>It was all a dream
It was all a dream
Other urls found in this thread:
>I used to read Word Up! magazine
>threatens to go Full Lovecraft in trailer
>its only dream
better fucking not be
>Salt & Pepper and Heavy D up in the limousine
>all you needed was love
you know it will be user
>Time to get paid, blow up like the world trade
Juicy came out in 1995.
How did biggie predict this?
>threatens to go full lovecraft
>actually goes full lovecraft
>Sup Forums is triggered by this
I can only hope that we will see less of the main little girl and the main little boy from season 1. god they were bad
You've never read any Lovecraft have you? Its all squiggly octopus monsters to you isn't it?
it will never go full lovecraft, too Sup Forums
>I can only hope we will see less of the two main protagonists
I have all his writings and poetry, some letters
try again
maybe you should read them then
It isn't a dream, but Will is the only one who can see it, like his vision in the bathroom. His prolonged exposure to the Upside Down is turning him into a "flea" like the Demogorgon, but he can only see both worlds simultaneously for now.
She won't be back until mid to late season, but most of the early episodes will involve Mike looking for her, and Hopper throwing the feds off her scent.
What a pleasant dream.
Hangin pepes on my wall
The fuck is a flea?
>posts Froggo
>missed an entire fucking episode
I don't even know why you're posting in this thread.
The fuck is an acrobat?
>herp it was shitposting all along
Nice try, you waste of space.
What's this from?
sure is summer in here
you just called Froggo shit and yet I'm the waste of space?
>you just called Froggo shit
Where's your trip? This level of braindead attention seeking deserves a trip.
>Hangin pepes on my wall
That don't bother me at all
Posting on Sup Forums till dawn with IQ of fifty-one
Eating hotpockets and watching latest capeshit
Now don't tell me I've nothing to do
wonder how you're supposed to fight that. if eleven just vaporizes it then the government has a right to be scared, shes too powerful to be allowed to run wild. someone better hire boyd and have him put her down.
It will either be a chain attack by Eleven and Will or the previous ten test subjects will show up. There was a casting call last year for women willing to have their heads shaved.
I hope Will somehow ends up preggers by the Demogorgon via Alien or is forever trapped randomly shifting through the real world and the upside down.
If all he ends up with after all that shit is lame PTSD and nightmares, then the show is shit.
>salt n pepe up in the limousine
>movie starts
>right away you jump in like jumprope double dutch
The people trying hard to call out anyone using lovecraftian on internet are the worst
his stories are fucking public domain you fuck everyone has read them
>It was all a giant spider
you need to go back faggot
The main little boy is good
Why is he so cute bros?
Kill yourselves pedo fags
And miss out on an entire month of new Froggo content in October? I say unto thee, nay.
Those are his ways.
There still months away from both being released. In the meantime treat yourself wth some finn kinos
fuck off pedo fag
What the fuck is this thing supposed to be, is its hair just a combed waft of hair? At least they know how to design intriguing monsters.
Kill yourself pedo fag
That's a girl.
These are arty, but I miss the days of weekly scopekinos.
fuck off pedo fag
>What the fuck is this thing supposed to be
Giant spider
I will not.
I don't understand, are you saying it's some sort of arachnid of the gigantic persuasion?
Buy Finn's tshirt everyone!!
>it's a video about dogs
>films toothless at the end
Finn is a cunt
kill yourself pedo fag
Is King a downer?
He looks it.
Fuck off reddit.
How could Biggie know what happened in the past? Can he travel back in time?
in Maine
I will. And I will wear it. In public.
I don't watch this Reddit show
kill yourself redditfag
>What's on your hoodie, user? Is that a barefooted picture of the main kid from Stranger Things playing a guitar? Why would a grown man own such a thing? Why would they even make it in that size?
Mind your fucking business, Mom.
Kill yourself pedo fag
>Is that a Stranger Things hoodie?
>But isn't that the kid from Stranger Things?
>It is not a Stranger Things hoodie. It is a Finn Wolfhard hoodie. It says "Finn", not "Mike". I bought it from his website. I bought it because I am a fan of not only the show, but of him specifically.
Why does Eleven have a jerry curl this season?
It's set a year later, her hair grew back.
It looks retarded
She's a metaphor for halocaust survivors
>escaped from a camp
>was bald and hairless
>has jewfro after it grows back
>lives in someone else's home(land)
>is in love with cute little boy
Finn looks like the killer from No Country for Old Men
>Finn will never toss a coin and tell you to call it
Why live?
What is wrong with this retard's face?
He doesn't look normal. Jesus fucking christ.
Well spat homie!
He's slowly turning more jewish, next season he starts wearing a yarmulke, and the season after that he starts charging exorbitant interest rates to all his friends and acquaintances.
He has cleidocranial dysostosis. His bones and teeth didn't form properly.
So was this actually a good show?
Why don't you watch it and form your own opinion? It's only about six hours all up and you can drop it at any time.
Season 1 was pretty good, had a really neat retro vibe.
Season 2 is going to be hot garbage on a bun,
they fired a lot of the writers and hired solely women to git their females to 50% after it became a PR fiasco about how male their writer staff was, then the director got up on a stage at an awards show and told people to physically assault conservatives, so eh.
>they fired a lot of the writers and hired solely women
Unironically completely mediocre + Reddit tier "80s references XDDD"
Sorry, I didn't use it's preferred pronouns
"Shekel slowly turning more jewish, next season shekel starts wearing a yarmulke, and the season after that shekel starts charging exorbitant interest rates to all shekelstien's friends and acquaintances.
>it was all ptsd
I want this to happen, I want him oy veying at every wacky thing he sees and constantly picking up coins
Finn Wolfhard
well said.
Finn is for ____________
back to r/lovecraft
This is an astute observation.
>call it!
>you have to call it!
>you can't just flip the coin and not call it, that's not what friends *are*!
Did you know Finn Wolfhard was born in December? Kind of like Jesus. Coincidence? Nah.
I want to kiss him so bad
Is that the panel where the host fucked up everybody's name and then copped an attitude when Finn corrected him?