So I'm a college student, and one of my roommates recently left for winter break. For various reasons, I opened the door to his room and anti schizophrenia pills and other anti psychotics were all over his room. There we also a box of bullets and a long gun. I'm genuinely afraid now. What do I do.
So I'm a college student, and one of my roommates recently left for winter break. For various reasons...
send him text asking him what's up, haha, cool,
not even funny
i think im going to call the police tomorrow
Stop snooping around his room
I literally never have been in his room until just now
Also i didnt mean to post this on Sup Forums mods please spare me
>hey police I was trespassing in my flatmates room and found some items that aren’t illegal can you please help me and don’t charge me with any offences haha
Talk to him, your professors, the police or someone else you trust
Don't ask Sup Forums, I mean, why would you?
flush all of his pills down the toilet and put the bullets in the pill jars.
why would it be trespassing we are both on the lease.
and dude i dont fucking know im legit scared for my safety, im 19 i dont want to die
Take the gun and ask him why he has it/if he has a permit. If he doesn't call the cops.
Kill him before he can shoot up a school.
If you don't want to be blamed, just quote this post to law enforcement :)
I live in PA apparently you dont need a gun license. It was most likely legally obtained
Make a wish so he can't hurt you, there's no way that can backfire
Speak with your school counsellor and make it their legal obligation to do something not you
fuck you
>you dont need a license to own a gun
>a schizophrenic has a rifle/shotgun
My friend's roommate was a diagnosed schizo and literally murdered his dad over winter break a couple years ago, apparently during an episode.
Not even joking, it was all over the news.
which sport is this?
In my honest opinion, the first thing you should do is stop posting your garbage on Sup Forums
Special Olympics
Turn 360 degrees and walk outta there.
Do you live in campus? Top kek if students are allowed to keep guns on campus in America
What’s the deal with all these rulefag redditors?
go to a different school
Fuckig idiot
If you turn 360 he will be walking on air straight into the ceiling
I'm sure it's basketball
>schizophrenic person on heavy meds can purchase an assault rifle in ameriburger land
Be grateful for lax gun laws
he sounds way more interesting than you mate maybe you should pick his brain and ask him what the aliens are telling him to do
>Going to post-grad school in the United states next year.
>see this post
>sweating bullets over here
How to not get shot? Do people actually walk around with guns? Over here, you'll never see a gun unless it's police or some super secret uncover organized crime.
i met up with a qt trap and got my dick sucked while i was drunk+high and now i regret it,and he won’t stop texting me now. i don’t wanna be gay but i know the next time i get hammered i will want to get my dick wet again. why is this happening to me? i used to get repulsed by trap threads and now i am this way i am. has anyone else had to cope with this and can you make it go away, like make it the same as when i would never have even fapped to a trap? pls respond.
What sport is this may I ask?
Ah boi, it goes away. It's like a come and go, the thirst for traps. But after a while you'll know that girls are way better.
for me, it’s boipussi
Is mental illness a sport?
Jews got u good boy
Just be yourself, unironically
Alternatively get deep into buddhism and buy into the tenet that feelings, thoughts and emotions aren't you, but that they happen to you and you can just choose to let them slip from your mind
Haha, the joys of murrican freedoms. Great thread! Shame poltards are not here to see this.
oh but you will die unless you get out
wat sport is this
Why would you stick your pecker in man ass?
This sounds interesting, where can I find more on this?
all the other kids with the pumped up kicks
>Try to confront roommate
>He pulls out a gun on me
>Makes me do the Cha Cha slide while reciting a Midsummer Night's Dream
Google Budhism, hit the first link which is probably wikipedia.
Meditation is useful even if you don't believe in the kooky stuff
Forgot to mention that I've only read the first one, the other two were recommended to me by someone on some other board and he seemed quite knowledgable desu
Well, it reckons to me that your only option to take as a course of action is to kill your roommate fellow and to finish what he intended to start by shooting up a school, it sure seems to me as being it
It sure is the national sport in your good old canut nation
Wait what is going on here
Get a gun, if he tries to shoot you shoot him first retard.
Why even wait!? Just shoot him already