*takes a shit*
*doesn’t wash his hands*
*takes a shit*
Very good thread, my ameriblob friend.
I do this unironically
>Takes a shit
>sits precariously over the edge of the bath and uses the shower head to blast away the shit
>Then uses hand to wipe butt
>Hasn't bought TP in months
Haha Kevin
*masturbates in the bathroom*
*doesn't remain seated to take a piss*
>jerks off all over the toilet seat in the handicap stall and doesn’t clean it up
>takes a shit
>takes a shower to not waste any paper
>*takes a shit*
>*wanks with hand wash*
>*has a shower*
The holy triumvirate
>wiping your shitty ass without washing it
filthy degenerates
>swings the muslim way
>always takes a bottle of water with him to the toilet
>I'm guessing, bare hands and a splash of water
Pls tell me, muzzies do this because it provides them with a much cleaner anus and a bit of stimulation, right?
is he an albinog?
>not rubbing the cum into your hands, arms and stomach
>not sitting down when you piss every time when at home
>not using a single sheet of toilet paper to ensure all last drops of piss have been removed from dick by dabbing thoroughly and then dabbing whilst squeezing at the same time for maximum effect
>he doesn't put wrap a cotton bud with toilet paper and stick it down his willy to soak up all remaining piss
>he doesn't make an incision along the penis with a scalpel so he can access the urethra and bladder in order to clean them also
>not having a toilet seat with water functionality
>not having a fucking bidet
>"m-muh water bottle"
seems to me you're out of excuses to wash your hole, shit-stained degenerate
>having a bidet
What is the point of a bidet? My parents have one at their house and I don't understand it. So you take a shit, wash it off with the water and then dry your arse with toilet paper anyway?
You are supposed to stick your head in it and piss and shit all over the floor.
why do you all have enema fetishes like Gandhi?
It's for flaming homosexuals who need to have a clean ass for their boyfriend to pound so he doesn't get shit residue on his penis
It's to wash your feet, like Jesus did before us.
That's the only way I've ever used it
I remember asking my step dad this question and he said when I'm older I'll find out but he said it in a dirty way implying it was something sexual
I'm 24 now and I still don't know
Reminder that these posters are shitflinging shit fingers. Just use a bidet like a decent human being. You wouldn't replace showers with just wiping with TP, so why would you do it for your bum?
The whole stimulation thing is nonsense. It feels exactly like it would if you point your shower head on your bum. If you get 'stimulated' by that, then you have no business calling others gay.
I haven't had to touch my anus in 6 years when I last visited traveled in the U.S. If you massage your anus every time you take a shit, then once again, you have no business calling others gay.
i have ass hair, anyone that isn't extremely low test does, toilet paper simply doesn't do the trick.
Women do use it after sex
good thread
*tips bidet*
>not owning superior Toto toilets with built-in ass-washing water jets and ass-drying air jets
christ on a stick y'all
I only wash my hands if I use a public bathroom or I absolutely feel I need to (like I accidentally got a little bit of shit on my hand when wiping) I don't get why Sup Forums is just a bunch of germaphobes.
I would also unironically give a cheeky blowjob to a flaccid dick, so it's not gay or anything.
*wanks into hand*
*wipes on the underside of desk*
only buttplay is gay
every and all men have always been curious how good a penis would feel in their mouth and if they are actually any good at the succ
its common knowledge
Is this /bundes/?
>ripping out dingleberry infested ass hair with your hands
would rather get kicked in the bollocks t.bh
Talking about arse hair
Surely you have some right user? You're not that much of an effeminate soyboy are you?
good thread