Is Steven Crowder cringe kino?
Is Steven Crowder cringe kino?
>uh today im gonna tuck my dick between my legs and ask sjws to spank me
>wow i guess the "tolerant left" isn't so tolerant after all, not a single one catcalled me
Fuck that guy. At least Alex Jones is funny.
I'd help Cenk Armenian genocide him for doing that
Can someone explain to me, does America have some kind of weird laws where you always have to call some third party instead of settling this shit between two people? I always notice people in American videos being passive aggressive retards who would basically get slapped in the face in a normal country and learn not to do shit like this really quickly. But in America it seems like everyone lets them get away with whatever the fuck they want for some reason?
>Crowder's Hairline is receding more than Cenk's
Top kek
Also, was crowder ever funny?
Even Crowder's fans are saying he went to far. Is this the end for Steven Crowder?
You can't deck a guy just because you don't like what he has to say.
It was awesome as fuck when Alex Jones did this. How did Crowder fail this hard?
talk shit get hit pussy
You answered your own question. Crowder is a copycat hack.
I don't mean literally punching the guy's lights out, I just mean slapping him a bit and showing that this is unacceptable.
He's hardly just "saying" something, he's clearly acting unfit for civilized society.
There's a crowd (lol) who didn't care
Roger stone was the one who caused cenk to turk out
tyt in general ignore crowder so they don't care
Crowder was acting like a child.
"Ripped pants!" - Steven Crowder, 2015, 2016, 2017
America is a very litigious country. Cenk could get the pants sued off him just for touching Crowder.
And nobody wants to see Cenk without pants.
But why can't Crowder get sued for doing his shit then? Is it just the physical contact that you people are deathly afraid of? Because you can literally kill someone without physical contact under those rules.
Imagine for example people making a daisy chain around you, and if you touch them, you get sued, and they just guide you to fall into a hole or some shit.
It sounds like you people operate under some really shitty D&D rules lawyering.
Freedom of Speech Achmed
You're allowed to defend yourself against a physical threat. Crowder wasn't being threatening, though. He was just being an obnoxious asshole.
What is the point of not being allowed to slap the obnoxious asshole a bit so that he stops being an obnoxious asshole though? I mean, what's the benefit of this to anyone but the obnoxious asshole?
So when did Reddit numales stop being liberal and turn into this steven crowder alt-right cuckhold thing? Is it just a phase?
If its your venue you can kick them out for tresspassing. Trump used to do it all the time. If it's public your fucked.
Deciding who is an obnoxious asshole just comes down to a personal subjective view.
I think Cenk is an obnoxious asshole, and Crowder being a dick to him is a deserved metaphorical slap in the face.
You're telling me how it is, but not why it is that way. I'm just wondering how it came to be that the only people benefiting from this arrangement are the obnoxious assholes.
>Deciding who is an obnoxious asshole just comes down to a personal subjective view.
Not really, everyone knows what a civilized discussion looks like and what the general rules of civilized society are. Just think to yourself "would I act like that in a Wild West saloon filled with random cowboys" basically. Everything else is justification for being an asshat.
You're actually advocating physical violence on someone whose words you don't like?
Like really? What the fuck country do you come from?
Conservatism is becoming more mainstream because it's broken away from the christian evangelicals and other nutjobs that it's been depicted as.
Deal with it.
Also I'd like to add, just so that you don't think that I'm shitting on Crowder because I don't like him, for example in the Alex Jones/Cenk happening, Cenk's Armenian whore was the one acting uncivilized.
Slapping someone around isn't physical violence, it's an educational method. How else do you think people who clearly don't possess the mental faculties to develop personal ethics independently can ever learn to be proper human beings?
I'm obviously not advocating punching them, shooting them, or cutting off their head.
Chowder is a 6'4" 250lb chad of pure muscle.
He needs to fuck off and stop pretending to be with the neckbeard trumper crowd
What country do you come from?
>physically hurting people you disagree with
Sounds like you have anger problems user.
Are you angry at your dog when you train him?
Clearly no one has raised these people properly, normal interpersonal communication and participation in society is something they should've learned in kindergarten. So measures must be taken to rectify that.
crowder is unfunny and lame. he's for normies.
I watch him a lot, and he's a massive gynocentric cuck, but he can be pretty amusing.
Did anyone see any of the episodes with that Courtney chick who looks like she had a stroke because her mouth is literally permanently in a :-\ position? I recommend those to anyone interested in dating a "traditional woman".
grown men dont just slap each other without an actual fight breaking out
Crowder is a young guy that's decently well read on the subjects he discusses.
While he's got his obvious flaws, the guy is still in his 20s, battling it out in an industry filled with 40-50 year olds.
The only people in this industry in their 20s tend to be hot piece of asses.
Gotta give him credit for building something. Join the mug club.
>hitting a dog
>training it
Look, it's pretty obvious you were beaten as a child but you can't transfer your parents' wrongdoing onto other people.
You're not anyone's dad or mom. If you were to slap me in any context I would fucking deck you into the ground and I would expect anyone else to do the same. And the law would be on my side.
>Crowder is a young guy that's decently well read on the subjects he discusses.
>Hitler was a liberal
>America's healthcare system is better than Canada's
>Climate change isn't caused by man
You're allowed to slap strangers around in Serbia?
Sure they do. What happens in 99% of cases is that the guy who never encountered any resistance to his bullshit because he was a sheltered child, suddenly learns how to act politely. It's practically magic.
>You're not anyone's dad or mom.
And apparently no one was yours or Crowder's. Someone's got to step in and take the responsibility to create a society that shares some concept of common decency. When you outsource this from the common people to the government, all you get is an authoritarian state that considers ALL citizens to be children.
>christian evangelicals and other nutjobs
The christian evangelicals are the only thing holding this country together.
Serbia is a shit show.
They have drop dead gorgeous women sometimes but that's about the only reason to go there.
He's very nervous since he got assblasted in Rogan's show. As he should be because been ridiculized by rogan is like being beaten by an invalid.
I think it's definitely a bad thing to go on his show and do poorly. I don't know of a more popular podcast talk show than JRE.
What happened?
How can Crowder think Joe was bullying him yet think this shit with cenk isn't?
Who's the fat guy?
Crowder is a basic Christian Conservative Republican(tm) though
I dont hate him but he doesn't represent my ideology really as a conservative leaning person
Crowder started getting a bit hysterical during a portion of the podcast. Mostly because they were in an argument over weed. Rogan is perfectly reasonable until you go after "muh cannabis." It's the one time where you can see it pushes his buttons. I have no problem with weed but Rogan gets weird when you say anything negative about it.
So he starts to go on the offensive with Jamie pulling up a bunch of shoestring articles and treating them as objective fact.
I'm a fan of JRE but it actually gets annoying when discussions get interrupted with google searches all the time.
>I recommend those to anyone interested in dating a "traditional woman"
Holy shit she seems like a cunt
I've never seen him get preachy about his religion. Then again I've only been watching his podcasts on youtube for the past month or so.
They patched things up on Crowder's show.
>that Courtney chick who looks like she had a stroke because her mouth is literally permanently in a :-\ position?
Yeah but is she hot?
Did you catch the one where she talks about the dating scene and makes fun of the guys the dating site set her up with, based on their appearance?
KEK yeah I did. It's fucking unbelievable.
I'm into all sorts of conventionally ugly, but even I have to say no to that.
See for yourself:
She wrote an article about it too:
She's OK I guess. Trouble is, I'm guessing she traded one form of radicalism for another. People like that don't usually become centrist or reasonable at any point. I'll have to watch the podcast and see what she's all about.
>>She's OK I guess.
Crowder was hysterical because in several segments before the pot he had already been caught making shit up, like the segment about traffic restrictions when he chained three lies and was fact checked inmediately three times.
I'm just saying, if she ended up being the chick I met on a blind date; I might not use my dive-out call.
I don't remember that, probably because I couldn't watch anymore when it got uncomfortable. Isn't Crowder a Canadian? He might have gotten his information confused.
Maybe I'm just blinded by how shitty her personality is, since I've seen her on the podcast many times.
>>Crowder was hysterical because in several segments before the pot he had already been caught making shit up
He does this often, but the problem is that when you're bombarded with information 24/7 you just can't hold all the figures and such in your head, you just get left with the general impression of the matter.
She's like a living breathing manifestation of the selfish, self centered heartless cunt caricature /r9k/ paints all women as being. It's pretty surreal.
Alex ostentiably went there to be friends and say hi. TYT then freaked out. Crowder went as a parody of Cenk and was disruptive.
Nah, he was just making shit up on the fly, he started by saying that traffic restricctions are a liberal plot to undermine individual liberties (?)
So Joe asks for some proof or at the very least some explanation, and he says that it's obvius because a Prius pollutes far more than a Ford Fiesta , fact check= lie, so he then says that it makes more miles per gallon, fact check=lie, so then he says that old cars like a beetle are even better, again a lie, etc, etc.
Honestly it was uncomfortable but at the same time revealing.
Does he really think the bleeps are going to help him become mainstream?
because he's a prick?
cringed hard, holy fuck. this guy makes Chunk Ugur look alpha.
I don't know about that but I know I'd get a prius if Toyota didn't seem to be obsessed with making them ugliest vehicles on the planet.
Or else I wouldn't since the Honda Element gets reasonable mileage and has AWD.
People freeze up when there's a camera on them. Especially people with money. Blame the trial lawyer culture.
if Chunk Ugur slapped him, this video wouldn't have been about Crowder's cringiness but about how Chunk "assaulted" him
Your line of thinking is so elementary it's emberassing. Here's your (You)
Everything about this video, from beginning to end, is just sad.
Cringe or not, TYT got severely butthurt so mission accomplished
Cenk didn't even seem that upset. He seemed embarrassed for him more than anything.
Did somebody say... WONDER?!?!?
>Can't punch assholes in the face
This is why 11,000,000 Jews are dead.
Alex is a loveable loon. Crowder is just a douchebag.
Post like this show how out of touch with reality this board is.It's pretty clear that most of the "alt-right" are just angry suburban neets who base their world views off of message boards and youtube vids.
He literally held up a shirt claiming Clinton was a rapist.
I remember when it used to be 6,000,000.
But Clinton is a rapist.
Generation Z is the most conservative generation since WWII. And I wouldn't be surprised if that's due in large part to the fact that present-day conservatism doesn't kowtow to Bible-thumpers.
Who told Steven Crowder he was funny?
That's pathetic.
Because Alex Jones is a funny bonehead, and Crowder is a hack.
I wonder what it must be like to have such a stupid son...
Hillary was at that pedo island as often as bill was. The rumors are that she fucking loves preying on girls. Would make total sense given how dikey and frigid she is.
Be stupid,get hit
The tactic described is how SJWs remove undesirables from their safe spaces, if you don't run as fast as them and you touch them, they cry assault or rape depending on what body part was touching and sue the shit out of you because they're all filming it.
>[citation required]
Bill Burr brought up a really good point in his last special that wasn't really expanded upon.
Mao killed way more, so did Lenin; but the six million were Jews. As a Jew it's just sort of like what, those lives didn't matter? There's no Chinese museum of their holocaust. Nor is there a Russian one.
We could even go back and say, "hey look at this Mongolian holocaust where Genghis Kahn wiped out most of several continents." Victim complex became a convenient thing to be the next victimizers and it has to stop.
I'll admit the vids that he made parodying TYT news were pretty entertaining, but this? This is making me uncomfortable and it's just mean. Sitting there doing this for 3 minutes. Wonder how long he would have sat there if no one told him to leave.
Is Steven Crowder our generation's Andy Kaufmann?