just embrace it
Just embrace it
Embrace Kek.
He loves us all.
Of course it's a fucking swede
if polcucks weren't so easy to trigger, and wouldn't even reply to those threads, they wouldn't exist
tfw when I'm dark brown
tfw when I have a white gf
tfw when I love that contrast of my dark skin and her pale skin
Sup Forums white boys can't even get a text back!
One on the left is a qt
Im new here, i dont get it.
Whats up with those girls?
Go away summerfag
The skank in the middle looks like she belongs in the Manson family.
Slavic girls with bleached hair doing porn
how is this new?
Kek, what is wrong with their faces?
>left, looks like a retarded mouth breathing men
>middle, has a face that is way to tiny for her head, major inbreed problems i suppose and her nose looks funny
>right, just looks like a tranny.
They were all BLACKED and creampied.
>they have to pay them extra to fuck nigs
>things that never happened
Still dont get it. Sorry my english is terrible.
Whats blacked? Did they like, get painted with body paint or something? Also whats a creampie, some kind of dessert?
.....oh wait, you were expecting a reaction. kek
Quit shitposting on pol and go remove kebab from your train stations.
Lazy fucking krauts.
Fucking hate when they show girls in previews and covers like this and when you get to see the pussy it's a fucking roast beef sandwich.
either you're baiting or you're a complete newfag. I'm not quite sure
Take your own advice and hunt down some fucking niggers you stupid faggot
Oh look this thread again
>1 post by this JID