how come they're more interesting than the characters of xmen apocalypse?
How come they're more interesting than the characters of xmen apocalypse?
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yeah I was really invested in the story of electric black truffle shuffle and Lizardboy
I did feel a pang of pity when they showed him with the Wolverine action figure though, dude just watched his hero die and helped bury him
They're not, but if you think that, It's probably because Apocalypse is awful and the worst film in the series.
At least I could keep my eyes open through The Last Stand and X-Men Oranges
Because every character in apocalypse was the same only with a different power. All pity party faggots who just blended in to one pile of nothingness.
>that one dude who waited until everyone was getting fucked up by x-24 to start lifting trucks with his mind
lazy asshole
That's Rictor he has earth control powers.
>electric black truffle shuffle
>not truffle shuffle 2: electric jiggaboo
Black kid - clone of Storm
Leader kid - Clone of Magneto, did nothing in the woods until there was a truck nearby to lift
Ice breath -Clone of frost
Laura - Wolverine
What about the rest?
alien kid
telekinetic suicide kid
kid who could control how plants grew
fire kid
I thought the leader was more than metal manipulation?
Mine's better, sorry.
>Black kid - clone of Storm
No he's not, (as if Storm could ever be that fat) Storm can control the weather and summon lightning, she does not project electricity despite what Marvel Vs Capcom has taught you.
>telekinetic suicide kid
It was the fire kid that jumped no?
oh that may have been the case
Lizard boy was clone of Jennifer Lawrence
i've been calling him fatic shock
.....i never realised that Rictor and Avalanche had the same powers before
>Clone of frost
>son of avalanche
yeah well so do Sebastian Shaw (lol fucking First Class bullshit) and Strong Guy.