I'm wondering Sup Forums, we all know race war is coming. Remember that Idaho gun group selling pic related so muzzies can't enter paradise? I say we make something similar for the race war so the blacks don't enter nigger paradise. What should we lace the bullets with?
Racewar Ammo
Other urls found in this thread:
Federal HST > Everything else
>believing in heaven
>being a christcuck
Job applications.
Rolled in 11 herbs and spices
During Chechen war Russkies were burying churkas with pig skins or salo to piss them off.
I think that at very least demoralized them,
>Not wanting to fuck with the family's of dead mudslims and deter wanna be terrorists.
>Thinking op believes in the mudslime alalallol
Ammo isnt important tbqh famicom.
What is important is how you set an example to the rest of them.
Oh and do yourself a favor and go with a 308 nato is real nato.
a lot of black americans subscribe to their own version of islam where they claim alll humans were originally black until the evil scientist Jacob (the biblical patriarch of Israel) created the savage white race that conquered and enslaved the black people and stole their culture, the leaders of these whites now being the modern day Jews.
Torture them until they forsake Allah and Muhammad and film it. We can't but I'm sure we have friends in the region who would have no qualms.
>evil scientist Jacob
Do you mean Yakub? You can tell he is smart because his head be all big an sheeeit.
Using tripfag to show off my recent purchase for the racewar, proof incoming.
M1 Garand 1942 bayonet, built today.
Adding racewar doesn't do shit. Guns and electricity were both mistakes
>I don't wanna look at them when I murder them
Also, I paid $5 extra for engraving 'Deus Vult' into it.
This. The white God gave us the tools to fight the negro.
Can I get this in .40s&w? and .308?
Just smear beacon grease on regular ammo
Every fucking time. I'm just going to start calling you Ice Jews from now on.
You know as far as most people are concerned, deus vult sounds exactly the same as alahu ackbar, right?
Also bump
Stayfag detected
The only acceptable answer is bulk/surplus FMJ in large quantity. Buying 3 boxes of 9mm hollow point only sounds right to know nothing faggots. Buying 1000+ rounds of 5.56 or 7.62 or whatever rifle rounds you prefer and 500+ strait up FMJ pistol cartridges is how to do it.
If I was a Christ fag that'd be dope. Dues vult engraved on all my shit.
>pig-blood ammo
I really don't get this. I don't believe in Islam, so I don't buy the premise that pig does anything to them, and if I shoot a muslim, it's not like he is going to know that the bullet had pig in it. Can a non-autistic fag explain?
keked far to hard, my eyes are watering, but why?
Education or decency. Positively corrosive to those people.
That was a great show, tobeh
It's meme Warfare user. Fight a religion with its beliefs. Demoralize the enemy, because as far as they know they were going to hell.
I've filled my hollow points with mercury if that counts
>britbongs talking about guns 'n ammo
Militia is not covered under the geneva convention from what I remember.
Not like our government doesnt pick and choose when they abide by any rules of war. Pic very related.
The problem now is it will build up in the barrel and chamber causing misfires my man.
Dumbasses think they will send Muslims straight to hell by shooting them with this. It is just a gimmick to sell cheap FMJ ammo for $50 a box.
Normalfag detected
Good choice. Ammo can run out and close encounters are unexpected and end fast. If you end it fast you are on top.
You do realize if the government publicly broadcasted the desecration of Isis with bacon there be a whole lot less attacks...
As in it would be the new status quo.
Not if you keep your gun clean. Or just use the bacon ammo against mudslimes
Or any fudd can dip his thoity ot sicks boolets into dat bacon greece. Muslims die unclean and go to hell by default. Thanks for playing.
Rub the tips of ammo on a job application.
Do they make it in 12g?
>Entering paradise
>Dues Vult
My theory is it makes you the shooter feel like you’re adding insult to injury and give you a warm superior feeling knowing that you would disgrace the enemy to the point of not only killing them, but doing something disrespectful to them in the process. Also I think the people that buy these have an autistic fantasy about being in a elite group of killers who gain a reputation amongst the enemy and it gets out that they use pig in the bullets, making it haram to be killed by them, thus instilling an added psychological aspect to fighting them in combat. Think the death cards left by certain US units in Vietnam, when there comrades came to collect the bodies after the US had withdrawn from the battlefield, the death cards of the unit would be strewn across the bodies of their fellow countrymen, signifying that the a particular unit had killed them, thus garnering them a reputation amongst the enemy.
If the day ever comes a quiet weapon will serve you well
Use the same ammunition, because the majority of niggers that hate white people are Muslims.
Voovdo doll on gun
Let the Bolsheviks seem like the violent ones. A race war might lead to a police state or martial law which would do nothing for demographic control under this administration. You don't want one. If you need to defend yourself however, Federal HST is great for standard pistol calibers, Hornady TAP is good for 5.56 and .308 carbines, and for shotgun get 8 or 9 pellet 00 buck that patterns well.
"Til Valhall"
Employment applications
Paternity tests
Abu grhaib
>Dues Vult
Job applications.
College degrees.
I took the screenshot, noticed it, and fixed it.
I'll doubt it does anything to reliability, but given that bacon is usually salted, if gun isn't cleaned and maintained properly it might cause corrosion issues.
>Ice Jews
At least spell it right though dude.
Also I know tattoos are generally deemed degenerate here, but DEUS VULT would make a bad-ass knuckle tat.