What twists and subplots do you want to see in the upcoming season?
Twin Peaks Season 3
Michael Cera as the son of Lucy and Andy
Jennifer Jason Leigh as the FBI Agent who made the "Secret History of Twin Peaks" dossier
First thing they need to wrap up is whether Dick Tremayne managed to replace his tire
Bobby is the new sheriff.
BOB/Agent Cooper owns the diner now
Interesting thoughts. I'm liking the idea of a subplot to do with the diner, perhaps some of the returning characters work together to restore the double r to its former glory.
I'll check em for you.
I'm looking forward to David Lynch finishing the medium and possibly all of art and mass communication.
Super heroes
Twist: It's not as shit as the previous 2 seasons
Subplot: It's not as shit as the previous 2 seasons
Michael Cera as BOB
I really think we need closure on James
where did he go? how far did he travel? did he meet any more milfs on the way? did he get caught up in their lives?
these are important questions
What the actual fuck happened to Cooper, and how has he dealt with becoming Bob for like 25 years.
Will we ever know how's Annie?
>Cathy Martell and the death of her brother and husband
>Audrey and what happened to her
>Lucy and Andy raising Dick's kid
>Who will replace all of the dead actors
>Bob/Cooper vs Cooper
>The White Lodge
>Annie Blackburn
It's worth it for the kino Miss Twin Peaks episode.
More Gordon Cole hopefully
Trent Reznor is new Sheriff of Twin Peaks
Mariqueen is his Josie
daily reminder that shelly johnson was the best girl in twin peaks. 3rd season will be nothing but trash without her.
Shelly is in season 3
haha that's not best girl.
I literally do not remember this subplot and I just watched it recently
Do you think Bid Ed or Mike ever tried plowing her extra hole?
season 2 was pure, unadulterated kino
probably a coping mechanism
this was the only subplot I gave a shit about in season 2
is this the best tv show ever created?
>That time Lynch did a music video about the Black Lodge
(stretching, just thought it was funny)
fun fact lynch did do a PS2 ad back in the day
I want to have a moment like this with my dad
>tfw James returns in his old clothes, on his old bike in a climactic moment of the show's finale to save the day
Implying you wouldn't lose your shit Sup Forums
>implying she didn't do the plowing
Beyond the Pilot did Bobby ever go to school?
What a madman.
based angelo and david. this is my favorite video on youtube
me2 ;_;
The Young Pope comes close but yes.
I like that Lynch went against the archetype of a military man in tv. I can't think of a dingle moment where Riggs raised his voice, even at the shittiest Bobby moments. And it wasn't out of disinterest of his son but instead love and patience. Firm, but empathetic.
Probably one of the best TV dads out there.
i like that secret history shed a little light on him, even if it was a dim one
my man got that perfect courage
I only just realised that was David Duchovny
i-it counts
I can't think of a single moment where Briggs raised his voice*
rare qt coming through.
>cast a 10/10 qt in your show
>write yourself into it so you can make out with her in front of her love interest
>Chad Thunderlynch
What the fuck was her problem with Leland?
new shoes
>"I really don't like my wife anymore. I don't know what I should do about it.... hmmm...I know!.. David you are a genius!"
baby laxative
she's a battered high school dropout who works in a diner. she needs a dark sense of humor to get through the days. poor Shelley didn't catch a break until Gordon Cole walked in.
>Wakes up from his coma
>He saw everything
>Extracts bloody revenge on Bobby.
severely underrated movie
She did/does all the plowing.
Every thread. He looks so stupid.
Best irrelevant side plot
Bobby causes mass hypnosis on Twin Peaks High
Is Josie still a knob?
>25 years later, Josie is being sold for $5 at a thrift store.
They really captured the fat piece of shit hipster demographic that this show appeals to.
This holy shit how was that bit never fucking touched on again
I mean you can just leave it at that but did no one fucking see the knob has fucking screaming face shape to it now
Its like how Bobby killed a man is never mentioned again.
>mom watched this when it was airing as a teenager
>went from casual viewer to dedicated fan, had a massive crush on Cooper, styled her hair to be like Audrey's, all that shit
>true fan, loves everything, even the bad stuff like James' Shitty Noir part
>Is fascinated with the "weird parts", thinks they're imaginative as hell
>even saw the film, didn't like it back then but has grown a bit around it, says it has too much weird and not enough heart. I keep telling her that's the point.
>she's excited as fuck for the new season
>says she wants to see Audrey and Coop finally getting together, how Andy and Lucy are doing, if Bobby matured into a honorable man like his dad, that shit, she wants to see more of the comfy town stuff, more laughs.
>tfw I'm afraid she'll be too weirded out/disappointed with Lynch's 18-hour unrestrained kino train of weird fucked up shit
I hope she likes it. I truly do, she introduced me to it, we watched it together and she actually called me to say they were making season 3, super excited.
I think you should introduce her to other things Lynch did. Start with Cowboy and a Frenchman because it's pretty much a prototype of Twin Peaks, then Elephant Man, Straight Story, Blue Velvet...
>Lynch's 18-hour unrestrained kino train
Hallelujah for that.
Surprised lynch actually sounds like that. Thought he was putting on an accent.
I just started this show, it takes time to get good.
Deadly Premonition is better in my opinion.
Every single character and prop played by a CGI Paul Dano
I hope they don't do this though.
It would possibly undercut the spiritual dimension to the show already there by turning them into aliens or something. Spirits / demons / entities are more interesting.
The book was more or less exclusively about UFOs in Twin Peaks.
I would be fine with anything as its 18 hours of lynch directed television. TV can only be on-par with cinema if it truly has an auteur behind it
trips confirm
Yeah, that's actually why I mention it. It seems like a reckless thing to throw in there, like a midichlorians type element.
For You
If they do include aliens I can only hope its some Eraserhead baby level creepy. That would at least save it somewhat.
thankfully it isnt canon
How isn't it?
Lynch hasn't read the book.
The biggest twist is that it is one of the dullest franchises in the history of tv franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy FBI agent and his pals from Twin Peaks Sheriff Department as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Frost vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his scripts. The Twin Peaks series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least FWWM was good though
The writing is dreadful; the script was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a fire walk with me, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Lynch's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Twin Peaks by the same JJ Abrams. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Twin Peaks at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch JJ Abrams." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Twin Peaks" you are, in fact, trained to watch JJ Abrams.
>remember when this show was an eerie murder mystery
Alright. Just wanted some clarification. Certain parts are canon though clearly like Pete's death and Jacoby being banned from practising medicine as well as Catherine's ultimate fate.
Fucking hell even season 2's characters look like shitty knock-offs
This always bothered me
I hope Sheryl Lee has significant screen time, whether as Laura or a new character
Here's your (you)
nigger it was already in there did you even watch season two at all
The obvious answer is that UFO phenomena in Twin Peaks is caused by Black Lodge spirits, not the other way around. In season 2 /THE OWLS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM/ and /COOPER/COOPER/COOPER/ are literally picked up as a radio transmissions from space
Every time Audrey turns up I can't fucking take it. Why is she so perfect?
rethink that
So Coop did make the right choice? Can you post a recent picture of Annie. I'd like to know how is she?
Sherilyn Fenn is 52 and looks great. I would definitely still fuck her.
She's still gorgeous imo.