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>when Disney forgets to pay off the critics
Holy shit. First rottten for a MCU production?
Have we started the fire?
Yes brother!
The Fire Rises!
Post yfw the conspiracy about it all being a clever ruse by Randi turns out to be true, and every single rotten review magically turns to fresh in a full on HOWEVER display, as the critics revise their criticisms, trying to pretend like they were playing along with the show's "brilliant commentary" all along, and both Marvel- and DCcucks will cheer or curse it like 11 year old school children, refusing to shut up about it for another two weeks.
Where did you get this?
The conspiracy theory?
It was posted in like 80% of the threads talking about Iron Fist over the past week.
>Its getting lower...
n-no...this can't happen!
It begins.
>negative reviewers pretending to be in on it.
those checks sure are taking a long time
>"we pretended we hated it. We knew about this, Right, Marvel?"
>*Randi steps out from behind curtain like Hansen.* "Have a seat."
That's career suicide, senpai. The fact that Marvel's netflix division can specify what individuals were in the no and not told anything bout it is what makes this an agenda-killer. Anybody that was retarded enough to try injecting a politically-driven narrative are prematurely outing themselves.
The fact that Iron Fists's original comic Origins already closely aligned with this makes this whole thing a matter of "reviewers should have seen this coming" since it's literally an improved version of CW's Arrow origin and an amped-up version of Batman Begins "trained by ninjas" concept, but the return of the MC being far more a focal issue in the media than it was in those stories.
Literally nobody should have been stupid enough to walk into this feeling inclined to make a political-leaning statement, especially when Lawyers and False news are such huge things in the show. How anybody doesn't recognize all the red flags are beyond me.
>That's career suicide, senpai.
Are you implying that these people would be incompetent enough to step on a landmine like this without even having seen all of the series, but passing judgement prematurely, but wouldn't be incompetent enough to commit career suicide in the other sense?
Otherwise I agree.
>hollywood shits on asians for a century
>gave an oscar to a female playing an asian male
>even emma stone played an asian american
>suddenly liberals care about asians just to take a swipe at trump
Is America being made great again?
That's what you get when you focus on the Green Arrow shit that fans don't like or care about instead of the fucking badass mystic martial arts gods that people crave.
It's hard to call something a conspiracy 'theory' when the faggot that commented on it is hated on Sup Forums for routinely spoiling shit on netflix for such a long time.
james randi? what the fuck does he have to do with this
Supposedly JREF had something to do with the theory mentioned in the off-thread comment linked in I'm not sure if Randi himself personally is involved, or is said to be involved, but if it's JREF, he might as well be.
his powers/abilities don't really deviate from the previous 2 characters that received netflix adaptations.
>choosing a white man for the main character
Seems like they wanted to fail tbqh fàm
No, I'm insinuating that anybody can be a dumbass while inferring that not everybody is strong-willed enough to fess up to making mistakes.
People can be predictable. Marvel being a company much larger than a common mom and pop store is why they have to make moves to protect their interests.
If MJ can make a song about Paparazzi and tabloids not fucking off and Nintendo can make mocking commentary at message board trolls in a game, then it's not that hard to believe that Marvel's Netflix team was hiding what the purpose was in having an onboard committee called project insight that nobody understood wtf they were doing during development until now. It was just a matter of time until it came out.
I really wish they would have cast a non-white actor. Fucker ruined it
Considering all the negativity is because its about a FUCKING WHITE MALE who is appropriating a fictions Asian culture, and that Luke Cage has high rating because its sooo diverse.
I'm going to give it a chance.
I was never into the Iron Fist comics, but he's a way better hero than Luke Cage or Felicity Jones.
Nigger, we have seen the fight sequences in the trailers.
Its fucking dire, Arrow s1 fight choro shits all over this.
Iron Fist hasn't been praised too highly. The first six episodes are pretty bad by all accounts, but the sixth one also has hints of the show becoming much better before its end.
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a decent start. Nothing too special, and not as weak as Iron Fist's opening, from what we've heard, but still far from the best start a show could have. But the show kept improving as it found its footing, and became great before too long, and very early into Season 2 it became brilliant, and it just continued improving from there. It's writing is outstanding and intricate. The stories it tells are endlessly inventive and creative. The characters are wonderfully layered and have insane amounts of growth. The pacing is some of the best of any show ever; Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. makes having more than twenty episodes seem like too little, while the Netflix shows struggle with a bit over ten. The list of positives for Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. goes on and on.
The point is, go watch Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., because it's Marvel's best show.
But also, let's keep our minds open for Iron Fist. Shows can get better over time. Maybe the episodes the reviewers haven't seen are truly great. Maybe this show is like Bloodline's second season, which got middling reviews yet is regarded by most everyone as the better season.
Or maybe Iron Fist just sucks. We'll find out soon enough.
>Iron Fist get a 12%
>Powerless get a 64%
>yfw last marvel superhero show can't compete with a show without fucking actual superhero main characters
>the british fuckit spoiils
I told Sup Forums that he wasn't to be trusted because of complex schemes he'l use to spoil shows and now Sup Forums decides to let him spoil them just to combat a small handful of outrage press articles.
What's the point of enjoying entertainment when you're no longer surprised by it?
That's true. The show looks pretty bad. You know what though? It kinda has to do with liberals being pissy about race too, the reception I mean. Otherwise shit like Civil War would be at a 25 percent RT score.
>showing how illiterate you are
The character has ALWAYS been a white dude since he appeared in '75 or '76.
Plus these reviews are based on only 6 episodes, not the whole season.
You're even forgetting to point out that white man looks like a hipster yoga teacher who sells water at a music festival.
He was a bad casting choice.
Seems to be faux outrage to me.
Going off this half-cocked makes premature is an understatement.
That's intentional you fucking idiot
2017 is the year Marvel gets cucked. Don't be surprised if all the movies they release this year get panned to shit.
Logan getting high marks coming off Deadpool means people have more faith on FOX with the properties they have.
To make this year even more hilarious imagine if DC's 2017 movies somehow manage to actually be good/have high tomatoscores.
Shitposting galore, I say.
>let me show you real kung fu niggers
what did he mean by this?
settle down nietzsche
>it's a Marvel Pajeet falseflagging to stir up shit and makes real DChads look bad
Fucking pathetic.
He legits reminds me of Chris Farley and that ninja movie he did in the 90s
This literally looks like a parody
You don't like Nietzsche, user?
>Shitposting galore
What were the past 3 years if not a massive upsurge in shitposting at Marvel?
I'm confused, is the shitposting before not counting or is this supposed to be bait?
Wonder kike is for sure getting high scores and we all know why
because it's going to a DCkino lol
i didn't even know this existed
It's pretty good user. I do kind of wish they'd keep the original premise(set at an insurance agency dealing with post-hero damage claims). But the Wayne-Security setting works pretty well so far at least.
"We Wayne's didn't get rich by being afraid of hard work... we did it by leveraging a coal monopoly in the 1870s."
>crOwn spoils Iron fist on march 3rd.
>Press release photos later confirm.
>People are warned about impending agenda-driven review fallout from -episode preview.
>Twitter blowup on the very next day after warning.
>early score divebomb attempt proven true.
>crOwn spoilers remain unchanged, people pretend to be surprised.
do you guys think the superhero tv/movie market is getting oversaturated?
just thought OP's euphoria was funny
This is probably because they're butthurt about him being white even though he is white in the comics.
so I guess it didn't have any interracial sex scenes?
idk I'm not a redditor who watches even half of capeshit.
Of course it would suck. It's not as progressive as a dyke-ish lady that fucks black men, or a big black men stopping the KKK.
Are Romantic comedies?
Are Sitcoms?
Are Action films?
Your problem is that you're observing a certain kind of thing through a particular lens of complacency that the filming industry has been in since the early 90's. It's been a massive shift into the realm of people's personal lives IRL and reality tv that's been on the upsurge and there's been so much of this taking over the american market that most people capable of having an opinion on this that grew up in this era somehow think anything that contends with their understanding of what is considered 'normal' in entertainment they intake must be just a temporary fad.
The problem is that this lens is utterly useless as it has no historic grounds to be short-term just based off of how long the comic book medium has been around.
The only market that is oversaturated and has ever been oversaturated is news television, full-stop. If you can't call any sports of any sort "Oversaturated" for an entertainment medium, then you certainly can't consider something as simple as stories about comic book characters.
If this is really the question you meant to ask, then your approach of the question, intent, concern, understanding of the subjects and comprehension of whatever you think you know about any of this is so flawed that it's impossible to sum up in a week the amount of logistics that are truly at play in that question.
That doesn't make sense.
Unless every single american film studio on earth along with every tv station in america goes out of their way to create their own superhero-related show, It's not oversaturated.
Hell, ever since the MCU, it's been mostly contained as a singular "universe" in live-action (except for fox). DC stricted up and contained its films instead of smallville/superman returns/batman begins/green lantern/man of steel/arrow. Seperate universes just as much means more saturation as unconnected cartoon shows across different networks. being contained within a universe makes it easier to search or filter by universe designation instead of being confused.
Fixed that for you. About time normies woke up and realized MCU's generic shit anyway.
Why is he a twig.
If you're gonig to convince me you're a kung-fu practitioner at least look the part. He looks like a chi-splaining priveleged white american male who took yoga classes and shit
It seems the SJWs were right this time.
This isnt Danny Rand desu
Luke cage was absolute dogshit but they cant give a black show bad scores.
Since when are martial-artist from temple/monasteries anything like a bodybuilder?
They're always thin and trim. They're not supposed to look like super-ripped boybuilders.
When all you know is based on what you see in Arnold, Stallone and Van Damme in their prime, you come off with having uninformed opinions like this.
I he had learned anything about Buddhist philosophy, he wouldn't be a billionaire.
In reality he's a failure.