Fatkino thread
Wow uh....
just make it another reddit general faggot
Found the fatty kek
Fat fuck detected
>how to reveal yourself as a fatty: the post
Is this the chick that actually lost a bunch of weight and now posts like a billion selfies of just her face down to her shoulders so you can't see how fucking fat the rest of her still is?
I wonder what it's like being a cameraman or grip for this show. Traveling the country documenting these failed humans and watching them constantly break down but still like 90% of them do absolutely nothing to change.
>those fart noises
What is that shit?
wtf is happening to her fupa
Every black mans dream
>laughing at victims of obesity
does it make you feel better to put others down? fucking losers
This also the board that has daily bane threads.
What did you expect?
Also, check 'em
I wonder if these tv shows actually help the people on them? Or is it just a quick cash grab for everyone involved.
Kind of this, not strictly because they are obese, but more because they're essentially mentally ill, or so maladjusted that they may as well be.
>victims of obesity
That isn't how it works
>victims of their own gluttony and sloth
I'll laugh as long as I like. What're they gonna do, chase me?
Shut the fuck up nigger, I hope you get sat on by a fatty and die
Racist much? Gb2pol
yeah man i used to find these funny when i just saw a clip or a picture of a fat person, but this woman was molested from an early age by family members and then raped in her teens. obviously food is some kind of comfort for her for all the mental issues the years of sexual abuse have caused.
sad stuff
As far as the production goes, these are often a several year process. While I can be disgusted with them as fucking fat monstrosities, I have to agree somewhat that these people are not the same kind of degenerates that are HAES or that Whitney Thurman (Fat Fab Life) is. These people are a combination of severely mentally ill and put with borderline abusive enablers who either like to keep them obese or are so weak willed they'll be running once beckoned.
The Indian doctor is the best doctor "character" I've ever seen.
Fuck off with your disgusting fetish obsession you degenerate fuck
That episode was kino as fuck. I couldn't stop laughing when the husband wouldn't stop driving 90 on the interstate and she was freaking out
>The Indian doctor is the best doctor "character" I've ever seen.
What do you mean? He's a real bariatric surgeon and is considered one of the best in the world
I'm so fucking glad I started exercising and counting calories before I hit 200 lbs.
Now I'm back to a healthy weight and I can laugh at these people for being losers.
Seriously though, being just a little overweight sucks so fucking much. Every moment of their lives has to be fucking torture. I bet the short "high" they get from eating junk food is the only thing that keeps them feeling like human beings.
And even more seriously, LOFL @ this not being my problem anymore.
I put character in quotes because obviously he's a real physician, but he has such a great personality and takes-no-bullshit attitude that makes him a refreshing figure among the other bullshit physicians on television.
Holy shit is that Baron Harkonnen?
I pushed 220lbs a few years ago and felt like complete shit 100% of the time, now I'm down to 185 just by skipping lunch and drinking water instead of coke. I can't imagine how it actually feels to be 600 pounds. Even walking at that weight would be a ridiculous task.
How the fuck do people get this big?
I can't gain any fat without freaking out.
emotional eating
they learn early on in life to use food as a drug to cope with whatever bullshit they're dealing with (almost every single person on the show talks about being molested, beaten, abandoned, etc)
the problem is that it's a very mild and short high, so they're shoveling food into their gobs 24/7 to eat away the pain
multiply this over 20-30 years, and you have a recipe for supermorbid obesity
>when Dr. Now wants you to lose 50 pounds by the 30th of Last Seed but you are too busy dying of corpus in the basement of an immortal wizard
These fatties come up with all kinds of ridiculous excuses
Can't they use something healthier to cope? Like excercise or bug collecting or some shit?
I feel like I am turning into Fat kino...
>9 am soylent for breakfast because im on a diet 400 cals
>11am still hungry have a microwave breakfast sammy 600 cals
>2pm Five Guys for lunch Bacon cheeseburger 920 Cals plus probably 200 cals of addons, Shake 670 Cals + whipped cream oreo and caramel mix ins probably another 200 cals, Large fries 1314 cals
>6pm dinner time rolls around
>little Caesers deep deep dish pepperoni pizza devour whole thing 3500 cals
>7500 cals already
>chest feels tight
>havent even had 2nd dinner yet
How do you tiny bellies do it?
literally stop eating
It's really easy
am i fatkino
I'm wasting my youth ;_;
haven't taken my shirt off since I was 14
just damn at looking like that at 23, it's uncanny
I cant its not easy i feel like im dying if i dont eat. My body shakes and i feel really weak and faint
My friend, just start exercising. Research how online and start off easy. Buy yourself some dumbbells. Go running.
Also cut out sugary drinks COMPLETELY and research a more balanced diet.
Just keep doing cardio.
Eventually the fat will come off.
I also recommend toning your pecs and arms.
>>havent even had 2nd dinner yet
but what about supper and a bedtime snack?
Also fix your posture, it won't change much at first but it's something you have to do eventually. Will feel silly at first but, especially as you lose more weight, it becomes natural.
She was also a shitty person
These people are just assholes
This nigga just said 2nd dinner is this a burgerland thing? How does one even physically consume more than 8k calories in a day??
Jesus Christ, how much do you weight?
Also, you might as well stop taking soylent if you're gonna eat all that, you're wasting your money.
Be positive anons
300lbs the soylent is damage reduction. I used to have a three egg ham and three cheese omelette with jack and cream cheese inside and a layer of sour cream on top everymorning. Shit was dank.
show us what your hand looks like
>lost 1 stone and 4 lb since christmas
>can barely stomach 1 meal a day
>becoming skinny weak and pathetic
make it end lads please
i just want to enjoy food again
That's reversed
her body under her clothes probably looks disgusting with all the extra skin just hanging there
why the fuck are you eating stones?
M8 just try lifting weights and exercising. You can eat more food and still be able to cut fat and build muscle. Just try and focus on more protein and veggies. Shit is dank.
H-hand kino
Maybe you should start observing Lent you filthy heathen
Imagine how hot she would be if she was a normal, healthy weight?
it's evolving
I know we mock them, as we should they made themselves like this, but the people on this show realize that being 600 pounds isn't beautiful and is really really shitty.
look i think they're gross too but it's an addiction like any other.
is that several years worth of congealed sweat cheese on her legs?
i'd fuck stav no homo
No, it's skin tears. The Skin is really durable, but after all that weight, it beings to strain the ability of the skin.
>have gyno from horrible diet during puberty
>even if I lost all the weight, I'd still have weird puffy nipples and little mini tits
>over 5 grand to get it fixed
is this fatkino?
Did somebody say... WONDER?!?!?
She would be really hot if she was normal weight.
Keep track of this.
Me too
would smash
The post baffling thing about this episode is that when she went swimming she had a swimsuit that fit.
kek'd into oblivion
All they needed to do was have her try to get on from the long end of the bed, as the opposite side is against the wall and it won't slide.
>soylent for breakfast because im on a diet
>on a diet
What is your height and weight Sup Forums?
206 pounds
people in these threads seem to be fat experts, so please tell me is starvation mode a meme?
Yes, because you'll eventually eat a shit ton.
same t b h
whats the limit for fuckable?
or is it just a case by case basis
Shitty bait
>giants jersey
oh lawl
Hell, she's hot to me right now
It's a real thing, but its effects are grotesquely exaggerated. It's best not to worry about it at all.
I'm guessing he's correct. You just like to hate on things to make yourself feel better about your sorry self.
>obligatory 'do you know where you are' post
>defending these disgusting hamplanets
holy shit, can you even aim for center mass with these fat fucks one of her thighs probably weighs as much as me