What does Sup Forums think of Four Lions?

What does Sup Forums think of Four Lions?

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Comedy kino.

Fuck mini Babybel.

Fucking hilarious. I'm writing something inspired by it except it's about radical left wing slacktivists.

it's one of my favorite comedies

Jews invented spark plugs to control global traffic!

Hilarious, but with tons of heart.

that's original



Underrated movie

>no sequel/spiritual successor where the lads go to Syria to join ISIS

Sequels are almost always shit because the spirit of the idea never existed in the artist's original intent.

It's for the best.

>radios tactical command to ask if a wookie is a bear

Apparently the white character ("Barry") is based on a real-life neo-Nazi, who started reading the Koran to use it against Muslims in online debates. He ended up converting himself to Islam instead ...

I doubt they'd ever be let in after their huge fuckup with the rocket launcher in Afghanistan.

A really funny film.

Sad how you can't make a film like that again after just 7 years.

2nd Obama Term and its world wide repercutions where a mistake

Do you have a source for that?

Disappointing and overrated. The absurd comedy felt at odds with the drama. And avoiding giving anyone motivations for their actions undermined the story in general.

Nah, its based on an alleged accomplice of the 7/7 bombers. Some big white guy who witnesses say was always the most vociferous of the crew. Outrageously so, almost like he was trying to attract attention. Was apparently ex-sbs so the conspiracy theorists reckon he was a plant to either egg them on for a false flag op, or a spy who was meant to stop them but fucked up. Now teaches english at a school in Abu Dhabi apparently.

Are we allowed to quote IMDb here?

>According to Christopher Morris, Barry, the Jihadist group leader, was based on a former BNP member who in an attempt to out-knowledge the Asian youths he regularly assaulted, studied the Qur'an and as a result "accidentally converted himself" and became a Muslim.


>Barry, the Jihadist group leader

But the leader was Omar

its literallly
>Reddit: The British """Comedy""""" Film

im not surprised you underage cucks here on neo Sup Forums are worshipping it

So what exactly is reddit about it?

If you are willing to make such a strong claim I'm sure you'll have no problem defending your point of view.

I enjoyed it

> I’ll just finish this, then we’re all off to heaven, all right?

Makes me laugh every time

>What, you can fuck her but you can't kill her? What's wrong with you?
>there you go, knife and fork. make a fucking meal of it


just wanted a (you) desu

I don't edit IMDb, buddy.

Whoa, dude. Really made me think.


>He must be the target, I just shot it
I forgot how good this is.

The lads are all dead m8.

Hey look, an angry Murcan shouting at random people.

That's not something you see every day, is it?