“”””””””women””””” athletes
“”””””””women””””” athletes
senora caca
Ever been to a sporting event? Women's bathroom lines are fucking crazy. Tbh I don't blame this slut
Shes urinating you dumbass
never fucking respond to me again
I’ll be glad to filter your flag
the most hostile thread about pee i've seen
People must be having a collectively shitty day at work
>all the other womyn are waiting in a line a mile long and pissing themselves
You now realize you're looking at the smartest woman in the Carolinas.
me in the kuechly jersey
*sells team*
imagine being a fan of that shit team lol
this is kinda hot desu
>a bunch of men with their dicks out
lmao look at this faggot
>Me in the Cam jersey
>a girl with her jeans down
>focuses on the dudes
typical canadian behavior
women don't pee out of their asses, it comes out of the front (vagina)
>women pee from their vaginas
holy shit lmao i thought the Sup Forums being mostly virgins thing was a meme
>women pee from their vaginas
This is a site that uses the word "roasties" - meaning that they think the color of a vagina determines the amount of times a girl got fucked. It's not a meme, there are a lot of virgins and people who didn't pay attention in sex ed (or didn't get any education about sex)
the usa does it again
>it comes out of the front (vagina)
The absolute state of Sup Forums
>the color a vagin
What did Mister Negrito mean by this?
It refers to the texture
I guess the stalls were full
>it comes out of the front (vagina)
>people actually believe this
this country is doomed
so much knowledge on this thread
me in the cam jersey
>American education
It's still a myth