ITT: Shows Sup Forums tricked you into watching

ITT: Shows Sup Forums tricked you into watching

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It's house of cards with crosses. What's not to like?


it's richard the third you fucking troglodytes

This meme pisses me off

It's how it was advertised and there are many people posting here that are too stupid to form opinions for themselves.

Breaking Bad

still haven't watched it, but i thought that dude was pretty good in trainspotting

I didn't dislike it, I just didn't really see the point. The plot made no sense and didn't go anywhere and the characters were all pretty dull. There were some good moments but overall it was mediocre.

Even more pisses me off

This bait never gets old, have a (thou) on the house

Diane Keaton is enough for me to stay away from this

Mediocre. The praise comes from teenagers who think they're something more than the rest.

kill yourself

literally kill yourself

you too for telling somebody to kill themselves

Will the murder of the nephews be symbolized by him allowing abortion and therefore killing billions of babbies?

>Sup Forums is too pleb for The Young Kino
dat new thor movie doe amirite?

P-please guys calm down

fuck off nigger

fuck off nigger

Did your finger slip, retard?

not the same person

you fucking chimp

t. american

t. A*ericans

Did your finger slip, retard?

fuck off nigger

you two as well for telling a nigger to fuck off

no, but for real - actually kill yourselves

Did your finger slip, retard?

good thread tbqh


You ain't gonna like this

I dislike the show and have stated my opinions various times on it, only to be called a troll or pleb by, most likely, Europeans.

The cinematography is very derivative and 'trying too hard' to be artful. The language/dialogue is very contrived and it takes me right out of certain scenes -- it's not how people would ordinarily speak. It's like they're trying to go for this grandiose prose that doesn't translate well into a visual medium. Again, they're trying too hard. The Italian/European actors are the worst offenders. They overact most of the time and then have wooden performances in others. And again, do you speak me to believe that, with their thick accents "OOLIE FADHER!" - would they speak like characters from a 10th-grade literature novel? I digress.

As for the plot. Well, the premise is unrealistic from the start, but moving on; A whole lot of nothing happens -- an exact opposite of House of Cards. There's alluded mysticism in the show, perhaps, an undeveloped motif that the writers weren't sure about incorporating from the start. So after episode 7 (or was it 8?) the show suddenly departed from its mostly human conflicts, and then there was a drastic tonal shift. It's like a tale of two shows. So it's rather weird.

At the end of the season, I have more questions than answers about the Holy Father and Sister Mary, the Ginger priest, and the Cardinal Sec. of State. I don't know where the show is going, and I don't even think the writers know that either.

I'd say it's the opposite, and let's not kid ourselves by saying that european actors overact, Americans have actually created genres from overacting.

You're not really doing a good defense of the show, by saying 'Americans do worse acting'. It's a red herring.

Paolo Sorrentino really likes his melodrama and archetypes/stereotypes. If he wanted the Young Pope to be taken more seriously, then he shouldn't had created characters with huge moles on their faces, and Americans that have to be lifted by crane from their rooms etc. I couldn't help but laugh at several of the subplots and characters introduced.

I watched a lot of Mexican novellas with my mother as a kid, and so I know overacting and cliches when I see them. So it's hard for me to give Sorrentino a pass on his 'vision'.

Hello capeshit watcher.

You're trying too hard.

Welcome to another episode of "a 14 year old opens a thesaurus and makes a word gumbo of no value".

You are watching visual diarrhea.

Every point you made is completely shit desu. All it comes down to is "I didn't like this" That's not a real argument.

Dropped this after 6 episodes. What a piece of shit show.

Prison break

The definition of shitposting right there: vapid comments. Presumably, you either know I'm right and are just being contrarians OR you truly like your shit show, but can't articulate the words to mount a proper defense.

B-but user, you dropped it right before the good part started! There was a speech about peace and love, like the song 'Imagine'. Didn't you care to see how the Kurtwell investigation was concluded? The ending.. such wow!

what a horrible/dumb/edgy person you must be to not like it. You like Hannibal, though, right?

Sorrentino is a literal hack lmao never gonna watch this

It's like Mad Men but with more than two good characters

I don't get the obsession with getting answers from these two tv shows. Leftovers and TYP are dramas, not sci-fi or political thrillers; the point is not answers, but the way the characters react and evolve.


>The cinematography is very derivative and 'trying too hard' to be artful.
Is this your first Sorrentino kino?
>it's not how people would ordinarily speak
it's not?
>The Italian/European actors are the worst offenders. They overact most of the time and then have wooden performances
You're to used to american actors. Americans tend to overact on simple emotions like anger, sadness and joy. People don't act like that in real world. You would probably feel the same way if TYP was a Chinese production.
>with their thick accents speak like characters from a 10th-grade literature novel
Educated people usually do. And considering they have to talk to a lot of foreign people they have to learn those words
>Well, the premise is unrealistic
people said Trump was unrealistic.
>A whole lot of nothing happens
Watch the series again

The Sopranos


This fucking shit.

A lot of words to say 'I'm a huge faggot, please rape my asshole with a carrot'

Is this from the young pope? It looks like a dream sequence in a giallo film.

It is. It's not a dream sequence tho, but a memory

>the state you (you)

If you didn't cry at this scene your are gay

I know it's 'you're


>At the end of the season, I have more questions than answers about the Holy Father and Sister Mary, the Ginger priest, and the Cardinal Sec. of State.

This isn't a mystery show, it's slice of life about cute pope doing cute things and exploring himself in the process.

>The cinematography is very derivative and 'trying too hard' to be artful.

There is a scene where pope literally has a higher ground, another scene where a cute girl is dancing to cute music and don't forget about the scene where pope listens to pop music. The guy is putting all the shit that he finds cool in his show, I don't think that counts as "trying too hard".

>from its mostly human conflicts

it was always about a relationship with god.

I sincerely hope this is bait but I don't really care if it's not either, I just want my comfy pre-american typ threads back.
