u mad whiteboi?
U mad whiteboi?
mad about what?
no, i saw the movie you stupid nog
>liberal Obamavoters BTFO as the real racist
>this is supposed to make me mad
It's subtle meta Kino that cucks wouldn't understand
>100% domestic
This is like Hidden Figures all over again. Wtf is wrong with Americans?
It's a good movie, go to sleep.
Blame these cities
>Wtf is wrong with Americans?
They're watching movies instead of being insecure android pajeets
literally /whocares/
How much did it cost to advertise it?
race baiting is the cheapest advertising there is.
You mean they did it for free? What kind of person would do such a thing?
I am, but only about my life
He's a cuck don't mind him
What did they mean by this?
Mad shill detected
Nice to see the mafia dumping the bodies of outside of Las Vegas
Who do you think spent all that money?
Why the fuck do white people get mad at the most trivial of things?
same reason hitler shot himself instead of throwing a random party.
Na, niggers support all that Madea bullshit so they wouldn't know taste even if it came in watermelon flavor,
>minorities have to deal with being shot by police
>being unconstituionally deported
>white people have to deal with.... being called meanies or uncool from time to time
Asiains have more backbone now.
>unconstituionally deported
it is constitutional. They are here illegally.
What do you mean?
>white people don't have to deal with breaking the law and not doing what police tell you
it's their pale, translucent skin. they must return to the subterranean cities they emerged from thousands of years ago
Based. I m going to go see it 2 more time lol checkmate cracker. Anyone else hate white?
>rednecks do the exact same thing and nobody gives a shit
I don't think posting the exact same image all over the internet took a lot of money
You DO realize that the cities also have most of the 300 million people in the US, right? I wouldn't expect Bumfuck, Alabama to have a high murder rate due to this.
What are you even talking about?
>Produced by whitebois
Why would I be mad? You just made us richer, thanks.
>tfw live in one of the top 5 murder capitals
how is that possible? I bet the actors are demanding more money right now
>Cities with a population of 1 million+ people have a higher murder rate than flyover shitholes with 10 people.
Really made me think...
Based Seattle
Northwest Coast, Best Coast
>try to delete your post because typo
>that one faggot who still responds to it
It was a pretty funny movie about white liberals' obsession with blacks.
>>minorities have to deal with being shot by police
*dangerous criminals unwilling to comply have to deal with being shot by police*
>>being unconstituionally deported
*being constitutionally deported*
>threads like this exist
>Sup Forums gets mad about Sup Forums posters
No, it was a good movie.
Jews are technically white, hate to break it to ya user. Also I think only one of them is actually a jew, the rest aren't.
>100 trillion in the bank
>still can't drink delicious milk, the drink of the Gods
Will black supremacists recover?
Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up
It only had one trailer so probably not much.
Ever been to "White Power Milk"'s website.
It's the sort of shit Sup Forums would love, assuming it's still up.
>can't enjoy strawberry and chocolate milk
no wonder they're angry
criminally underrated post
>it took this movie almost 3 weeks to make 100 million
Am I supposed to be impressed?
>almost 2500% ROI
That's actually ridiculously unfathomably good.
Is this the highest returning movie of all time?
Blair Witch made $250,000,000 on a $60,000 budget before the charged up the ass for tickets what's your point?
considering indie films on $100 budgets make thousands of dollars, I'd say probably not
hey you leave Bismarck alone
Shhh, they don't know about likelihood of encounter or population density. It's too complex.
Hopefully this will cause more movies to center around TS mother fucking A
I don't think I've heard of an indie film made with a hundred dollar budget returning thousands.
But that aside, among theatrical releases I think this movie might actually take the cake on ROI.
>it's a Sup Forumsbeard doesnt understand jokes episode
You need to be 18 to post here
It's a solid film, and Peele seems like a breddy cool guy,
Name other movies with comparable ROI during their theatrical runs.
I'm waiting.
Hell yeah based transportation security. I just flew last week and I didn't get selected randomly unbased
next time don't delete your post simply because of one wrong letter, autismo.
Blair Witch you stupid fuck.
I know what you did last summer
What was this film supposed to be about anyways?
From the trailer it seemed like a "white people are evil" thing taken to a completely ridiculous level.
paranormal activity
5 million budget and 45 million gross
The lost boys
This one actually is the winner. I concede.
>ITT: sensitive neckbeard snowflakes
Poor little white boy 5
It was constantly up on youtube for a while so the budget had to at least be a bit larger than most.
>Bought 5 tickets to this movie just to piss off Sup Forums
It's good to be well-off and petty.
>drinking stuff that comes out of animals
fucking gross
Nobody cares dude.
Did you even go?
I didn't go, saw Great Wall instead which was shit.
and the guy who spams these threads does care and that makes it worth it.
Him stuffing his ears with the cotton from the chair was pretty smart, you gotta admit.
the part where he finds his girlfriends picture stash with all her prior black boyfriends and it's like 30 picture of different guys and also the dude he knew went missing as well, genuinely a very well shot and scary scene. Surprised this hasn't been used in horror before for something similar.
>when you nut but she keep suckin
Same wide-eyed, open mouthed expression, but it IS different, so I'll give you that.
Still though, the damage has been done and that stupid crying nigger face being the only physical exposure to this film ad nauseum has killed whatever desire I've had to watch it.
Spoil it for me, is it a climactic scene in the film where something genuinely shocking happens? Fuck, it's honestly just annoying the piss out of me.
Because when people make fun of white people, or any other race of people, in good fun, that's acceptable. I haven't seen Get Out myself, but from what I've heard that seems to be what it's all about: just poking some fun at white people and black people alike.
But then the retards come along and devour it up and proclaim that it's the greatest movie ever, not because of its satirical elements, but because they legitimately, unironically believe that white people are evil monsters that would totally do something like this given the chance. When race relations takes a few hundred steps backwards because people can't separate what they hear on the news, in movies, and in literal jokes from reality, we get a little upset. Why the fuck can't everybody just get along? There's nothing wrong with making white people jokes, but when it's taken seriously it becomes an issue.
>posting fake quotes
He's talking about the original you fucking nog.
That small even for a low budget Hollywood film.
Bad horror movies have an absurdly high profit margin for some ungodly reason
Take your politics threads to
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu >>>whitepowermilk.com
Why would I be mad? I saw Get Out and enjoyed it, and didn't even get triggered by the dindu narrative.
>look at how little we care about racism
>by getting triggered by anything that has blacks or browns in it
go back to Sup Forums whyboi
I hate seeing that little red dot on MN
The Twin Cities are like a fucking tumor
>theatrical run
>I saw Get Out and enjoyed it
Careful now, you wouldn't want to trigger the people who exist on this site to get mad at shit they never bother experiencing themselves.
They have a tiny production budget and women love them. So they'll drag their dates there when most guys don't even want to go.
You wish it was a joke, black boy. You will only drink white milk out of my cock.
Great business concept they have
>show me x
>t-that doesn't count
Typical nigger behavior.