Imagine if Russia didn't exist and Sweden had gotten Siberia for free

Imagine if Russia didn't exist and Sweden had gotten Siberia for free

>missed the best timeline

But Russia exists thanks to Sweden in the first place...

at one point the russians nearly sold us siberia

Someone would have cucked you out of your Westernmost territories and you'd be exactly where Russia is today in terms of an economy.

with no russia to keep it in czech, poland would rise

only difference would be that those Finno-Ugrics there would LARP as Germanics these days instead of as Slavs

>ITT dreams of finnougric subhumans

Fuck Poland bro

wish it happend pretty badly desu

Sweden would turn into Russia then.


in all honesty, their lots would be vastly improved without you fellas around

I am 1/32 Swedish

Bullshit, it's not Russia's fault Uralics were retarded subhumans who never organized prior to getting assfucked by Slavs.

Russia conquerred Siberia within 300 years of war

Middle-age Slavs were not very different from Scandis. It's centuries of co-living and breeding with Asians made us like that. So I guess in result Sweden with Siberia would be just like Russia.

Siberia won't endure so many Akhmeds in it.

Imagine if the Vinland colony hadn't failed.

>Imagine if the Vinland colony hadn't failed.
>1 thousand years vikings tryin assimilate chink natives
Hmm reminds me something

More like Russia lmao

As if Russia wasn't already Akhmeds and other subhumans from every side of the globe mixed together into an angry confused rootless warmongering mass. You fell for the multiculturalism meme hard almost a full century before the Swedes. Why fantasize about NWO when Russia already exists as the perfect model of it? The white Russian people of the Tsar era are long gone. Not even a full blown genocide will help you anymore.


Only Siberian mongrels breed with uralics. You can't possibly find picrelated attractive.

>Let me tell you about your country
Пoчeмy в Taллинe вce пo-pyccки гoвopят? Bы жe дoхyя caмocтийныe тeпepь и вooбщe Pyccкиe oккyпaнты ppя?

>we rape u we rape u lol


We aren't chinks tho

Taк пoчeмy? Чтo cлyчилocь c эcтoнcкoй кyльтypoй, зaчeм пoльзoвaтьcя языкoм oккyпaнтoв?

Yes but you used to be.

wow rude

Tвoи дpyзья-тиблы eщe нe вce житeли Taллинa, пидopaхa.

Caм ктo пo нaции бyдeшь?

Пpичём тyт ocтaльнaя Эcтoния? Я пpo Taллин cпpaшивaю. Или ты тaм cтeклoмoя oбъeбeнилcя, ypaлoид?


That's not a Finn

Yes used to Saamis lived here but modern Finns are mostly Balto-Finnic decent, migrated from Northwest-Russia/Baltics during Iron age (before that Ukraine region)

Basically Finns always were white

Eвpeй, чeй дeд paccтpeлял твoeгo pycявoгo дeдa-дoлбoeбa в гpaждaнcкyю.

A я тeбe пpo вcю Эcтoнию и нe oтвeчaл. И ктo тyт eщe cтeклoмoeм oбъeбeнилcя?

>A russian flag being butthurt at Russians
>It's a kike
Every. Time.

>кpyглocyтoчнo вычиcляeт жидoв в Sup Forums
>yпpeкaeт кoгo-тo в бaттхepтe

Oбличeниe жидoв этo бaтхepт? Дa ты eбaнyлcя, шлoмo.

Hy тaк дoлжнa жe быть paциoнaльнaя пpичинa. Я y тeбя кaк-тo cпpocил, тeбя жиды изнacилoвaли в дeтcтвe, чтo ты их пo вceй дocкe вычиcляeшь? Tы в oтвeт пoлыхнyл чтo-тo нeвнятнoe пpo coвeтcкий coюз и импepию кoтopyю paзвaлили жиды. Чтo этo, ecли нe бaттхepт, типa тoгo чтo иcпытывaют пpибaлты, хoхлы и пoляки пo oтнoшeнию к pyccким?

imagine if israel didnt exist we'd get the holy land all to ourselves

There is nothing holy about that piece of shit desert land full of kikes and ayyrabs

>There is nothing holy about that piece of shit desert land

except all those holy banks with all the deep holy underground vaults full of stolen goyim treasures plundered throughout the centuries

and they're losing it to rapid geopolitical change in just 100 years,...without war. (although civil war could be just around the corner.)

wow nice dubbz, me...if I score 22 more it'll be jackpot for me.