Where were you when Hillary Clinton lost the election?
Where were you when Hillary Clinton lost the election?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the popular vote matters
How can there be so many self hating white men out there? My mind bends to try and understand it.
shes a clown
>silent majority
If the internet opinion actually mattered, bernie would have gotten the nom
>He still thinks votes matter
>the popular vote doesn't matter
>demoralized democrats
It matters because the popular vote in each state deterines how they allocate their electoral votes.
We aren't having an election.
We're choosing sides
top fucking kek, no it doesn't. The electoral college does not at all have to abide by the popular vote -- they just do because you'd start riots otherwise.
Can someone show the hate that officer got?
I want to feel some rage.
The_Donald owns reddit.
the electoral college has never decided an election by opposing what the popular vote has instructed them to choose.
Also some surveymoney polls done by the Internet. I saw one where it was 80% phone, 20% Internet. The phone was like 47% Hillary, 42% Trump. The Internet results were like 67% Hillary, 36% Trump. Just another reason not to trust the polls.
Raised by Jewish media (social or otherwise) to hate themselves. When you realize most people are extremely susceptible to brainwashing, it's easy to understand.
For your nightmares
What about Bush vs Gore? Florida decided Gore but the electoral Congress have it to Bush.
>Florida decided Gore
No they didn't. Bush won Florida.
Mr_Trump and the_Donald are on good terms now. So the mods at Mr_Trump closed the sub.
Most bernouts were from other countries.
florida decided bush.
the electoral college voted bush.
fucking deal with it, already.
they weren't acting as faithless electors, they were voting faithfully on the information provided to them.
even if you want to argue the recount, it isn't the electoral college making the decision or acting faithlessly.
They did a (((recount)))
They never did a recount actually.
and it still wasn't decided by any faithless electors.
It even states that he didn't receive the popular vote but still won.
>how does the electoral college work
Bush won the popular vote in Florida which allowed him to win the election despite losing the popular vote nationally.
Friendly reminder that as long as all the beaners and niggers and most women vote for her, none of this matters.
he didn't receive the popular vote nationally.
that doesn't mean the electoral college voted against each state's popular vote.
they've done numerous recounts. bush won.
>they've done numerous recounts
No, they've done numerous studies with different results. Never an official recount.
friendly reminder that she'll never get anywhere close to the same nog turnout as obama
>trump supporters are lazy bastards who lurk the internet
news at 11
Gore lost fair and square. Get over it.
isn't the race baiting that she's doing now exactly how to get the blacks out to vote? and all the campaigning with king nigger?
she did great in the primaries with blacks
if anything this will cost more votes than it gains because normal people are sick of this shit
kek i feel like the blm riots were the best thing that could happen to trump's campaign
despite the best efforts of hillary, obama and the media to whitewash the chimpout, people can actually see through their bullshit and now are going to vote trump
Blacks have really low voter turnout. They won't turn out for Hillary like they did for Obama.
>"the popular vote doesn't matter on the generals"
>t. increasingly nervous shill
Trump really raped this one.
He put out a reasonable message appealing to anyone from any race, and even gave an olive branch to those angry about castille and sterling.
Hilary on the otherhand put out a far-left message that panders to Black Lives Matter only.
It mattered when Hildawg was winning the polls though rite.......
You shills better start handing your resumes out now, she is going to crumble completely in debates.
>alt-right teen on Sup Forums thinks he understands "normal people"
they've had decent turnout since obanig started in 2008. they're in 2nd place behind white people in every cycle since then.
luckily mexicans vote at like half the rate that whites do, but trump might scare them out of the bushes... which only matters in florida.
it's all down to florida and ohio and virginia... again.
unless we have a super close count, the election will be called by 10pm. either trump wins those 3 states, or he loses the election.
>british faggot thinks he knows americans
anyone ever get the feeling that Trump is going to win in a landslide, and all the polls are 100% rigged to try to prevent that?
Unless that crazy old coked out dyke can go back in time and run as the first black president, she will never get the black vote that Obama got. I'm astounded that people actually think it's possible for that voter block to just transfer. The second rule of politics is that votes don't transfer from politician to politician.
She's really fucked herself on the whole woman thing too. A woman can be dangerous if they don't over do it. If she just keeps her mouth shut- a lot of women would still vote for her anyways, but she has gone overboard and has essentially put her campaign in a box by billing herself as a for-women-candidate. The outcome is that men don't want to vote for her, which explains why she does worse with men than Trump does with women- a huge problem.
There are far too many niggers, beaners, females and nu-males for this to be a possibility.
so no.
kys autismo
i like how no one cares about the paid hillshill sub except paid hillshills.
trumps internal polling shows he has 39% of the beaner vote.
he'll get 40-45% of cunts
he'll get 10-15% of niggers
he only has to carry all the states romney carried, plus flip 3 swing states, which is totally doable, according to his internal polling.
internal polling is far more accurate than the mass media jewry. his people are supremely positive he's got this in the bag.
>a fucking leaf
The electoral college system in America lets the insiders override the vote of the people if they want. It's never happened, but it's a possibility
Americans are easy to understand. You just have to imagine a normal person and then remove 50 IQ points and add 300 pounds.
Jesus, people still give a shit about Sanders?
>FBI says it won't prosecute Hillary Clinton
>Sup Forums gets pissed off
>two officers shoot black men
>10+ officers shot by black men
>nobody cares about the email shit anymore
Working as intended.
He's right though. The people that Hillary pandered to with that speech were already going to vote for her. She just alienated a lot of people to retain votes that she was already counting on.
I want to beleive this but I don't think I do.
That what defeatist faggots like you said about Brexit also.
The turnout was so huge for Dems in 2008 because the democrats had a coalition of voter blocks that really turned out in high percentages. The minorities in urban areas considered it a historic election and that is a huge part of the democratic voter strategy.
Those people are now spoiled- they've had a black president, so like a junkie with a high tolerance they are looking for "a new high." In other words, a Clinton might have been popular for a nigger in the past because it was the closest thing to a black person theyd ever get. Those days are over, and they simply beyond voting for some old white bitch after Obama. The excitement from that base is absolutely nonexistent.
Young people, a traditional voter block for Dems, will be supportive, but their numbers (from a turnout prospective) will be depressed because of how their lord and savior Bernie got bent over a barrel and fucked by the Clinton machine and the DWS Democratic Establishment.
The women argument is irrelevant because she does worse with men than Trump does with women, so it's actually a negative for her.
The fact that Dem turnout is -20% from 2008 tells the story. Yet we are still using data from 2008 and 2012 to predict our polling models. There's no way to predict the outcome on this with any certainty, but if I was a betting man, I'd say Trump has pretty decent odds.
>posts a picture of obese British woman
>tfw the donald responses to your comment
Wouldn't it be quicker to just add 250?
kerry won the popular vote in 2004
dubs of truth
and there is always the possibility of a coup if he fails
since the democraps are actively anti-White and anticonstition
no he didn't lol
oh and if the dems win, the amnesty of 30 million illegals ensure the reps will never win again
so that's pretty much a declaration of war
none of that was due to an elector deciding against their state's popular vote.
it's not my fault you don't even understand the system.
I was voting remain in UK, only to see him welcoming the decision, and talking about how USA will share its mighty Anglo blood with UK.................
wow, certainly encourages conjugstipation
>brits shitting on americans
Hillary has a lot of silent voters
+ the vote will certainly be rigged. The only way to overcome this is by voting en masse
>he only has to carry all the states romney carried, plus flip 3 swing states, which is totally doable, according to his internal polling.
>internal polling is far more accurate than the mass media jewry. his people are supremely positive he's got this in the bag.
Romney's internal polling had him winning.
The largest cities in California basically decide the President. So we're fncked
Screen shotting this thread so I can BTFO racists on November 8th and make them commit suicide.
My mom says I always get right to the hard of the madder.
the popular vote does matter, it affects state electors which affect the presidency
>a deep blue state will determine the election
which have never been the deciding factor in an election.
i already linked a list of faithless electors, you fuckwit.
Hillary will sent our sore asses to war with Russia
>it's a "clog wog pretends he's not inbred and can think coherently" episode
How does the popular vote not matter? Pretty sure it only happened one time, like a 100 years ago where it didn't matter.
>Joyce Pepper Martinez
>marries an illegal
>keeps maiden name
The best thing about this whole trump thing is even if he loses, we still won so big
True, and you'll be coming with us NATO buddy :^)
Time to redeploy the Blue Division
t. Groen-Links kiezer
Hillary is grossly overestimating how many blacks will vote for her. Trust me, it will be nothing like when Obama ran. Trump also has a nice chunk of the Mexican vote; the boomer aged hard workers that came here years ago.
Low energy retard alert
You're thinking of Gore in 2000
so that other post was just hillbot damage control
How... how did you do it, Sup Forums?
You've taken a site as hopelessly fascist as Reddit and have turned it into a bastion of politically incorrect humor.
I don't deserve this man as my president
>it's happened 4 times therefore I'm right and you're not!!.!
The_Donald is a kike controlled subreddit.
it's only really useful for trolling the mods.
broken horses