The original Uhura was nice and polite, so why did they turn her into such an unlikeable bitch?

The original Uhura was nice and polite, so why did they turn her into such an unlikeable bitch?

she's not tho, you are like a kid on the playground pulling a girl's hair cuz you don't know how to express your feelings for her.

sad really

If the new Uhura acted like the original, then reviewers would be all over the writers for supporting the patriarchy. Female characters pretty much have to be loud and aggressive in these types of productions nowadays.

Those were different times. A female character has to always be PMS'ing and proving how she's just as good as the men, else she's considered antiquated.

The only one who was likable in the new trek was Anton Yelchin's Chekov. The others were just as unlikable, especially Quinto as Spock.

If there's one thing you want in a communications officer, it's unflinching rudeness.

She's stronk independent womyn who don't need no diplomacy or finesse, yo goddamn patriarchal klingon motherfuckers gotta deal with it.

>t. never watched TOS so never knew what a bitch old Uhura was

Meanwhile Nuhura lets Spock fuck her in the ass.

But sure keep pretending you're not all underage.

Nuhura plz go.

Fuck off retard

I liked Pegg's Scotty, too.

i'm curious, OP, what specific scene and what specific action or words of new uhura that makes her unlikable for you?

>Those were different times.

Very true. According to interview in DVD's special features, they showed TOS pilot (the one with majel as ex-o and the actor who played cap pike as the captain of enterprise) to a bunch of people to gauge reaction. The women's reaction to female ex-o disagreeing with male captain was "the nerve of that woman".

>"No, I'm assigned to the Enterprise!"

So she basically bossed her way to a position she wasn't selected for, which presumably meant someone else had to lose that position because of her.

>"Captain, please! Just one minute!"

Talking to your CO like a cunt when he wants you to shut up and not air your dirty laundry in public.

>Pouting like a spoiled child when she doesn't get her own way

Because the only way modern directors/writers/producers can imagine black women is as a sassy bitch. The only difference between the characters is how this is shown in relation to their background, i.e. they can't all be sassy ghetto tier bitches.

>so why did they turn her into such an unlikeable bitch?

and anorexic

>"No, I'm assigned to the Enterprise!"
That one was reasonable. The only reason she wasn't assigned to the Enterprise is because Spock didn't want his girlfriend assigned on the same ship.

Fuck off Cuckmann.

>received order
>bitch as hard as her can because she dislike it
her reasoning was like "I'm too fucking good for you or this shit, let me on THE ship"

But it was legitimate. She listed her extensive skills to Spock, and he agreed. He also admitted to purposely assigning her to a different shit to avoid the appearance of favoritism.

>boyfriend assigns you to some second-rate ship despite you having first class skills
>call him out on it and he admits the assigning was bullshit
Seems fair

>That one was reasonable.

So she's fucking the second highest-ranking officer onboard the flagship, then demands to be assigned to said flagship.