
10/10 would watch again. Which I did. So I watched it twice, second viewing was fantastic. I cried like a baby.

Also attracted af to Stephen Merchant's Caliban (andidkwhyyyy) and woah, as a female, did anyone feel goosebumps/shivers/sweat running down their neck from Laura's accented deep English? I was so unexpectedly hot and bothered by Caliban and Laura. Jfc. What's wrong with me ;_;

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shut the fuck up

We know it's you, Steve

Don't be a meanie.

Yes, it was such a wonderfully sad movie. It let me have such a good cry.

How do I unsubscribe from your personal blog?

Trips of fucking truth.

Hey OP, you should start using a name, so people can fucking avoid your inane prattle.

what did you think about Laura?

Disgusting tacoletta

Tits or GTFO

Steve was surprisingly good. Hopefully he can get rid of that Gervais parasite and have a decent acting career.

>tfw 4 times

though i think thats enough

it really is one of those movies i can watch countless times. call me a shill i dont give a fuck the movie is as they say here kino

He's always going to be the freaky side character though

As long as the main character is not played by that smug prick Ricky, I'm ok with that.
Also it turns out that Steve voiced Whitley in Portal 2. Kinda cool.

I've never read a post so obviously written by a man

Idk why but I really get disturbed by people's remains being messed with. Example in T1 kyle reese dies and the terminator crawls over his lifeless corpse.after calibans death they take his remians/dna for nefarious purposes. The idea of no peace after death and having your remains messed with just really creeps me the Fuck out.


>Fool me once

go to bed steve

I saw the movie twice, as well. The entire farm scene is unbearable, because I know what's about to happen next. And the music made it 10 times worse. The look on Logan's face at the end of the scene, and the pulsing dread, made me sick.

I guess Wolverine can be terrifying from the perspective of his victims. He is the Terminator mixed with Freddie Kruger.

>afraid to click on a vimeo link
it's just a film, user