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RT gave Kong a good score. Their opinions are invalid.
Kikes btfo'd
Bad shop is bad
t. Disney shill
Who ever thought that a darker reboot of Power Rangers was a good idea?
this doesn't even fucking make sense you god damn retard
disney would love RT because marvel movies get good ratings you stupid fucking shit
>oh noes le iron fist television netflix show got bad reviews!!
>disney totally hates RT now
Disney just pays RT and critics if they want a good score though.
What did OP mean by this?
>take a show whose entire appeal is that it's a low budget, shitty schlock-fest that you watch ironically and try to make a high budget, super serious, grimdark movie with it
I'm shocked and appalled.
final score will be 27%
screencap this
a solid 66%
>a show whose entire appeal is that it's a low budget, shitty schlock-fest that you watch ironically
Jesus christ this generation is a cancer.
It's a fucking kid's show! The appeal is NINJAS, MONSTERS and COLORS.
If you watch anything "ironically" you might as well just slit your own throat right now.
I'm 28.
>and try to make a high budget, super serious, grimdark movie
Did you not watch the trailers?
Saw that shit coming.
>>super serious, grimdark movie
>he doesn't know
This series was always super shit.
Every commercial I've seen has been nothing but over the top action and snarky one-liners.
ok i screencapped it but now what do i do?
new here btw
Now you leave.
My last two digits will predict it's RT score
they should have expanded that fan trailer they crashed off the internet into a movie...
and go where? i dont get it
That was actually okay minus Bulk and Skull being edgy meth dealers
It'll beat BvS so it has to be at least 28%
>Shit movie releases
>10-20 early reviews come in
>Lands a Suddenly 150 reviews come in from nobody websites and youtube channels that are considered critics because the studio is giving these young, hip new media channels early screenings
>Movie jumps to a 78% because these people give glowing reviews since they're excited to be invited to critic screenings
This is the new norm, just happened this very week with Kong.
yeah because it did a good job at what it's supposed to do... be a giant monster movie
Chinks don't care about RT scores. I'm not sure if they can even access the site.
higher than I thought it would be
Kong was 10/10 kino
You want dark Power Rangers? Watch RPM
>Dean Israelite
Jesus Christ, I bet Saban hired him on the name alone.
>Mouse cucks on the damage control for Beauty and the Beast and Iron Fist.
You have Star Wars, and Marvel, Why you hating on the Water Tower?
>Having an opinion on the best and worst seasons of Power Rangers
Absolutely embarrassing. Everyone and everything involved in a Power Rangers movie aimed at adults should be embarrassed.
Samuel L Jackson was the best part of ths movie. I loved his character
OP is shooped
>advertise a movie about a giant ape wrecking shit
>release a movie that's actually about a giant ape wrecking shit
What's your problem, senpai?
This. Kinda like I was expecting a good movie from MCU but all i got was shit.
I mean, no it didn't. Top critics is on 73% which is close to the average on Kong and there is .3 difference in the average rating. But keep propagating your false narrative against a movie you hate on the internet.
It was at 23% of it's second day before the review count exploded
Firstly, no it wasn't. Secondly, even if it was there is no indication that the 'new media channels' were what bumped it. They aren't included in top critics and you can look and see that they liked it. Where's your fucking proof lad?
Review aren't based around if the movie was advertised correctly famalam senpai scrub
Go back to
Probably gonna end up around 35-50%
rt doesn't score anything idiot, they're an aggregator
Reminder that people actually asked for this. They wouldn't have made it unless the concept was received positively by the man children that actually still watch this. I new this was a bad idea since the second I heard about it. Did these fans actually expect a non-Micheal Bay movie and thought it would be some gritty movie?
Made me check queer
>Saban says his greatest concern is to protect Israel. At a conference in Israel, Saban described his formula. His three ways to influence American politics were: make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets.
Saban has been a generous and consistent donor to the United States Democratic Party according to his mandatory Federal Election Commission filings. Mother Jones, in an analysis of the major donors to the campaigns of 1998 election cycle, ranked Saban 155th among individual donors. Amy Paris noted that Saban's Clinton-era "generosity did not go unrewarded. During the Clinton administration, the entertainment executive served on the President's Export Council, advising the White House on trade issues." The New York Times reported that Haim and his wife "slept in the White House several times during President Clinton's two terms." Saban remains close friends with the former President. Clinton described Saban as a "very good friend and supporter." Saban contributed between $5 million to $10 million to the William J. Clinton Foundation.
I bet you liked batman v superman
There's a review embargo, so I think we all know what to expect.
is that comic sans?
It's clearly made by an 8 year old judging by the text.
You wish.
wow this is a huge shock
who the fuck was the target audience for this movie
Its kino ofcourse you disney cucj
Absoutely nothing about this movie looked remotely good
I like Rita and that's it, but just because Elizabeth Banks is mai waifu
Fake as hell. Embargo lifts on march 20. 3 days before the movie is released, which shows it will indeeed be shit.
So who wants to take bets on which power ranger from this movie will wind up in prison?
Is the black one an easy bet?
blog.twitch tv/its-almost-morphin-time-785784d5ef1d
so do they pay off reviewers or not