Ad creep in North American sports?


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That's a picture of Walter Payton. Eli Manning is a former NFL Man of the Year award winner, so he wears that patch in game.

The "C" designates him as a captain of the offense.

Would you have a small sponsor's patch on the jersey and maybe another one on the shorts if it meant eliminating TV timeouts and commercial breaks during games?


>Darth Vader?
A patch of the Man of the Year trophy, indicating that he’s won the award at some point in his career
Captain patch


It’s actually not Payton. The trophy was modeled after some offensive lineman from the 60s.

No, because the next year the patch would be a little bigger, and the year after that there'd be 3 patches, and soon enough: Europe.


>Captain patch
But...the gold border and the stars? That's really lame. Do they think they're in the military?


Stars correlate to how long you've been a captain on offense. Eli is obviously a long-tenured QB, so he has all 4 stars, plus the gold background. It's just a convenient system of ranking, no need to sperg out about it.

This thread was brought to you by Tim Horton's, and by Molson Canadian.

Yes, but it would never eliminate the tv timeouts so no.

It is occuring on NBA jerseys but this post is bait

It's a new thing. Started 8 years ago.No real reason for it, it probably is the beginning of ad creep, that's probably whey they started it.
It's not a real homor and meaninglful, like hockey where the captain is the leader of the team, because each NFL team can have 6 captains. Six. They're laying the ground for acceptance of ads.

They’re optional. Some teams (like the Patriots) opt out of them.


Walter Payton, you nu-male, maple syrup slurping faggot

Literally what the fuck are you baiting about leaf

there were no ads before movies forevre
then there were little features before movies
then single ads
now, if you are odd enough to go to a cineman, there will be like 20 minutes of ads before you get to see the movie you paid to see.

ad creep.
it starts small, but the idea is always to max out.
If we see a little something on North American sports uniforms now, we get used to the idea of there being something other than just to team name.
Even NFL jerseys didn't have the NFL logo on them a few years ago. Hockey sweaters didn't used to have a Nike or Adidas or Reebok logo, etc.

If we let it happen, soon we'll be watching billboards, like they do with Euro sports.
>pic related

>have ads that you can skip
>have ads that you're forced to see if you want to actually watch the game

i'll choose the former

Have you never seen a NASCAR race?

fly emirates is my fav soccer team

>Captain C and player memorial logos are ad creep
Literally kill (You)rself

>rest of post
Having the league logo on your jersey makes sense because its the fucking league

The jersey makers always had their logo somewhere on it, CCM just didn't put in on the neck

>ads you can skip
no, how.