wtf I like DC now
Wtf I like DC now
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I loved reading Johns Aquaman and Im offended by how tryhard this is
>drinks whiskey
>has a beard
He must be a man-
>loads of water
>Hey, we have this lobo-looking motherfucker willing to be in our movies
>I know: let's cast him as aqualad, lmao!
This is why DC is losing.
I'm confused. Watching superhero movies is one of the most numale things you can do.
Jesus Christ, go outside.
>tanktop in the first shot
>no shirt in the second
Bravo Zack!
Its an overcompensation to the "Aquaman sucks" meme comedians have been pushing since Super Friends. They took inspiration from 90s Arthur's design and dialed it to 11. Which is a shame, because Aquaman is a good character and his recent books have been solid, a good bit written by Geoff Johns himself. So its a bit odd considering he was a consultant on these movies so I guess his position means jack shit
>lives in the sea
>wears people clothes
>drinks people booze
>has a beard because that basic failure in hygiene is "in" right now
>gets tattoos, he could have anything but he chose scales because fish and shit
>hangs out in water
I hate when they try to turn Aquaman into Namor. It never really works.
Yes but does he talk to fish? If he can talk to fish, can he also talk to molluscs, aquatic mammals or marsupials? Does he have a dolphin wife for when mermaid pussy gets stale? Will Solomon Grundy ever get new pants?
>DUDE he's AQUAman so let's do a scene where he's getting engulfed by a wall of water it'll look sooo badass have him chug this beer too
Of course he talks to fish, that's all he's got
That's hard liquor not beer you dry prude cuck.
>Ive never read Aquaman
He doesnt even talk to them
good post
I can't wait for everyone to act all surprised when they realise what an average actor Jason Momoa is. Did no one see Conan the Barbarian or Stargate Atlantis? There's no way he can carry a summer blockbuster lads.
Of course I haven't read Aquaman.
I stopped reading Star Wars comics when I turned ten in the eighties. These are movies that don't entertain you; you have to entertain them. You put in the real effort by watching the same CGI punching again and again.
>has a beard because that basic failure in hygiene is "in" right now
lol. beardlet detected. sorry you got shitty genes and grow facial hair like a chink
>A Star Wars fan
You're the worst kind of person, you know that?
>there are people over 40 years old bitching in superhero threads right now
I couldn't give a shit about Star Wars. I watched the first three films and read the comics, then I grew up.
And yet, you're here. Funny how that works
You're here forever, that's how it works.
Thanks for breaking glass where my kids play
I get more Thor vibes from OP pic.
>this can't be happening, I'm in charge here
I jej'd
Kill me now
It seems aqua man ads is like cuckblacked poster, they post it everyday wtf.
Me first, then you're up.
holy shit
HOLY SHIT! You are how old? and still shitposting here? What the hell happened to you? Sort yourself out
I'm not here every day. Believe it or not, I have other shit to do. And yeah I'm probably older than you. Big surprise, you abortion survivor.
>I watched the first three films and read the comics, then I grew up.
Ah yes, putting childish things away to shitpost on Sup Forums
Nice digits
Sure. I get the pleasure of conversing with grown, well-adjusted adults like your good self.
Who's shitposting here? You or me?
Anyone remember that episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series where Kirk grew gills?