Is PokemonGO the "ultimate game jew" to keep normies brainwashed?
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It's an aryan game.
Join blue team to slaughter commies.
all video games, movies and television is a distraction to keep people from realizing that their lives are meaningless.
*tips fedora*
It's the redpilled one's who actually realize life really is meaningless. Which is why I spend time playing video games, eating garbage food, and drinking alcohol.
What difference does it make?
Really makes you think.
I don't care about it I'm not going to drain my battery life over, this would rather play the handheld versions.
Indeed, but that shit is annoying as fuck
Redpilled as fuck.
No, but I think a lot of normies are pretending to like it because its trendy. If somebody were to mention pokemon a week ago, they would say something along the lines of how it's something for nerds and losers.
I don't think it's too bad though. It's getting people to go outside and discover the world around them. I played it today and ended up exploring a public park I didn't know about. I think it will be much better by the time they add PvP battles because then the game will be better developed and the normie hype will have died down.
its going to save a lot of people.
That's deep man
>Sister visits the house, fucking around on her phone half the time
>Ask her what she's doing
>She's playing fucking pokemon GO
A 25 year old woman who has never shown interest in pokemon is playing this shit. This is beyond neckbeards now, it's a full blown mega trend.
And keep track of the gots location.
And get a live feed of the goys house.
people are playing this on their phones, right? it's like pokemon IRL, right? i'll never play it but it actually sounds pretty bad ass.
Yellow team or you're a cuck
It's pretty redpilled, here in Yurop most PokéStops are monuments to the fallen, christian locations and cultural landmarks.
>A 25 year old woman who has never shown interest in pokemon is playing this shit.
This pisses me off.. I'm not even that autistic for Pokemon. I don't post on /vp/, I haven't actually bought a Pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire (btw HOENN CONFIRMED), and the only Pokemon games I play are glitchy fanmade games. Screw you normies. You laughed at me during high school for playing a "kids' game" and now you think it's cool.
Better off ded than red desu
He types as he continues to browse Sup Forums.
It's traps within traps within traps and if you ever think you've escaped chances are you're in another one.
You dumb fuckin leaf.
But all life is meaningless. No matter how advanced or far we get, we are still doomed to extinction.
Even black holes will die in 10^100 years. What's the point?
Agreed. Yellow team, the sun, the gold, the wheat fields. Quintessentially Sup Forums
>the sun
>Mascot is Zapdos
fucking this
black holes aren't alive.
It's a mobile game. This time next week they'll forget all about it.
>all video games, movies and television is a distraction to keep people from realizing that their lives are meaningless.
Nailed it. Second post best post
yellow team is hufflepuff SJW-tier
needs to be physically removed desu
Zapdos would actually be more accurate to represent the sun than Moltres. Plasma is closer to electricity than fire.
>not choosing based Articuno team
Bunch of cucks desu.
First reply best reply
Haven't played pokemon but for kids I think it's great, it encourages them to go outside.
I have no idea why 18+ somethings play a kid's game though
>makes kids go outside and walk around
Nigga, you've taken the ultimate black pill
Or maybe its people way to leave their mark on human life and culture and their personal success to make meaning to their life by affecting others lives with their creativity
That's some nice headcanon but it has nothing to do with Pokemon.
>Articuno- blizzards
>Zapdos- storms
>Moltres- clear skies
fuck off zoe you cunt
However, to simply dismiss all of it as devoid of value is comparably just as bad.
There is a healthy level of entertainment one can consume. But too much and too little can be just as bad as each other.
Pokemon GO is racist.
>movies and video games
>anything but mindless entertainment
I don't care about that I'm so sick of normies not shutting the fuck up about it and keep posting stupid pics of it.
>ANY iphone app
Just take a wild guess.
level 6 reporting in
Our lives have meaning. That would be the great commission.
it's bait
it's like putting corn out for deer so the hunters have a clear shot
>hunter = black lives matter homicidal terrorists
>deer = white nerdy Pokemon players
>corn = pokemongo
This nigger can't even English.
>implying that pokemon is an artistic and creative masterpiece
>implying that television's purpose is not brainwashing with propaganda
>implying the modern "entertainment" industry isn't busy work for millennial.
>(I play as a black female because there are so few represented in video games)
Yes, it has no content but people love mediocrity apparently
t. edgy nihilist
It's socially acceptable to like the OG 151 because nostalgia. It's not socially acceptable to know the names and abilities of all 720 Pokemon unless you're a child. And if you breed or play competitively that's just autism.
>there is no "game"
>no dueling friends
>just a shitty interface to attention whore and take selfies to a narcissistic group of vaginas who then share it on Kikebook and Twatter
It all make sense now. The Jew found a new franchise to completely destroy by introducing faggots and women...
>Professor asks 'what's your style' than the usual 'Are you a boy or a girl?'
I mean honestly but otherwise a fun game
>All the young goyims will learn about culture and diversity as young Tara tries to catch a rare Mew near Qu'shawn's section 8 housing.
>know the names and abilities of all 720 Pokemon
Not knowing which Pokemon yields certain Effort Points.
Do you presume to know what goes on beyond the event horizon?
Have you never seen a good movie before or played a good video game or seen a painting. You must not be very creative person to know how much work goes into basic games like netrunner
I lost it while reading the entire article. I even doubt it if he can recognize the pokemons.
Friend just told me about it, sounds retarded.
But he also told me that 6 of his über nerd friends that usually never go outside actually went outside today just to play it.
>life really is meaningless.
It isn't though, and you will be held accountable.
The same reason they still shit their pants over "zomg so amazing" harry potter, lord of the rings, and doctor who is/are.
This generation is literally just a bunch of overgrown children. Why do you think they're all leftists and do nothing but scream until they get their way?
>Playing mobile games ever
>that massive wall of text
>its literally just a calc of: oh tyrannitar better switch
As someone who was a field tester, I can confirm that most of the main features of the game haven't really been released yet. Think of it as a... Public beta of sorts
Who the fuck still plays pokemon?!? That shit came out when I was in elementary school. If you're damn near 30 and still playing a children's video game, you should seriously consider suicide.
Can you even transfer the Pokemon you caught on your phone to your Pokemon games?
Spill the beans! What other features will there be.
27 here, still have my old gameboy and pokemon red cartridge with the game still saved, as well as a binder full of first gen cards.
From what I've seen, Pokemon Go is just a shit tier app that overlays a 3D render of pokemon onto your phone camera?
Or am I missing something?
I don't fucking know, they didn't tell us shit. They just told us that there's a lot more that needs to me implemented, and thanks for the testing. Not even an in game reward. Just a screen.
>pic related
The 2d world
>living near niggers
>living in a place where there are people who don't at least recognize you as "that guy who lives down the street and jogs past my house every morning"
there's your problem
Is the release of this game the reason why American posters are not partaking in this 'race war' they've been talking up for the past however-many years and instead just shitposting on here?
that's it, but you have to go outside and look for new ones to catch.
it's neat. my entire floor at work is fucking around with it.
They said trading is going to be implemented first
>before battling
sometimes this is wise. i've lost alot of money on the markets because "i was bored" and "i wanted something interesting to happen"
Please tell me they will make it so you can catch pokemon in rural areas. Why in the fuck do I need to drive to the city to get pokemon who should live in my back yard.
This game was funded by the Japs to fuel the race war. More people will go outside trying to catch Pokemon, putting more people on the streets while increasing tensions. Gas the kikes RACE WAR NOW
Still think it's retarded that we didn't get anything for field testing aside from a fucking screenshot.
Think of all the problems we fixed before throughout history we thought would never be fixed. Besides were gonna live a long ass time. technologyreview.com
We called them bread and circuses on my day.
I'm a vampire btw
>Drive by a Wawa on the way home where a lot of black people tend to congregate
>happen to find a Mankey there
Can't make this shit up
>Why in the fuck do I need to drive to the city to get pokemon who should live in my back yard.
Because it's a pathetic cash grab that's going to encourage desperate fanbois like yourself to pay for in-game items with real money that "attracked" pokenigs to your neighborhood.
Bitch caught crabs
i cant find it on the play store
If you mentioned pokemon to me a week ago I'd have said "what?"
I've heard jap devs are notoriously stingy with handing out dev builds to non-japanese testers, but DAMN! Your "testing" consisted of looking at a screenshot?!
I'm 43. It's fun, there are things in my neighborhood I never knew about until this game put a pokestop on top of them.
Desperate fanboy?
I'm not going to spend money just to get 4-5 pokemon that are shit, to try and keep up with people who live in NYC who have a pokemon appear every 10 feet.
Glad she got dressed before leaving the house instead of just rolling the fuck out of bed and going.
It currently is not available worldwide. You can download the .apk and install it that way, I hear.
it's not "to keep them from realizing"
it's to keep them from realizing the meaning of their lives
true blue patriot right here
>mfw all these trendy faggots on my Kikebook feed who have NEVER, EVER made a video game post ever, all of a sudden talking about how into PGO they are
All it is the next big trend. The game is not even good.
level 8 here, my dude