Human evolution proven FALSE

Bill Nye DEMOLISHES Sup Forums. How will they ever recuperate from this?

Is it even possible for Sup Forums to properly refute this argument? The race debate is over.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Scientist denies evolution
We've come full circle

Bill Nye isn't a scientist. He has a fucking bachelors in engineering

>evidence of common sense
>common sense

these pics don't usually trigger me but this takes the cake.


>no source

Wow, completely demolished!

>Taking this literally
Holy shit the human race is really going downhill

>one race - the human race
>no such thing as race
looks like age took a toll on his g factor

Sickle cell wants to have a word with Bill Nye

And the circle is unbroken
by and by Lord by and by
there's a better home a waitin
In the sky Lord in the sky


Bill Nye is a waste of fucking air.

Then there is no racism?
BLM is nonsensical because there is no race?

Wow, really made me think

Bunch of non sequitur and sophistry by an engineer. I'm so btfo, not.

(((Bill Nye)))

If people don't want to do science then they shouldn't by doing science. The fuck is Bill's problem anyway?


>Consequences of ultraviolet light, of latitude and climate.
So he is arguing that humanity has subdivided because of geographical separation. he just doesn't want to call it "race".. but it is, by definition.

Here comes another suedo nigger talking about bill nye the science GOY on Sup Forums. Go home shill.

>leftists actually listen to and believe in media personalities they loved as children.

I think it's about time someone threw Bill Nye into a black hole. Maybe he'd fit up Neil deGrasse Tyson's.

>we are all human beans, made of starbursts, equality for all, blah blah, stop killing
>except for fetuses

"The color of our ancestors... latitude and climate."

That may well be true but that doesn't mean there aren't other differences. Anyway, nothing he says in the white text actually supports the yellow text. Barely anyone on Sup Forums denies the things said in the white text.

Bill Nye is a mechanical engineer.

There is evidence against light skin merely being an adaptation for increased Vitamin D production in lower light climates.

Fish that live in caves consistently lose their sight, because blindness genes aren't selected against, and OCA2 (a melenin pathway gene) activity, this cannot be a selective advantage involving vitamin D production.

In some native American populations and Africans, a deactivated form of OCA2 has up to 4.5% frequency but having two copies of this gene causes albinism, a major selective disadvantage. This would not be so common if there wasn't an advantage to carrying a single copy of the gene that offsets the disadvantage of the double copy. Similar to the sickle-cell genes, but not conferring as great an advantage.

It is highly likely that the genes involved in hair, skin, and eye colour aren't just superficial, nor are they merely selective advantages for UV light absorption or seeing in caves, they seem to be parts of complex polygenic traits which the melanin producing version confers selective disadvantages.

You're an idiot. Please leave Sup Forums.

shill nye the science goy!

Not an argument.

He's technically right, there is still only one human species. Colloquially he's wrong, as race is defined through cultural boundaries which very much exist.

I invented the argument you useless piece of shit.

He's right. Race is a social construct, and one that is only pushed by demented liberals and delusional KKK-fags

Potato Nigs are confirmed subhuman

>we are one species
no fucking shit, but that's not race means

Bill Nye the Mechanical Engineer Pandering to Tween/Threenagers Who Watched Him Decades Ago Guy



>bill nye the memer guy
>unironically taking pop scientists seriously

But he is wrong

"Guys! Skin colour is only a matter of pigment 'n shieeet!"

>somehow means that besides colour, races literally don't have any other differences whatsoever

This really infuriates me like nothing else.

While the statement is obviously wrong, i'd be fine if this was what the left was actually pushing. It would be a "noble lie" that keeps racial tensions down and keeps people from hating each other.

But what the left actually pushes is mionority chauvinism and white prostration.

Fuck bill I'm not dying on this planet

Here's James Watson. Fifty years ago he was awarded Nobel Prize for discovering DNA structure. It did not help him when ten years ago he was kicked out of his own laboratory for saying that niggers are more stupid than whites. Scientific community, who lives in a constant fear of losing funding and therefore is eager to suck government's and big corporations' dicks, ostracized Watson immediately for "muh racism". And you keep listening to this TV clown.

>Bill Nye

Chose one fucking leaf!!!

Race is only skin deep

Bill Nye is 100% wrong, but these images are also most likely wrong because they're based on flawed research conducted by Richard Lynn. His sample sizes in third world countries are small and not randomly chosen, and he also ignores the fact that there is an impact on IQ if your environment is as bad as it is in 3rd world countries. I promise you that no race has an average IQ below 75.

>If only women deliberately choose to enroll in STEM.

Women scientists are the most fuckable ones.

>le meme scientist

Humans are about 95 percent similar to one another genetically but that 5 percent makes all the difference.

Skin color doesn't mean shit, IQ disparities do which is mostly nature and cant be changed.

Bill Nye has a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering.

I have a Masters degree and can't stand the negro.

I am correct, Bill is uneducated.

But that's wrong, you fucking retard

>95 percent similar

That figure can't be right because we are 99% genetically similar to the Chimpanzee

(((bill Nye))

>race = skin color
Dawkins should slap down this hack like he did with Lewontin. Even most fedoratards are based enough not to deny race.

You fools don't realise the implications of this. If there's really no race, stuff like
- affinity action
- #blacklivesmatter
- fuck white men
etc. instantly loses merit. If the difference between white and black skin is a trait like big/small nose, then the absurdity of the above propositions is very clear!

>Human evolution proven FALSE
>Bill Nye DEMOLISHES Sup Forums

You're right it isn't, I forgot what it was again.

race exists and there are quite a few distinct races

also bless the user that found this chart

Well then explain sickle cell anemia...

Sup Forums: 1
Bill Nye: 0

It's like 99.98%. Completely irrelevant though. If you were genetically identical to someone outside of one gene but that one gene made that person insanely violent would you want to be around said person?

Also we have like 78% gene similarity to sea sponges.

you saying Whites are cave people?

We are all once spices who evolved and branched off from one another over time.
Like every other living thing we migrated, adapted, survived, and flourished thus allowing further migration and repeating cycles.

Wolves and Dogs are related but you wouldn't see a Chihuahua running with a pack of feral Wolves.


I'm saying that no common genetic trait is arbitrary.

parsimony, I agree
but sexual selection is also involved

There are many differences between races.

1. Sherpas tribes super athlete gene
2. Some Indonesian groups still have up to 6 percent DNA of the extinct denisovan hominin, an early and inferior man that mated with neanderthals
3. Red haired Europeans require more anesthesia
4. Asperger syndrome is almost nil in Africans (Aspergers has been removed with DSM 5 though)
5. Africans are less suscetipble to diseases most present in Africa
6. Abo's and the warrior gene which makes them a lot more prone to violence
7. IQ disparities explaining the positions of the races in society
8. Races with a lower intelligence are a lot more prone to be diagnosed with a mental illness

Why is there so much Americoid DNA in Europe?

>He's right. Race is a social construct, and one that is only pushed by demented liberals and delusional KKK-fags

Your snarky side comment aside, If race were a 'Social Construct' they why can it be measured genetically?

Because race is determined genetically.


>The only part of the human body that altered due to natural selection across the world is a change in skin pigment despite Africans having to endure intense heat and murderous wildlife.

Fuck off Bill Nye.

Australians and San people (light blue) are two places that failed to develop any form of agriculture at all, so their IQ is likely below the rest of humanity, if no-one else.

Native Americans migrated from Asia a long ass time ago, so it stands that the remnants of that leaked into Europe a little.

Sauce? The graph is interesting but worthless without it.

whiter than 99% of Sup Forums

Shhhhhuuuure budy.

wish I had it, I forget the place he pulled it from

They weren't Americoid until a long time after geographical isolation from Eurasia.

>implying race is just skin color
>equates species with race
>slippery slope from race to stardust
>appeal to emotions
Holy fuck, ist that guy even a real scientist or does he just have a PhD in leftist propaganda?


There is 1 human species but only because WE choose to categorize it that way, it could easily be different. Race defined: "each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics."; it's not cultural it's physical, it's science. To be a race denier you have to be deaf, dumb and blind and in an emergency deserve a bone marrow transplant from someone of a different race, that will be fun to see.

Somebody post the albino niggers pic

Even if it's merely an aesthetic preference, it's possible that the genes that express that aesthetic are part of polygenic traits.

How can be 99% similar to chimpanzee if they have 2 more chromosomes then us

Oh god I love this meme:
>Bill Nye is not a scientist
>He's just a scientist

Owning a degree in science (B.S) means you're a scientist. But I guess the typical trumpkin couldn't process something so complex.

Literally only has a Bachelor's

That's ethnicity. Race is a combination of stereotypes based on external appearances and behaviors. If we stopped propagating these stereotypes, they'd go away. We'd still have genetic differences though.



holy fuck you're gay and retarded.

He's 16 years outdated.

He's a fucking engineer, he has no more business talking about biology than I do.

Haha, let me guess, he's an atheist aswell, ahahaha. Bill Nye...but even I can't argue against this.

Well, technically, that's one chromosome in difference, and the only difference is that in our case two of our chromosomes are combined.

>Bachelor of Science

Ever heard of a B.Eng?

and thus white science mans carer ended leaving black science man and asian science man sad at the loss of their college

That's still not biology you fucking retard

Wait, so Neanderthals are homo-sapiens?

And even then, he just defines species, not race. It seems to me that indigenous people of different environments developed a different phenotype to survive better. That may not be evolutionary enough to distinguish between species, but definitely peoples.

>We have to work together

Sure Bill it sounds easy doesn't it? Let's promote globalism. Surely Syrians will integrate well into societies with higher average IQ's that are counter to their culture. Surely blacks will understand that because of their lower average IQ, violent crime rates are in conjunction with police violence, and that other races are recipients of police violence for being incompetent delinquents as well. Surely everyone's going to understand that dishonest media is pushing an illogical, emotional fueled narrative. It's all easy. It's all a piece of cake, Bill. Let's just solve all of this by mixing and breeding, hoping that eventually we'll conquer this whole "race taboo"!! Everyone will get along when we're all the same color. We have to work together.

there are 4 distinct human species. this is a fact.

the only people that dispute this are leftist 'one race' niggerloving/fearing faggots.

The figure toothpaste is thinking of is 85% variation being intrarace and 15% being interrace.

This is sometimes used as proof that people within a race are potentially more dissimilar than people who are of different races.

It's technically true, but the 15% is "more important". All humans will have, for example, a "nose size" gene within the 85%, but each race will have genes that produce the characteristic differences in the 15%. A black and a white may have the same size gene, giving them both a smaller than average nose for their own race, but completely different genes within the 15% that turn it into a white nose or a black nose.

To really make the point clear, the intrabreed similarity in dogs is something like 78%, so the remaining 22% can cause the difference between a great dane and a chihuahua.

Here is how their logic goes
>morons call the human species the human race
>therefore race=species
>blacks and whites can interbreed
>therefore they are the same specie (correct)
>therefore it's the same race (idiotic)

They found no thing that only members of certain races possess not found in other races therefore to them race does not exist.

However many things are prevalent in certain races and not others. The prevalence of genes and traits is what we call race and so race is real.