Trying to fool blacks into going into dangerous white neighborhoods, where they may also encounter police

>Trying to fool blacks into going into dangerous white neighborhoods, where they may also encounter police

Nice try.

>dangerous white neighborhoods


Post the whole picture.


I'm pretty sure if niggers were ALL playing pokemon go, there would be no deaths.

Because those stupid fucking monkeys could keep their hands out of their pockets around cops for once.

Also, what's it going to do? Lead them into a store where they can grab an application? Force them to go to the DES pokestop?

Implying any nigger playing Pokemon isn't a middle class guy living in a middle class neighborhood

>It's only dangerous if you rob, kill or rape people.
>Niggers can't abide by these rules


>I spent less than 20 minutes outside. Five of those minutes were spent enjoying the game. One of those minutes I spent trying to look as pleasant and nonthreatening as possible as I walked past a somewhat visibly disturbed white woman on her way to the bus stop. I spent the other 14 minutes being distracted from the game by thoughts of the countless Black Men who have had the police called on them because they looked “suspicious” or wondering what a second amendment exercising individual might do if I walked past their window a 3rd or 4th time in search of a Jigglypuff.

Nice brain problems. Seek professional help, nigger.

>Omari Akil
>Obvious Arab


Using VR in public is absolutely degenerate in a very literal sense.

I'm pretty sure even if I saw a guy open carrying in full gang colors with 5 face tattoos I wouldn't blink twice, so long as his head was buried in his cellphone. In fact I might even look over to see what he's doing and give him tips on where the best Pokespots are.

How insane would you have to be to make this shit up? Also why is he pretending like he'd have to get close enough to a house to peer in if he wants a Pokemon, incense exist and they'll come right to you if you sit there for a minute.

AR =/= VR, it's a phone app and everybody already has their phone out 24/7 in this country.

Fair enough.

AR is just as degenerate.

You have to see the physical world in front of you for it to be augmented reality.

Jesus Christ, those comments
>Why not in Canada we never get anything good except free healthcare and hot prime ministers

That's the way it works, it uses the camera and projects a (poor) 3d image of the Pokemon out in front of you. It's honestly pretty stupid, and i'm not sure why they didn't integrate it into a regular Pokemon handheld game. It's been 7-8 years since they first included a pedometer with one of the DS gold/silver remakes, but I guess that makes less money than mobileshit.

Why the fuck are grown ass niggas playing a children's game lmfao.

>dangerous white neighborhoods

just ignore the white people who have to go into ghettos to get their pokemon, totally safe there.

>Lead them into a store where they can grab an application?
Cultural genocide!

Don't hate it, this app is getting young people out of the house again. In just 3 days it did more than any government funded campaign ever could

That pedometer was really fun to use, wish they would bring it back.

Havent seen anybody under the age of 16 play it, and I've only seen like 2 or 3 people 18 play it.
Mostly 20-26/28 year olds

the mobile game is made by a google company, not nintendo
also it's just a reskin of another game they released years ago

>people over the age of 12 actually play this shit

To be fair, that is the pokemon generation.