Milo Yiannopoulos should be a James Bond villain
Milo Yiannopoulos should be a James Bond villain
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Milo? Is that this convicted alt-right pedophile?
It would only work if they go with the Jane Bond idea too.
Really? This is how you're trying to make your comeback Milo? Shitposting on Sup Forums?
I don't know who's worse, you or Sam Hyde.
not a paedophile
Milo is worse. Sam Hyde keeps getting away with it.
Sam made multiple threads back to back for days on end.
OP should be relieved of his posting privs
>looks good in publicity photo shoots
>looks terrible in videos
probably not famalamadingdongwithatweest
milo, don't you have some """""""""sexually-mature"""""""" 13 year-old boys to fondle?
Milo should be Bond himself
It's actually a good idea lol
>is a pedo
>gets into Hollywood
checks out
Good point. I don't recall Bond going up against any pedos with a rabid following
What's his name again?
No he is not an 'alt-right', he a nazi pedophile.
Shit he's said that I disagree with:
>Homosexual marriage shouldn't be legalized in the UK because it would provoke violence and potentially riots
Shit he's said that I agree with:
>Stated that the Age of Consent law in the US is about right but some exceptional people below that age would have the wisdom to justify them being able to give consent
>Never said we should lower the age of consent, just that some people are exceptional and it sucks because there's no way to gauge that
>Doesn't want Muslims moving into the UK because 38% of them told the Gallup Poll in 2016 that they wanted homosexual intercourse outlawed
What else has he done that pisses you guys off so much?
so in other words...alt-right?
Bruv. Imagine if he was.
Every time there was meant to be a clever Bond Villain quip it would just be Milo saying Darling and giggling to himself. Every time he was meant to be threatening he'd just be thinking about children with big black dicks. He's got the looks but he's only able to play pne person and that is a pretentious opinion-having cuck.
(Cuck insofar as he is a self-denying catholic gay campaigning against his best interests, except for his need for child peen).
It's weird how desperate they are to make it sound like Milo wasn't the one who was raped at 13.
Sup Forums has a surprisingly huge libtard population. They hate him because they think he's a "nazi".
Then Sup Forums also hates him because he's gay.
Speak out against our master George Soros.
Richard Dawkins is a pedophile by the same definition that Milo is.
So much CIA shilling in here.
Yeah, they are both pedophiles.
Richard Dawkins is smart enough that we'll let it fly. Milo has no value.
>get raped by a priest
>be sympathetic to your rapist
>this is pedophilia now
>Argue that capacity to consent is viably assessed by a dude with his dick out
>Act like everyone who tells you this is a terrible idea is a paedophile
>Have no real qualifications so bitch about it because you can't earn unless you are opining loudly.
It's CIA shilling to devalue belief and opinion that might hold Milo in a positive light.
I don't look to people who were raped as kids for my advice on what a healthy sexual relationship is. Why do you?
Got to have a minimum on the axis.
This doesn't really relate to anything as a comment.
And my minimum doesn't include child rape victims, who are obviously fucked in the head.
It's pertinent to all the people calling Milo a pedo for having Stockholm Syndrome for his rapist, my agent friend.
So your defense of Milo's dumb opinions is that he is irreparably damaged? I don't see how this means he's not wrong.
Concering age of consent, yes, child rape victims are typically very damaged. Are you saying they're not?
No it isn't, because nobody was indicating they expected him to give good advice. They were just calling him out on saying dumb shit.
Looks like Raiden from Mortal Kombat movie
No, they were calling him a pedo when he was the one who was raped as a kid for saying he didn't mind being raped as a kid.
I'm sorry that having your record corrected triggers you though.
Not sure if you are being a troll, or just very stupid. Either way this is your last (you).
>Comparing this worthless idiot to Dawkins.
user please.
What has he done that's bad exactly?
I can't decide if this is the most retarded thing i've read all day, or absolutely brilliant
be gay but not a leftist, like blacks who arnt democrats. Sends lefties into a rage.
Milo doesn't have anything as retarded as this to his name:
Isn't this exactly what people wanted Spore to be?
A game where all the creatures bounce so they don't have to animate them and there are five frames per second?
Is it weird I just see everyone on here who shouts "alt-right" as a CIA agent?