New companion is absolutely insufferable

new companion is absolutely insufferable


is she a naygur?

I fucking hate the BBC so much

Granny-scaring to collect licence fees
Protecting Jimmy Saville
Fawning over our disgusting royal family
and filling their racial diversity quota, EVERY FUCKING TIME, with a light-skinned half-black teenager

Britain is like 60% brummie pakistanians, but no other ethnicity even gets a look-in

>ugly big-nosed ingress
Wew, lad.

>but no other ethnicity even gets a look-in
To be fair pretty much every soap has a Pakistani/ Indian family. But apart from that you're right, they're a bigger portion of the population than black people by over double, but because they don't make as big a deal about it, nobody cares.

>black woman and white man
wow racist much?

>Britain is like 60% brummie pakistanians,

Pretty sure that there's a law that you HAVE to have niggers in british productions. Especially if there's a blonde woman who needs a boyfriend. Gotta be a nigger.


she's a dumb, ugly, unfunny half breed. bbc literally has to full quotas by hiring minorities. this is what the far left does to your media nerds. they ruin everything. comics, films, tv, games... nothing will be safe.

Imagine having to work with one of those quota negroes. You have to put up with these untalented idiots who get hired just because of their race instead of working with other good actors.


He's exaggerating, but he's not wrong that they make up a larger portion of the population than black people.

I hope the doctor beats her to death first episode with a soap bar in a sock

Uh, racist and sexist much?

Capaldi is so good in this

Hi cats and cloister.

Did you work yourselves up into a 'nigga' and woman hating frenzy, again, but made a seperate hate thread in case it was erased from/who/?

Fucking cowardly parasites.

is Moffat still showrunner?

this show is going to be shit until someone sacks him and gives someone a chance to fix it.

Yes. Moffat needs to realise he works best in short doses.

the doctor's face in that pic just says it all.

Its not just Britain, Jews are trying to push negresses hard in everything now since black men are nothing special and they want to convince young white men to race mix

this is his last series
chris chibnall is the next showrunner

>worked on Torchwood and Broadchurch
Shit that could actually be good.

I agree with everything except your disrespect for the Royal Family. As soon as your media goes into the final stage of government takeover its going to use useful idiots like you to remove the last emblem of unbroken tradition and British sovereignty because "OY, SOD DA QUEEN M8 WHUT SHE NEED ALL DA QUID FO'?! GIBZ"

when was the last time you fucked someone just because of what you watched on tv?

> light-skinned half-black teenager


So much for England not having racism against black people. You just hide it better.