Where would you put your flag on this quadrant?

Where would you put your flag on this quadrant?

Far top right

I genuinely feel bad for any country in the bottom right quadrant.

Spain is an expensive country due our shitty salaries.

4th quadrant

Mid way safe
3/4th expensive


exact middle



more or less

Bottom / center-right.

Down right.


>Dangerous-safe axis
Near and below the center.
>Cheap-expensive axis
Middle between cheap and the center.

placing us as as a whole cunt makes no sense.
it would be either I or IV quadrant depending on where you live.

Moldova si sudul sunt foarte periculoase

moldova, poate dar iti garantez ca nu patesti absolut nimic in oltenia nici daca te plimbi prin oras la 3 dimineata singur
asta in cazul in care nu esti idiot si eviti zonele alea de la marginea orasului care sunt full de ciori

>asta in cazul in care nu esti idiot si eviti zonele alea de la marginea orasului care sunt full de ciori
Adica toata regiunea?

Feels good

Define "expensive". It is a very simplistic view which makes no sense. It should be not cheap/expensive but rather about the purchasing power and disposable income , GDP/GDI whatever.