Should white people be forced to experience slavery?
This would be the only way that society gets to be equalized.
Should white people be forced to experience slavery?
This would be the only way that society gets to be equalized.
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How many of these people have been enslaved within their lifetimes?
oh no need to worry about that, we've heard people crying about it our whole lives, we know what it would be like
Micah Johnson killed people because they were white.
>white people
Fucking kek
Im half russian, slavery derived from slavs
Hell, i should be asking for reperations generations late as i am.
I think we should all get to be royalty in Thailand instead. Teach us what that's like.
Not enough apparently.
Blackprivelege clearly means being able to be as racist as you want on social media, and then get away with it.
But they did?
what about all the times Black people have attacked white people just because they were white?
That isn't experiencing racism?
Only a very tiny amount of rich people owned slaves, most white people were dirt poor like slaves.
This is awful and wrong. I'm white in Los Angeles and have experienced racism my entire life.
Really, it isn't even about race at all. It's about poor people's jealousy of people who have more money, power, influence, or seemingly better lives. It's easiest to chalk it up to race, but most times it's just about rich and poor. The effects of Wealth and poverty, intelligence and stupidity don't give a shit about race. Race is just a meme.
>Should white people be forced to experience slavery?
Go fuck your self. Whites did experience slavery like any other group on this planet but the goyim don't want to teach you that in school
but user blacks cant be racist remember that
#WhitePrivilege means ending slavery but taking all the blame for it
I have a meme for that, eh.
Being black means being able to act like you experienced slavery when you didn't and grew up in one of if not the freest nation on Earth.
Black people cant be racist
These stupid kids don't know shit about slavery and never will. They wouldn't last a month if the power went out and they had to actually work to survive.
I'll take the Roman Empire or Feudalism for 1000.
Have you ever picked up a fucking history book? And I mean BEFORE revisionist material started to flood the gates.
>instead of making every slave a free man, we should instead make every free man a slave
Niggers are fucking communistic shitstains on my fucking underwear
>society gets to be equalized.
The leftist desire for some sort of Utopian society of equality is retarded.
Stop this shit.
No, learn to forgive and love.
Show me one us nigger that experienced slavery...
Racism = privilege + power
The only people who have privilege are white, so blacks can never be racist. If their actions appear racist, it just means they've internalized systemic racism and they are the true victims.
>White people have never been slaves
I encourage you to look up the etymology of the word "slave." Also:
Whites were enslaved by the berbers, which everyone forgets.
Please get out of my country.
I voted for memelord as a lesser evil and nothing else
Do some research nigger, whites were slaves before 1776. British used self-defined inferior irish as mules to build the new world
The only way that we have society is white people, you dumb fucking nigger
All you SJW faggotshits claim about the past is how you were just some tribe until the white man showed up.
I am already enslaved. The fruit of my labors are taken by the Federal Government and divided out amongst a group of lazy niggers and welfare recipients without my consent/vote to do so.
Muslim barbary pirates in north africa took white european and americans as slaves for hundreds of years up UNTIL THE 1830's.
White people already were slaves.
Fucking niggers.
Thanks. Its a shame i unfollowed my christian vegan feminist friend.
Went over her recent posts. Lots of BLM shit
Firstly there are no niggers alive today that have experienced slavery
second white people have been enslaved before you massive twat
thirdly 1 post by this cunt
fourth you have to go back
>live in 40% black area
>young blacks "mean mug" white people
>if the white person looks at them arms are thrown in the sky and tries to start a fight
how is this not racism?
How do this many people not know about the North African slave trade that went on for hundreds of years in the "Golden Age" ???
>christian vegan feminist
Definitely not Christian, friendo. Churchian perhaps.
>Dutch name
>Black guy
>Muh slavery
>claiming whites weren't enslaved
>Ottoman Turks
>Black Moors
>black people experiencing slavery
>which ended in America over 150 years ago
>Africans still have African slaves in 2016
nigger, please.
How is it not racism when you tell me I can't experience something because of the color of my skin?
Immensely hypocritical logic.
No point getting worked up over this, lots of blm and other worthless advocates of social justice and pc bs have been pushing these kinds of thoughts for a while now, to littler and littler avail. Anyone with a sane head can see the only person being racist is this dude, "Philip Van De Kamp".
Fucking kek
I've been in a lot of altercations during my 29 years with a lot of blacks.
None of which I initiated or antagonized.
Most of the we're very clearly because I was white and was too friendly and dopey for my own good.
I never made the leap to 'racist' beliefs until a few years ago when I started to reevaluate most of my beliefs more critically.
Blacks are only 10% of my city, yet they're most of the crime, and account for almost every negative experience I had growing up, despite trying to be friends with anyone who wasn't an outright dick.
I'm so sick of social media. It causes far more harm than good imo..
slavs - slaves
it is literaly the origin of the word
goddamn niggers sucks even at being enslaved.
Nope, christian. She believes eating meat makes you hitler, gave me pic related. Defends all things vegan can be defended with the cowspiracy movie.
She believes humans are inherently good and make mistakes opposed to my dark pessimism that we are all inherently terrible and good be are just tryhards.
When asked what sin of the 7 is most prominent in her life she replied she is without sin.
Mine are greed for friendship followed by envy for what others have.
Her boyfriend is pardon my use of the word, a cuck in every way except for the wife fucking other men part.
She became born again all this shit after her grandfather died.
>person in charge of the most powerful country on the planet is black
>who ironically was elected for the colour of his skin instead on the content of his character (MLK)
>somehow not a privilege
>somehow doesn't have power
>being able
So a white person "isn't able" to experience racism. What do we call the shit in South Africa and Zimbabwe? Crackaism?
>1 post from this ID
I rolled trips but forgot my pics. Forgive me.
I was stomped by aboriginals
My brown friend was "cool" after he exclaimed "I'm brown"
But I wasn't targeted because of my race
and almost got trips again.
Publicly shaming people because of the color of their skin. But it's okay because it's whitey.
I guarantee at least some if not all of the recent spat of cop killers have been inspired by Twitter phony outrage. What a fucking great experience Twitter is.
we can also have a significant difference if we just killed off half the worlds population
starting with you, faggot cunt
BAD goy! Do you want to get fired? He was a mentally ill lone nut who was poisoned by toxic masculinity in the army.
>equivocating animals as being of the same existential importance as humans
Animals aren't worthy of the same magnitude of moral considerations as other rational humans.
You got tripple 40's
Im a fucking failure, im sorry user.
>hurting people is bad because they feel it
>hurting animals is okay even though they feel it
Kill yourself jew
>implying we haven't
Nigger, EVERYONE on this fucking planet has been enslaved at one point or another. Whites, however, are unique in the fact they ended slavery worldwide you fucking knuckle-dragging coon.
>She believes humans are inherently good
Once again. Definitely not Christian. Please at least know what you're talking about before saying something like this, user.
I love my cattle. To me they are more valuable than some types of people.
Those are pics i got from my feminist christian vegan friend.
you from calgary? Explains the salt.
>I voted for memelord as a lesser evil and nothing else
You should have taken your ballot and wiped your ass with it
That phrase makes me experience racism, nigger.
Notice I'm not burning down my house.
BS the chart
Minority privilege means being able to debate racism while currently being a racist.
>Van De Kamp
>fishsticks nigger
Blackprivilege is appropriating the white last names of the people that freed you, but still being allowed to blame them for slavery.
We had four black kids in my entire high school for the first three years I attended. I was good friends with two of them. One loved Shakespeare and wanted to be a lawyer, the other was on the swim team. We were a rural, majority white community. The few blacks in the city were good people, father and mother still together, and well liked as members of the community.
Then the Jew decided they needed a "diversity" program to bus in blacks from "disenfranchised neighborhoods." About two dozen niggers showed up.
Literally overnight the school changed. We had fights in the halls, shit started getting stolen from lockers and out of classrooms, we had a girl raped in the bathroom (that the administration did it's damndest to cover up) and we had loud and obnoxious niggers in our classroom damaging the education of everyone. But the real red pill was how these niggers treated the black students.
Niggers HATE blacks that aren't niggers even more than they hate white cops. Shakespeare-boy was assaulted almost daily by niggers. The swimmer actually transferred out of the school just to get away from them. We learned first-hand how destructive and terrible the nigger really is.
Liberals are correct that no one is born racist. Racism is learned, by being around niggers.
>because they feel it
That's not the criteria, commie. It's the ability to reason + having a soul. And guess the only existence in this world that qualifies both? Humans~
Her words m8 not mine.
She said shes christian. Tbh i dont fucking care. She has too many white knights to waste time on.
Shes for humanity, anti death but ok with mutilation and torture on people who 'deserve it'
What are you even talking about? The word Slave comes from Russia.
Ha wow, the moment a white person would read that, the statement would be automatically debunked.
What Dumb Nigger.
I got a nutribullet and unintentionally starting eating pretty much vegetarian/pescetarian, very little dairy or fish. Feels amazing, sleep improved, more energy, harder boners, improved skin, better mood. It feels satisfying in my head knowing all the things I eat are doing me good and I don't even need caffeine to make it through the day anymore.
Worth trying
Jesus the 4chinz is full of creeps but you're repulsive.
>inb4 not an argument
I was serious, kike, kill yourself.
The Irish, the Slavs and that whole pesky white slavery in mooslum land, yeah I think we got it
slavery is not something that white people did to blacks.
it is something that everyone did to everyone
There's honor in the effort, user.
Blacks already did that to whites though, 3x as many whites were taken as slaves as blacks were taken to America and literally provided with an immediately better life than they were living in Africa.
>it's something that (((everyone))) did to the rest of us
> what is a wage slave?
Already there. Keep sitting on that doorstep blaming the white man.
>Burn a non burn victim to equalise them.
Who is going to enslave us?
Oh, i wouldnt mind trying vegan at all its just my vegan friend backs up literally every argument with the cowspiracy
>anonette, can you teach me some vegan stuff
>lol just watch cowspiracy
>her words
Meaningless. She doesn't even know scripture. She is a churchian and goes for the feels, not the truth.
Jeremiah 17:9
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
Romans 3:10
As it is written, "There is none righteous, no, not one"
1 John 1:9-10
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
I understand your apathy towards it, but I want make sure you understand why I am so adamant about the record being straight. I am tired of these cucks that parade about as if they are one of us, and are not.
Great response. 10/10. Totally addressed
>the criteria something must satisfy to be worthy of full moral consideration is to be rational/have a soul
>the only existences in this world that seem to qualify such criteria are humans, ergo nothing but humans in this world seem to be worthy of full moral considerations
Keep eating that hummus while weasels violently slaughter rats, birds of prey continue ripping their catches to bloody shreds, lions tear buffalo apart and coyotes keep breeding and messing with farmers' chickens ;)
Sir i dont even give two shits about religion.
The white religions couldnt even be bothered to name their god.
Always funny when some white liberal says this and I tell them about my time in Japan - you know, not being able to rent an apartment because of the color of my skin, have police randomly check my ID because of the color of my skin, having the police pull me over for driving while white...
Kill yourself. Go ahead and type up another essay instead of doing that, I'll be waiting.
dude you dont even have to go there
countless whites christians were indeed enslaved to arabs, maybe even more than black americans
but didnt expect them to know this since
a) they are niggers
b) they are americans
of course! people who have no actual connection to the monstrosities of the past should suffer now. so if my grandfather killed your grandfather before I was born, it's only right if you killed me, right? it is not the same type of murder, it's about making things "right", killing the descendant of a killer, who has literally nothing to do with it, is justice! because using the tactics of your enemies doesn't make you the same enemy you fight