bet you guys feel bad about slavery now #StayWoke
bet you guys feel bad about slavery now #StayWoke
Other urls found in this thread:
>Benjamin Cohen
please tell me this is shooped?
>there are two working class blacks in that picture who also lost their jobs
I know it's a rhetorical question, but is Salon run by a bunch of absolute retards?
nvm, article doesn't appear to exist.
you have to go back leaf
>implying Google indexes instantly
The Salon search engine doesn't have it either, though.
>Posting clickbait
You fell for it.
that can't be real
Once again, Sup Forums was right.
Might have to check archives or the way back machine. It could have been deleted.
this is at least the second time you've done this thing with the fake articles leaf
is this real
god these people are fucking scum
The OP is fake, but this one is real. Thoughts?
oh my.. I want them to dominate me.
>1 post by this ID
Fake. The actual article is called "It's getting hot in Indianapolis", by Jim Hightower
Christ, you people are pathetic.
The rich one percent that owned slaves already fucked the rest of the whites over because all the things slaves did should have been paying jobs for the 99% of people in the only 11 states where slavery was legal. We could have had a solid middle class and been to the moon a hundred years ago. Poor whites were the primary victims of slavery.
It's fake but we can still use it for trolling
I want them to kidnapp me and then take turns on sucking my dick.
>tfw you're not walking dildo for the 30 hot black women
Shame me Sup Forums but you did this to me.
The actual article is condemning companies moving jobs to mexico
liberals love that term. it's like a safe nigger they can throw around at people who disagree
I always felt bad about it. I still feel terrible that we ruined our country by bringing them over.