Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
no because hes in a shit show for faggot pretentious plebbits
don't be angry just because you can't understand it.
typical pretentious response.
play somewhere else, kid
This could have easily ended up looking ridiculous yet the show is pulling it off
Me on the left
so he is /ourguy/
>mfw rewatching the first episode
YED seems like a cool guy all in all. Who is he working for/why is he trying to frame David Gilmour?
>Shadow King without the rape
Not sure I like it.
Who is this guy and why do I keep seeing him posted?
Can I get a quick rundown on him?
Sent ;)
If you're serious, he is one of the personalities inside of Legion's mind. It's some kind of psychopath
Me in the middle
>If you're serious, he is one of the personalities inside of Legion's mind
Last episode made it clear that he's the shadow man manipulating David with his telepathy, almost like a parasite.
Keep up
No no no, you're doing it wrong.
First we see postings about shows people really like.
Then trolls appear and post "Where did it go wrong?" and "Why is this show such shit?" type threads.
Then those troll threads are repeated over and over until some clowns think these are valid opinions just because they see it so much.
This is where you come in. So don't jump the gun buddy.
Get some exercise dude.
Any discussion of this show is plagued by faggots who've skimmed a Wikipedia page on the comics character.
I thought he was Mojo
>First fat, then skinny, now this.
Okay, somebody seriously needs to talk to Jonah Hill.
literally did nothing wrong
seems like a cool magical wizard man
someone should try chatting with him
It has the balls of Twin Peaks for doing weird shit. Easily the best show on TV right now behind Once Upon a Time
You mean /ourguy/
The show is clearly way better than arrow, flash or legends of tomorrow.
He isn't a personality. He is an actual parasite that x-men had to fight in the past. Look up shadow king.
>cant understand capeshit
lol i hope you dont believe that
I want to talk about this show so goddamn bad. But almost no one is discussing it either here or on Reddit.
The few people who are discussing are either clueless fucks who apparently watch with their eyes half closed or goddamn spastics trying to shoehorn the show into some comic book "canon" they skimmed online. It's killing me, anons.
Intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor?
nah this is /ourguy/ (literally me)
>without the rape
HAve you seen the most recent episode?
There isn't anything to discuss.
so haven't herd shit about this show only to find out its marvel and set in its world so is this stand alone or have there been marvel shit talked about like people or places?
no she is reddit incarnate
I didn't notice any marvel shit
Only thing in common is the main character, a X-motif, and potentially the main villain. Even then, the main character is thus far a huge departure from his comic counterpart, only sharing his vast power and mental instability, unless the show decides to drop a big tweest.
he looks like the average Sup Forums poster, so i would say yes
Are you retarded or just really inept at tv show discussion? Every day there's a new episode there's a thread with lots of talking and even reddit has live and post-episode discussions.
The creator said he wants this show to be as far away from the x-men series as possible so it can be it's own thing. Though Patrick Stewart did say he would be very open to having an appearance on it.
Based on Marvel Comics. Property of Fox's Marvel (like Wolverine, X-men, Deadpool and mutants in general) but so far there hasn't been a clear connection to the X-men movies universe. Completely unrelated to the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe, the one with The Avengers).
Biggest connection to anything is that the main character is a mutant and there are some more mutants in the show. It stands very very well on its own.
what other powers have been shown to far i am on the fence ready to binge the episode that are out just need a push
Dude with Telekenesis
Chick who can swap bodies with people she touches
Dude who can analyse memories and take people into their own and others brains to relive memories
Two people who share a single body
Theres a couple others but i cant remember roght now
If you want to watch it cause you want to see a mutant/mutants doing all sorts of stuff with their powers you might not be into it because this is more about exploring the main characters mind and being exposed to all sorts of trippy things and general mindfuckery.
That said he has telepathy, telekinesis, with some forms of pyrokinesis and teleportation
>muh r*ddit
I never follow live Sup Forums threads anymore. You capeshit-obsessed r*dditors just spoil everything anyway
cool i will give it a shot
>Two people who share a single body
so split personality disorder lol jk just fucking around
Why does it have a Hitler moustache?
Its more like a older dude who has a young woman that lives inside him who only comes out when shes needed, i knew someone would make that joke when i said two people in one body lol
oh god damn it
i'm never going to be able to unsee this now you son of a bitch
maybe that shot is blurry but she looks really hot, which she shouldn't be because she has that super thick jaw older american women get from eating too much beef with growth hormones
it's his mouth you goddamn idiot
Literally 9gag tier posting we got here
oh wtf
any other easter eggs?
David wearing cerebro helmet during halloween scene, also his talk of talking to the stars, and his father replying they talk to him too, was clearly a cerebro reference
I literally cannot see it. Why would his mustache have lips around it? Why would his mouth have a weird folding in under bite (chin)?
>also his talk of talking to the stars, and his father replying they talk to him too, was clearly a cerebro reference
That's a MASSIVE stretch. That was his adoptive father, not his real father, and using Cerebro has never been described as "talking to the stars" or anything like that to my recollection.
Angry boy, His face turned red and with a pain he shouted "pleb"