has aged like milk.
It's from the Bush era
Come on, it was pretty funny when he's trying to buy things with hair.
Or when he was saying to that woman "Give me your tears gypsy or I will take them from you"
funniest line?
"I'm not used to that but that's fine"
"retarded By-low"
choose wisely
The whole Jew egg skit was fucking hilarious
Or when he threw money at the betles that came into their room at night, because he thought the old jewis had shapeshifted.
the driving instructor is really interesting
>what kind of dog is this?
>this is a tortoise
>is it a cat... in a hat?
They were cockroaches
>I convinced Azamat Bagatov to come to California, but he did not want to fly in case the Jews repeat their attack